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Palworld, the oddly violent yet charmingly adorable survival game that's been lovingly described as 'Pokemon with guns' is doing incredibly well for itself. The game has multiple sales landmarks in a row, has a rabid fanbase behind it, and is already promising quite the laundry list of features in its early access roadmap. In Palworld, players have the option to experience the game in a multitude of ways in regards to either single-player or online.

Palworld: Best Mount Pals For Running

The following mounts make exploring Plaworld's vast open spaces far more enjoyable and substantially quicker.

In single-player, you can play both offline and online if you wish and can even create a 'multiplayer world' without ever intending to invite anyone to it. For multiplayer, players have the option of a co-op server (up to 4 players), joining a public server, or joining/creating a private server. And, for all the multiplayer options, Guilds will be one of the features you'll want to learn the quickest. Guilds essentially function as the game's 'party' system, but there's a lot of information about Guilds that the game doesn't make all too obvious.

What Guilds Are In Palworld

And How They Work

Palworld - Example of Guild Base Level

To go a bit over how Guilds work in Palworld, Guilds are basically a way for a group of players to band together and pool together both their power and resources for mutual progress. When in a Guild, players advance their bases together, can see each other on the map, and are incentivized heavily to share resources and tools.

Everything is meant to be shared in a guild, for better or for worse, but overall it's the most 'cooperative' way to experience Palworld.

Pros & Cons Of Joining A Guild

Should You Tough It Out On Your Own Or Not?

Palworld - Example of Guild Screen

Now that it's clear what exactly a Guild is in Palworld, let's go a bit more into the pros and cons. In a multiplayer server you can absolutely still play with friends and have a lot of fun together without being in a Guild, but doing so does have its own share of benefits and downsides. With that in mind, here are all the primary ways in which a Guild benefits a player in Palworld and how it limits them:




Players in a Guild can see their friends on the map at all times.


Guildmembers will share Exp with each other when working together to craft things or defeat Wild Pals.


Base Progression is shared between all Guildmembers since they're all living in the same base(s).


Guildmembers will automatically pull from all the storage chests in a base when they're crafting something.


During Raids, Guildmembers have more people to cover all the bases and fight off the invaders.


Gathering resources for recipes is much easier when everyone is sharing resources.


Guildmembers can assign their own Pals to the base to help out.


Once the Guild builds a certain structure such as a Weapon's Workbench, the whole Guild has access to it.


Currently, there is a 'cap' on the number of Servers allowed per server, so a Guild limits the number of individual bases and makes hitting that cap a bit harder.


A Guild can have a maximum of 3 bases total, regardless of how many people are in the Guild. This is a huge Con as that restricts maximum output, limits player individuality, and hampers the 'endgame' of Palworld.


There currently isn't any way for players to 'restrict' resources from being used when starting recipes, even if those resources are placed in a locked chest.


It's very difficult to freely leave and re-join the Guild, as it'll force one player to remove their bases if they attempt to join a Guild that already has their maximum amount built.


When progressing together, it's very common for players to feel like they got 'less' out of the game since they weren't specifically the ones to advance the Guild, build certain structures, and so on.


When anything bad happens to the Guild as a whole, every Guildmember suffers.


If a player accidentally (or even intentionally) joins a lower-level Guild, they'll literally lose progression in their advancements.


Currently, there are a lot of odd bugs and issues related to Guilds, so playing without one is technically the 'safe' option.

Obviously, this isn't every benefit of being in a Guild nor is it every consequence, but these are the standouts. Among all these, the fact that a Guild only gets up to three bases max is a pretty big disadvantage. If a group of 6 friends were to work together while outside the confines of a Guild, they would struggle a bit since they wouldn't be able to use each other's resources or structures but they would eventually have 18 bases all working together. Meanwhile, a Guild, even at the absolute maximum base upgrade level, will only be able to set up 3 bases max. It's understandable that things are set up this way given the issue a 'no base limit' option would create in public servers, but many fans are hoping that Pocketpair does eventually figure out a solution that makes everyone happy. So, to give a final verdict, if you're looking for maximum output and efficiency then no Guild is the way but if you're looking for the most fun and inclusive cooperative experience, then joining a Guild is the way.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival