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Managing the sanity of your Pals in Palworld is actually a pretty daunting task. Because these creatures work themselves to the bone by default and continue to work even when no one is on a server means that a lot of the time you'll log on and every Pal in a base will be Depressed, Stressed, or Weakened.

Palworld: Best Water Active Skills (& The Water Pals That Have Them)

With only a handful of water-based active skills in Palworld, their strength varies considerably, as does the Pals who can use them during battle.

There are a couple of common sense ways to mitigate this, stuff that should be obvious such as taking the server offline when no one is on, putting the non-combat Pals in the Palbox before getting off for the night, and so on. But, the in-game mechanical method of 'curing' these Pals of their maladies is by using different medicines. The Mind Control Meds, in particular, are likely the most 'rare' medicine you'll find in Palworld, so let's go over exactly what they do and where to even find them.

Mind Control Meds Overview

Is This Item Even Worth Getting?

Palworld - Grabbing Mind Control Meds Out Of Electric Medicine Workbench

The put things as simply as possible, Mind Control Meds in Palworld are a 'cure all' for all Status Ailments that Pals can suffer from as well as a way to immediately refill their Sanity too. As opposed to something like, say Medical Supplies or even High-Grade Medical Supplies that simply cure their range of Status Ailments and that's it, Mind Control Meds also 'make' the Pal happier as well, though that's probably just the mind control talking.

It's a bit difficult to say whether it's worth buying/crafting Mind Control Meds over using a different medication and Sanity-restoring food, but in the end-game when you're managing 45 different Pals across 3 different bases (15 assigned to each one), it can make things a lot less tedious at the very least.

Where To Buy Mind Control Meds

Not Every Vendor Is Selling This Medication

Palworld - Duneshelter Merchant Selling Mind Control Meds

Now, until you reach about level 43 you're not going to be able to actually make your own Mind Control Meds, which means you'll have to find them yourselves. There aren't a ton of different Merchants in Palworld, but there is a decent handful, and not all of them sell this wonderdrug. In particular, the Merchant clothes in red at Fisherman's Point, the one in the Duneshelter on the desert island, and some Wandering Merchants you'll find out in the open world will carry Mind Control Meds for 10,000 Gold Coins per syringe of the stuff.

You might think that this just includes all the red-clothed Merchants, but the one in the Small Settlement actually doesn't carry Mind Control Meds, likely because this area is very low level and you wouldn't really even need Mind Control Meds in this early-game area, as either of the other two types of Medication will likely do the trick instead.

How To Craft Mind Control Meds

You'll Need To Reach A Specific Level & Craft A Specific Workbench


Resources Needed


Mind Control Meds

10 Refined Ingots, 10 Horns, 5 Bones, & 3 Pal Fluid

10,000 Workload per Med

For the other method of obtaining Mind Control Meds, you'll need an Electric Medicine Workbench, a structure you'll need to unlock in the Technology Tree. However, you won't have access to this unlock until about level 43, a mere 7 levels away from the maximum level in the game total (at least in version of Palworld). As far as costs are concerned, however, crafting your own Mind Control Meds is much more cost-effective, considering the materials used in making just one adds up to a whole lot less than 10,000G.

The only real downside of crafting your own Mind Control Meds (other than the grind to level 43) is the fact that they take quite an absurd amount of time to actually craft. Even with one of the best Medicine Production Pals in the game, Vaelet, with a buff to its Work Speed using the Strange Juice, it still will end up taking at least 5+ minutes for it to actually craft one Mind Control Medication.

So, if you want to rely on these things to take care of Pal issues without worrying about their Sanity or which specific medication to use, try and always have some Mind Control Meds queued up on the Electric Medicine Workbench, as that way it'll always be getting worked on in some capacity.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival