Life in Palworld can be full of adventures, exploration, and rigorous battles, but with that comes times of recovery from days and nights of taking on action. This is where medicine comes in, items that can be crafted using one of the many available workbenches, or found across many regions. These useful items range from curing minor and major ailments, to ensuring the player's Pals don't fall into a depression from working at the base.

The process of crafting these medicinal creations isn't difficult, but finding the items needed, and learning how to treat Pals with these items, may seem complicated at first. In this guide, players will understand the difference between healing the character and the Pals, how to craft these Palworld items, and some useful tips for utilizing certain Pals; partner skills to heal themselves and their Pals.

The Best Builds To Play Palworld On PC

Palworld can be a dangerous place without the right PC hardware to back up players' reflexes in real-time

The Difference Between Healing Pals and Player

Palworld: Bed

Right off the bat, it's important to know that players and Pals recover HP using different methods while at the base. For the player, crafting a bed back at the base will allow them to rest, regaining HP gradually while the day continues. Players can also choose to speed through the night and advance to the next day by lying in bed, which prompts the sleep function and cuts to the next sunrise.

Pals can also rest, granted the player has provided the base with enough Pal beds. This ensures that their sanity stays at a healthy level, and that they return to their work functions the following days. Unfortunately, minor and major injuries can occur, and Pals can also suffer from depression if they are forced to work without adequate rest and tools to keep their sanity up.

The Pokemon Company Issues Statement on Palworld Similarities

As controversies rise regarding Palworld’s similarities with Pokemon, The Pokemon Company issues an official statement regarding Pocketpair’s game.

Crafting Medicine at Work Benches


Low-Grade Medical Supplies are dropped by Pals like Flopie, Lyleen, and Vaelet, all of which can be found in Palworld regions. However, crafting these supplies doesn't take much time and requires few materials, so heading over to the Medicine Workbench is the quickest way to stockpile these helpful items. Each grade of Medical Supplies will heal different ailments and requires a handful of items to craft, including harder to craft materials like Ingot for higher-level supplies. Having a Pal on hand to assist will expedite this process.

Medicine Type


Crafting Materials

Low-Grade Medical Supplies

Colds, Sprains

Red Berries x5, Horns x2

Medical Supplies

Fractures, Ulcers

Ingots x3, Horns x3, Bones x1

High-Grade Medical Supplies

Depression, Weakened

Ingots x5, Horns x5, Bones x2

If a Pal is incapacitated, either due to battle on the ground or during a raid, no type of Medical Supplies will bring them back. Instead, players need to stick them in the Palbox and wait ten minutes for their health to return to 100%. If any Pal is suffering from any of the above conditions, simply have the items on hand and press "4" on PC to open the Pal menu. From here, players can choose the Feed Pal option, and then select the medicine to apply to their Pal.

Some Pals Have Healing Abilities


During adventures, it will become a normal scenario to encounter tougher Pals who are looking for a fight, which puts players in a precarious situation. While food can replenish the hunger meter and avoid starvation, there isn't any way to regain HP beyond waiting it out or heading back to the base to sleep. Fortunately, there are five Pals with healing powers that can keep their owner alive and well, simply by using their Partner Skill. Here are those skills and how they work in the game:

  • Life Steal (Felbat): Absorbs some of the received damage and restores HP to both Felbat and the player when they are traveling together.
  • Heart Drain (Lovander): Absorbs some of the received damage and restores HP to both Lovander and the player when they are traveling together.
  • Harvest Goddess (Lyleen): When activated, greatly restores the player's HP.
  • Blessing of the Flower Spirit (Petallia): Restores the player's HP when activated.
  • Soothing Shower (Teafant): When activated, spouts water that soothes wounds and restores the player's HP.

It would be wise to keep at least one of these Pals in the team in all situations, as it's never a bad idea to ensure HP can be replenished at any given moment. These Partner Skills don't heal the rest of the Pals on the team, so make sure to keep them encapsulated whenever they don't need to be on the battlefield, and monitor their HP during the journey. If they get too low, it's time to head back to the base for some rest.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival
Number of Players
1-4 (Co-Op); 32 Players Server Limit