
  • Palworld players are discovering and sharing creative in-game structures, like a massive waterslide built on a cliff overlooking a lake.
  • The customization options in Palworld allow for endless possibilities in building and crafting unique structures and bases.
  • The game's popularity is growing rapidly, with players excited for future updates that will introduce new content, Pals, areas, bosses, and PvP/crossplay features.

While working on their base, one Palworld player ended up creating an epic waterslide. As Palworld is one of the biggest new releases out there, players are still finding out all sorts of in-game secrets and sharing them with the community. Most players would likely never stumble across this sort of contraption in their own playthrough, but the beauty of a large fan community is that at least one gamer has likely tried something ridiculously ingenious like this before.

As a survival game, building a base in Palworld is an essential early step for any player starting out. That being said, many gamers are going the extra mile and crafting some truly incredible structures. Waterslides certainly aren't required for any Palworld playthrough, but the sheer amount of customization options opens up all sorts of creative possibilities.

Palworld Gets New Update on Xbox

Developer Pocketpair releases a new update for mega hit Palworld that specifically targets the Xbox and Microsoft Store PC versions of the game.

Palworld Player Shows Off Massive In-Game Waterslide

Reddit user Key2Life4Me_Improve has shared a clip of a waterslide-like structure they built in Palworld. The slide is built on a tall cliff overlooking a small lake. Even though the slide doesn't have any water flowing over it like a typical waterslide, the structure is steep enough to make the player slip across it before being launched into the air. After falling for a few seconds, the player eventually lands safely in the lake below.

Palworld players have been building all sorts of structures in the game, ranging from practical to absurd. One gamer even built the Shiganshina District from Attack on Titan in Palworld. Whether it's RPGs with robust building mechanics like Starfield or cozy sim titles like Animal Crossing, there are always dedicated players ready to construct all sorts of amazing in-game things either inspired by pop culture or crafted from pure imagination. Of course, Palworld's base building is no different.

palworld base and factory

Like other games with robust creation options, players have taken to social media to share some of their impressive builds. For example, one Palworld player showed off their fortified base that is supposedly immune to incoming raids.

Still in the early days of the online survival shooter/creature-collecting game, Palworld is absolutely exploding in terms of popularity. The game was initially dubbed "Pokemon with guns" by gamers, but reception to the early access title proves it is already much more. With Palworld still in early access, there is sure to be plenty of content to come. Fans are already excited about Palworld's future content roadmap that promises new Pals, areas, and bosses along with PvP and crossplay.