Palworld is one of the unique entries in the gaming industry as it's a monster-capturing title with open-world and survival gameplay mechanics. While it has enough to give it its unique identity, it can still improve by learning and borrowing from the competition. Since it seems that Palworld cannot escape being called a Pokemon clone, the game may as well adopt one of the popular mechanics of its biggest competitor.

The Sakurajima update bound for Palworld arguably shows that the game is lacking in the battling department right now. The upcoming addition of a new stronghold, PvP mode, faction, and Pals is a sign that the developers are aware of this and are doing what they can to improve it. If Pocket Pair continues in the path of making combat more appealing, then it can stand to borrow a boss rush-like mode similar to Pokemon's Elite Four. The game already has the content necessary to implement it, and the development team has the opportunity to do it in their unique way.

Palworld's Next Major Update Highlights a Big Issue

Palworld's upcoming update highlights a bigger issue with the game.

How Palworld Can Create its Own Version of Pokemon’s Elite Four

Palworld's enemy factions may need some work in certain aspects, but their leaders offer a challenge that makes them the perfect choice for the game's version of the Elite Four. However, Palworld cannot just directly copy what its competitor is known for; it should have its own version that none of them have yet to do. Some ways that the game can do so include:

  • A plotline involving all the faction leaders coming together to put an end to the player in a gauntlet-style match
  • A future update where the arena could host a PvE tournament involving the faction leaders fighting with only a single Pal and the player having the same stipulation
  • Instead of the faction leaders, the player takes on all the Sealed Realm bosses in a gauntlet meant to test skill, power, knowledge, and endurance

These ideas could fit nicely in the game, but their implementation will be difficult. Developers will need to keep in mind how players can cheese boss fights in Palworld and find other game-breaking workarounds, as these things must be resolved for the boss rush-type mode to work. That said, there is a lot of potential in using either the faction leaders or the sealed realm bosses and Pocket Pair should consider doing so.

The Effects of Having Something Like a Boss Rush Mode in Palworld

While the mode itself is an extra layer of content that provides players with more to do, it can also help expand the game's other aspects. The more recent Pokemon entries have shown that the game's strongest trainers, the Elite Four, can be used to establish interesting plot points with proper character development until challenged. Adding a boss rush mode can do something similar to every faction boss in Palworld, giving them more purpose other than being a standalone challenging enemy.

This also brings the possibility of giving the game an actual story. As it stands, players are spending their time catching the strongest Pals for combat or upgrading and fortifying their bases, as there is no story for them to undergo, other than collecting pieces of lore and fighting bosses. A future update that introduces a boss rush-type mode via a coherent and compelling plot point could help change all that. There is a lot for the developers to work with, as the different syndicates and legendary Pals in the game make for obvious choices as plot devices. It would seem a wasted opportunity not to use them as they already have the background details and setup fitting for a Palworld storyline.

Although Palworld is one of the creature-collecting games that's different from Pokemon, it could benefit from having something similar to its competitor's Elite Four. If done right, Pocket Pair will have another thing that can help give its game a big new reason to invest in combat Pals.