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  • Some Pals in Palworld are not worth the effort to catch, but it doesn't mean they are bad, just that there are better options available.
  • Cool designs and appearances don't always equate to usefulness in the game.
  • Capturing certain Pals, like Cinnamoth and Woolipop, may not offer significant benefits or contribute much to a player's success in Palworld.

After smashing records in its first months of release, Palworld has become more and more recognizable, with players now formulating which Pals are good and bad. Tier lists, passionate Reddit posts, and fan accounts of different Pals all over social media are proof that certain Pals are quickly becoming favorites, whilst others are getting exposed as weak.

Palworld Guide Hub - Tips, Base Building, Best Pals, & More

Palworld has over 100 Pals to find and a vast map to explore, not to mention a ton of dungeons to explore and items to gather and craft.

It is important that Palworld players know which Pals to avoid when roaming the map, as they may find themselves fighting battles and capturing Pals that are essentially useless and not worth the effort whatsoever. It is key to remember that some Pals might not be worth the effort of catching, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily "bad." It only means that there may be other Pals that are easier to catch and are generally better.

7 Arsox

A Cool Design But Lacks Speed

  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv 2 and Lumbering Lv 1
  • Rarity: 4

Rideable mounts are possibly the most valued Pals in Palworld, with stamina easily being destroyed when running. Being able to ride a Pal makes life much easier. Although Arsox is rideable, there are plenty of better mounts out there that are much quicker and have better attacking stats that are more worth capturing.

Additionally, Arsox is, for some reason, a very annoying and awkward Pal to capture. With Arsox's fire abilities, players will find themselves scrambling for water and rolling around often when taking on an Arsox. Granted, Arsox does have a very cool design, with flames all around its wolf-like body, creating a badass-looking Pal. However, the effort of capturing one is not worth it, not because Arsox is necessarily a bad Pal, but because there are many other Pals that are much better as mounts.

6 Mau

Style Doesn't Equate To Worth

Palworld Pals To Sell Mau
  • Work Suitability: Farming Lv 1
  • Rarity: 1

Unfortunately, in Palworld, Mau, who is a very cool-looking Pal with a beautiful black and gold colorway, is not worth the effort of catching. Although Maus, in the grand scheme of things, are relatively easy to catch, players will notice that they are not too common to stumble upon when roaming the map.

So, when players eventually do stumble upon a Mau, they see the cool design and instantly think that this Pal could be strong. However, Mau's stats for working in a base are pretty useless, apart from the collecting skill. They have decent attack stats, but they are not good enough to warrant the effort of catching one.

5 Cinnamoth

A Surprisingly Formidable Foe That Offers Little In Return

Palworld Worst Pals For Combat Cinnamoth
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv 2 and Medicine Production Lv 1
  • Rarity: 4

Cinnamoth may be pretty common to spot around the map of Palworld. However, it can be an annoying Pal to defeat, with its flying ability being very frustrating to play against. Cinnamoth also possesses poison abilities that chip away at the player's health bar, making fighting one feel much more difficult than it should be.

Palworld: The Best Pal Of Each Type, Ranked

There are nine types of Pals available to be captured in Palworld, each with different benefits and drawbacks. Here are the best Pals of each type.

After finally catching a Cinnamoth, players will notice that their Cinnamoths do very little when it comes to work production in bases. They can only plant or make medicine, which are two work elements that easier-to-catch Pals can do alongside many other things. Thus, the Cinnamoth, despite its cute design, is not worth a player's time or effort.

4 Cawgnito

A Dark Bird That Does Very Little

Palworld Cawgnito Not Worth Catching
  • Work Suitability: Lumbering Lv 1
  • Rarity: 3

Palworld has a habit of having some very cool designs on almost useless Pals, and Cawgnito is no exception. The mysterious, witch-doctor-looking bird Pal is a dark Pal, which immediately indicates that in base working situations, it may be less useful than others.

Although its damage stats, once captured, are middle-of-the-road, it can be an annoyance to capture a Cawgnito due to its unusual attack style that can cause problems for players. Considering this, it makes Cawgnito not worth the effort to capture, as the lack of base-building stats are just too low to warrant one at a player's base.

3 Lovander

A Fun Design But Weak

lovander palworld
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv 2, Medicine Production Lv 2, Mining Lv 1, and Transporting Lv 2
  • Rarity: 5

Despite Lovander being a more popular Pal due to its humorous Pal Deck description and number, this Pal is, unfortunately, not really useful at all in comparison to many others. Lovander only appears at night and on occasional raids, so catching one isn't too simple either.

Players will find themselves hunting around for a while when looking for a Lovander, and although it is a relatively cool and fun design for a Pal, its abilities in combat and base-building attributes are simply not enough in return for a nighttime hunt. Palworld players should steer clear from Lovander unless they want to catch one purely to read its Pal Deck description.

2 Syndicate Thugs

Controversial And Pretty Useless

Palworld: Humans
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv 1
  • Rarity: 1

Yes, Palworld players can capture humans and assign them to bases. Specifically, Syndicate Thugs are probably the most common human enemy that players will encounter. Despite their lack of rarity, they are, in fact, relatively difficult to capture, with the percentage chance for a standard Pal Sphere being significantly lower than most Pals.

Palworld: 6 Pals You Should Not Sell

There are some Pals found in Palworld who may be worth a lot of gold, but are even more valuable when they're put to work in the correct way.

Obviously, this will get easier as players progress through the game and unlock more powerful Pal Spheres. However, it is still not worth the effort to attack them enough to the point where players are able to capture a Syndicate Thug. The Thugs, while being questionable Pals in the first place due to the fact that they are literal humans, have essentially no useful stats, which means they will simply stroll around the base most of the time.

1 Woolipop

A Sweet Pal But A Waste Of Time

Palworld Pals To Sell Woolipop
  • Work Suitability: Farming Lv 1
  • Rarity: 3

Probably the biggest waste of time in Palworld is spent catching Woolipops. Yes, the design is cute, but that does not mean Woolipops are worth catching, as they are possibly the number one most useless Pals in the game. All a Woolipop can do for players of Palworld is drop cotton candy, which, when consumed, barely affects a player's hunger bar at all.

Although a Woolipop doesn't require too much effort to catch, it does require players to physically attack it and throw a Pal Sphere at it, which alone is too much effort when looking at what a Woolipop can produce, which is a grand total of nothing. Players should only look to capture a Woolipop if they love cute things, have a sweet tooth, or want to get 100% completion.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival