A Palworld player made a surprising discovery out at sea after finding a group of floating structures that can be built on. Other Palword fans speculated about its purpose.

Palworld continues to take the gaming world by storm as it reached 2.1 million concurrent Steam players on January 27. Palworld has yet to overtake that metric at the time of writing, but it seems likely that the game will remain extremely popular for some time to come. "Pokemon with guns" has seen its fair share of controversy, but for the most part, fans continue to enjoy Palworld's unique blend of Pal catching, base building, and survival aspects. Another way Palworld players can entertain themselves is by exploring the game's large map, which has led one player to make an interesting discovery.

Palworld Gets New Update on Xbox

Developer Pocketpair releases a new update for mega hit Palworld that specifically targets the Xbox and Microsoft Store PC versions of the game.

Reddit user Supersees found a group of structures out at sea that were floating on the water's surface. These objects included a house, a hut, and a collection of debris scattered about. The user provided the coordinates for the strange discovery, which are at -475, -880, and noted that they can be built on. Another user speculated that the structures might be a tease for a potential fishing update in the future, a feature that was seen in a Palworld trailer but is still missing from the game. The structures were found a significant distance from the shore, so it's not clear whether they were left in the game by accident or left intentionally for players to stumble upon.

Where to Find Palworld's Mysterious Floating Objects at Sea

  • Coordinates -475, -880

Some fans hope that water-based features like fishing will be added in the future. However, Palworld recently revealed its plans for future updates, which did not include fishing. While this might come as a disappointment to fishing fans, Palworld explained that PvP, Raid Bosses, and Pal Arena will come in future updates, all of which sound like promising additions.

Palworld Best Electric Pals

Some fans think that the approaching addition of PvP in Palworld might prove to be chaotic due to a datamined item. Radar Spheres will allow users to capture other players' Pals, leading some to envision a more toxic Palworld environment where one always has to be on the lookout for Pal stealers. However, this is just speculation, and Palworld may introduce additional mechanics to balance the new feature.

Although there are plenty of cool Palworld features already in the game, there are also a surprising amount of missing features that were shown in the game's trailers. In addition to fishing, Palworld's trailers showcased rocket ships, vehicles, unreleased dungeons, more Pals, and a city-like palace location. While Palworld hasn't confirmed that all of these features are still coming to the game, it seems possible that they will arrive sometime in the future.


Pocket Pair's Palworld is a creature-collection game set in an open-world. Entering early access on January 19, 2024, the project blends survival, building, farming, monster breeding, and shooter elements.

January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.