Table of contents


  • Prioritize mobility: Sliding downhill speeds up travel and mounts allow faster transportation in Palworld.
  • Manage temperature: Craft armor or use pals to combat extreme temperatures and avoid damage.
  • Automate ore harvest: Establish a second base in ore-rich areas for consistent ingot supply in the game.

Palworld is a hodgepodge of mechanics that results in a fun game. From catching pals, pal behaviors, base building, and player mechanics, Palworld is full of things to do, and the game gives little advice to players. The game is full of helpful mechanics that some players may have never noticed after they have started progressing in their save.

6 Things To Do First In Palworld

As Palworld can feel massive and overwhelming, new players should prioritize a few things to get started on the right note.

Knowing these mechanics will help players progress through the game and even bring quality-of-life enhancements to their experience. Players can begin using most of these lesser-known mechanics instantly and get more use out of their base, pals, spheres, and themselves.

1 Slide

Mechanic Benefit: Better Mobility

sliding palworld

Mounts in Palworld substantially change the game by giving players faster transportation to navigate the Palpagos Islands. The fastest mounts in Palworld are obtained later in the game, leaving players sprinting around in the early game. With how small the stamina bar is at the start, moving around is slow and even boring.

One common mechanic that some players may have forgotten about is the ability to slide. Using the crouch button while sprinting downhill accelerates players downwards while sliding. Sliding downhill can also be used during battles to quickly escape a dangerous engagement.

2 Pal Temperatures & Tools

Mechanic Benefit: Temperature Resistance

player with weapon exploring

Temperature plays an important role in certain regions in Palworld. Players can craft temperature-resistant armor to help them combat extreme heat or cold and avoid taking damage. Pals can play a role in influencing the player's temperature.

A deployed fire pal will increase the player's overall heat, while an ice pal will do the opposite. Using pals to navigate temperature-restricted regions can help players avoid getting damaged. Torches also increase the player's heat and can be useful to use in cold regions.

3 Storage Management

Mechanic Benefit: Saving Time & Improved Organization

storage management

Managing all the items accumulated from adventuring can become time-consuming. Storage containers are limited in capacity and players need to place items in their correct chest. After returning from an expedition, players can use the quick-stack hotkey to quickly empty their inventory weight.

Quick stack works well to sort materials such as ores, bones, and paldium fragments to quickly empty weight. The quick-stack hotkey is R by default and can also be used in a repair bench to repair all items.

4 Ore Respawns

Mechanic Benefit: Automating Ore Harvest

Ore respawns

Ingots are used in many crafting recipes and having a consistent source of ore will save players lots of time. Ore nodes respawn every 24 hours in-game after being harvested. Finding areas rich in ore nodes and establishing a second base gives an automated source of ore.

Palworld: How To Get Ore and Ingots

Ingots are essential resources in Palworld, required to craft some of the most needed items and weapons. Here is how you can get it.

The second base only needs a few beds, storage, food, and pals with skill points in mining and transportation. Players can teleport to the second base and transport all the ore back to their main base to be smelted. Leaving the game idle for a while will give players lots of ore, as pals will start harvesting ore nodes as they respawn.

5 Deconstructing

Mechanic Benefit: Renovate Bases


Building is an essential component in Palworld, but players may disagree with some decisions they made in their starter base. Pressing C while in building mode will enter deconstruct mode and will immediately dismantle any structure and give back all of its materials.

With the option to easily deconstruct without losing resources, players can take lots of time experimenting with different furniture layouts and base optimizations. There is no way to move around items, so deconstructing items is the best alternative.

6 Mount Attacks

Mechanic Benefit: Increased Total DPS

Mount attack

Mounts offer a unique method of battling pals and give players an advantage. Players have full control over mounted attacks and are only limited by their cooldown. One gameplay aspect some players may not know is that the mount attack cooldowns are separate from the pal's own attack cooldown.

Players can use their pal's mount attacks during a fight, then unmount to leave their pal to attack on its own. The strongest mounted pals can dish out lots of damage with this method and lead to a noticeable difference in boss fights.

7 Backside Pal Sphere

Mechanic Benefit: Increased Capture Chances

sphere pal sleeping

Capturing Pals will be a common task all players will do in Palworld, so increasing the capture rate is vital. The obvious methods include using a better sphere, damaging pals, and using Lifmunk Effigies. One forgotten way to add better capture odds is throwing spheres at the back of a pal.

Palworld's Pal Spheres Lack What Make Poke Balls Special

Palworld’s Pal Spheres fall a bit flat when compared to the variety and specificity of Pokemon’s Poke Balls.

Players can use their pals to distract new pals and have better chances to aim spheres at a potential pal's back. Using a high-tier sphere on an injured pal's backside will end up saving players tons of resources, as they will use fewer pal spheres in the long run.

8 Unique Pal Skills & Buffs

Mechanic Benefit: Better Pal Analysis

pal with skill weapon

On the outside, some pals can seem weak and a poor fit for a team. Before rushing to conclusions, players must take a closer look at the pal's skills or party buffs. Some pal skills only work when players have the required pal gear, which is crafted from the pal gear workbench.

Party buffs can vary from increased elemental damage, increased stats, and increased player carrying capacity. Some buffs, like "Lord Fox" by Wixen, are only effective when the pal is deployed. Lord Fox grants fire damage to the player's attacks, even to ranged weapons, such as a pistol.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival