
  • Palworld may eventually come to PlayStation platforms, according to a recent Twitter interaction with PlayStation's Shuhei Yoshida.
  • While there is no confirmation of a PS5 version yet, fans have expressed their desire to see Palworld on PlayStation consoles.
  • With its success on Xbox and the potential for a large player base on PS5, "Palworld" has the opportunity to expand even further in the future.

Overnight sensation Palworld could potentially come to PlayStation platforms at some point down the line, if a recent social media interaction is any indication. Palworld has been a massive success, selling over 5 million copies at last count and becoming one of the most popular Steam games of all time. Palworld's sales success is especially impressive when one considers that it's only available on three platforms.

As of January 2024, Palworld is only available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, meaning both PlayStation and Nintendo gamers are missing out on the phenomenon. While fans shouldn't expect to see Palworld come to PS4 or PS5 at any point in the near future, there is at least some hope that the game could eventually make its way to PlayStation consoles.

Palworld Lets You Catch Human NPCs With Its Version of Poke Balls

A streamer learns that Palworld allows players to use Pal Spheres to catch human NPCs as if they were Pals, opening up a new way to earn money.

This is thanks to a recent interaction that PlayStation's Shuhei Yoshida had with a fan on Twitter. Yoshida responded to a tweet from Palworld about the game's sales numbers by saying, "Congratulations." A fan then responded to Yoshida, asking that he help make sure that the PS5 version of Palworld is released "as soon as possible." Yushida simply responded, "Yes." In that same tweet, Yushida tagged PlayStation's Jingwen Zhu. For the uninitiated, Jingwen Zhu works for PlayStation's Partner Development, so the right people are being notified about fan demand to see Palworld come to PS5.

If Palworld were to come to PS5, it's easy to see how the game would be an instant success on that platform as well. Even though Palworld is on Xbox Game Pass, its sales have been through the roof, and with the PS5's sizable install base, the game would have the chance to grow even bigger.

What Systems Can You Play Palworld On?

  • PC
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series S
  • Xbox Series X

Of course, with Palworld readily available to play on Xbox One, it's likely that a PS4 version of the game is also in the cards. Even though many gamers have moved on to the PS5, there are many others who still use the PS4 as their go-to console. And with the PS4 having sold over 117 million units at last count, it's easy to see how bringing Palworld to the platform would be a worthwhile endeavor on the part of Pocketpair.

Regardless of if or when Palworld comes to PS5, fans of the game should have a lot to look forward to in the months and years ahead. Future Palworld updates are expected to bring new features to the game, and considering the sheer number of players it currently enjoys, one has to imagine that the developers now have the resources to do more with the game than ever thought possible.