
  • Selling items, such as Precious items and Gemstones, to merchants is the best way to make a lot of money in Palworld.
  • Nails, obtained from Ingots, can make a surprising amount of money when sold and are currently in high demand.
  • Selling Pals on the Black Market, particularly rare ones like Relaxarus Pals, can be very profitable in the game.

Making money in Palworld might seem easy at first, but the further you get in the game the more money you're going to need if you wanna save time. There are a good amount of different ways to make a lot of Gold in this game, but selling items is usually where players will see the biggest sudden jump in the size of their wallets.

Palworld: Best Areas To Explore In The First Few Hours

Palworld's map is gigantic, as the Palpagos Islands have a varied number of different biomes and areas. These are the best areas to explore first.

However, that's only if they sell the right items, as a lot of the materials and resources in Palworld that might seem like higher-value items don't actually sell for much at all. To save players some time, let's go over what items they should keep in mind are worth selling.

7 Precious Items

Claws, Pelts, Dragon Stones & More

Palworld - Selling Precious Items

Let's start things off with the most obvious items, all of the items that start with the word 'Precious' are typically meant to be sold to Merchants and not much else. These are the items that are typically dropped from Alpha Pals or Dungeon Bosses after you defeat them, capture them, or even skip them. All of them have the phrase 'Can be sold to a merchant for a high price' and that's the clue that this is the only real purpose for these items.

6 Gemstones

Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, & Diamonds

Palworld - Selling Gemstones

Gemstones are incredibly similar to the 'Precious' type items as both are meant to almost exclusively be sold to Merchants. The main difference between these two categories of items is simply how they're obtained, with 'Precious' items being gained from Alpha Pals and Dungeon Bosses and Gemstones being gained from chests (typically the ones at the end of Dungeons).

Palworld: Best Combat Partner Skills (& The Pals That Have Them)

Across the 137 Pals you can find in Palworld, some Partner Skills are better than others. Here are some of the best combat-oriented skills overall.

However, Gemstones do seem to sell for higher prices on average, so that alone makes grinding out Dungeons in Palworld worth it, especially if players know how to get through them even faster than intended.

5 Nails

Turning Ingots Directly Into Cold Hard Cash

Palworld - Selling Nails

Now out of all the sellable items on here, Nails are probably the most surprising in terms of how much absolute money they'll make. For just 1 Ingot, a player will get 2 Nails, with each Nail selling for 160 Gold. So with just, say, 30 Ingots (AKA 60 Nails), players will make 9,600 Gold from selling them.

Thats an absurd amount of Gold just for farming 2-3 Ore Veins, and it honestly breaks the economy of Palworld quite a bit once you know about this. It's very likely they'll reduce the amount these sell for in the near future, so take advantage of the Nail market while it's still around.

4 Extra Schematics

You'll Only Ever Need The One

Palworld - Selling Schematics

The way that Schematics work in Palworld is a bit different from how survival games tend to be, as they aren't single-use. Instead, as long as the player has the Schematic in their inventory and is at the right type of crafting structure, they'll be able to craft the item (albeit using a bit more materials than they would need to if they had the item advanced in their Technology Tree).

Palworld: Best Handiwork Pals For Crafting

You're going to need a lot of Pals that excel in Handiwork in Palworld, or it's going to feel very tedious otherwise. Here are some great options.

Because of the way these currently work, that's not really any reason for a Guild to hoard multiple copies of the same Schematic, unless they're different rarity Schematics of the same item. So, for those who have a lot of copies of the same Schematic, sell the copies, as each one typically sells for between 500 and 1000 Gold.

3 Pals

Extra Pals You Don't Care About, To Be Precise

Palworld - Selling Pals To Pal Merchant

To no one's surprise in a game that's as unabashedly 'dark' with the things players can do to Pals, it turns out that selling Pals on the Black Market is actually very profitable. All players need to do is find any Black Marketeer NPC and they'll be able to return to them at any time to sell any Pals that they want both from their party and from their Palbox.

The value of Pals scales wildly depending on the Pal rarity, their level, Passive Skills, and whether they're an Alpha Pal or not, but in general selling Pals is a great way to make money. In general, the meta right now seems to revolve around breeding a ton of Relaxarus Pals and selling them for anywhere from 800 to 2,000 Gold each.

2 Ancient Civilization Parts

At Your Own Risk

Palworld - Selling Ancient Civilization Parts

Out of all the items we recommend selling on here, Ancient Civilization Parts are the ones people would recommend the least. Ancient Civilization Parts are actually used in quite a few different recipes such as Egg Incubators or the Essence Condenser.

However, once players know how to farm Ancient Civilization Parts, it's not so bad selling these things as it isn't that difficult to go fight a couple of Alpha Pals and get more. Still, the general consensus is to only rely on selling Ancient Civilization Parts if you're out of every other useful item to sell, as just about everything else on here is much more worthwhile to sell first.

1 Outdated Gear

Not Much Else You Can Do With It

Palworld - Selling Old Gear

Lastly, there's almost no reason to hold on to old gear in Palworld. Once you advance the Tech Tree enough to get the next level of Glider, Armor, Grappling Gun, and so on, don't worry about storing the previous iterations in a storage chest or something.

There's no way to 'break down' these old items and unless new players are joining the server and you want to give them a bit of a head start, these items don't serve any other purpose. So, just sell them to an NPC instead, because even if they don't sell for much at least they're serving some purpose instead of none at all.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival