
  • Players want to improve the Palbox in Palworld by adding markers to highlight star ratings, which would greatly enhance usability.
  • Suggestions from players include marking Pals as favorites or using special markers to avoid mistakes when selling creatures.
  • Palworld's early access still has room for improvements, including bug fixes and quality-of-life changes to enhance the game.

Some Palworld players have a neat idea to improve the Palbox: allowing gamers to add markers highlighting the star ratings of each creature. Collecting Pals is at the heart of Palworld, but many players are not entirely happy with the current limitations of the Palbox, and this idea could greatly improve its usability.

Despite Palworld being a huge hit, reaching over 19 million players in less than a month, the survival game is still in early access, and that comes with caveats. There are currently many areas in which Palworld can still be improved, such as fixing bugs, improving its performance, or adding quality-of-life changes.

Palworld Chart Shows One of the Best Pals for Breeding

A fanmade Palworld chart shows why one surprising Pal is one of the best for breeding purposes, as it allows the user to create some powerful Pals.

A Palworld player called 2keen4bean recently came up with a smart idea that could greatly improve the usability of the Palbox. At the moment, the Palbox only highlights Alpha and Lucky Pals. All the other creatures have the same image. So, by highlighting the Pals that were condensed and had star ratings, it would make it easier for gamers with several similar creatures to identify them.

In the comments of the post, other players took the concept even further. One gamer, for instance, commented that it would be useful to mark Pals as favorites or use other special markers on them. This would make it easier to avoid mistakes when selling Pals in Palworld, considering that players may end up selling the wrong creature if they’re not paying attention.


As Palworld’s early access continues, many gamers have opinions on how to enhance the game. A few days ago, one player came up with an idea to improve Palworld’s Pal Essence Condenser, by allowing previously condensed Pals to be worth more essence than normal ones. When coupled with 2keen4bean’s idea, this would work very well, as it could allow gamers to have a pretty good notion of how many Pals they still need to catch before using the condensing machine.

Palworld Updates Are Still Mostly Fixing Bugs

Pocketpair is releasing updates for Palworld regularly. The latest patch for the survival game was out earlier this week, fixing several bugs such as the Lifmunk Effigy issues, glitches with Pals not waking up after going to bed, and more. Unfortunately, there are still many bugs left, especially in the Xbox version of the game. Hopefully, Pocketpair can iron out all the most important bugs soon and implement some quality-of-life changes to Palworld, too.


Pocket Pair's Palworld is a creature-collection game set in an open-world. Entering early access on January 19, 2024, the project blends survival, building, farming, monster breeding, and shooter elements.

January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival