Players looking for a versatile Pal to keep things running smoothly at their base, or to serve as a bulky defender in their exploration team, should definitely consider Mossanda and its Lux variant. These two Pals can be found in a few of Palworld's early areas, one of which is dangerously close to a certain starting location.

Mossanda can most easily be found roaming the inner sections of the Eastern Wild Island, which is also the island where Mossanda Lux can be fought as a world boss. Mossanda can also be found in the appropriately named Mossanda Forest, making it relatively easy to track them down in Palworld's vast open world.

Palworld: How to Make a Base (& How to Move It)

Creating a base is an important step in Palworld, and knowing how to move it can be crucial to you and your party's safety. Here's how to get started.

How To Catch Mossanda

When looking for Mossanda, players should head for one of two locations. The easier of the two to reach is the Eastern Wild Island, which has one of the game's multiplayer starting locations/respawn points on it. Players should head for the northwestern part of the Island to find Mossanda, who frequently spawn in pairs and are likely to draw the ire of Free Pal Alliance NPCs who also spawn in the area. This can be used to the player's advantage, allowing them to soften Mossanda up before heading in to fight it properly, should the two meet.

Alternatively, players can find Mossanda in the vicinity of the Mossanda Forest fast travel point, which can be found to the northwest of the Eastern Wild Island and is shown on the map in one of the images above. This area takes a little more effort to visit and also has quite a few similarly leveled Pals who might join the fight if player's choose their moment poorly, however.

Once in combat, Mossanda will attack by spitting seeds, hurling rocks, and using a charged punch attack. When it spins its arm to initiate the punch players should roll away, since it will lose balance for a second after whiffing the punch, providing an opportunity to line up a headshot. Mossanda are best caught with Mega Spheres or better due to their catch rate being rather low. Since Mossanda is a Grass Pal, it is weak to Fire Element attacks and deals extra damage to Ground Element Pals, so be careful sending them out around it.

Mossanda's Abilities


Mossanda is a Grass-element Pal with an affinity for fighting up close. Once its Partner Skill is unlocked, however, it gains serious power at range via a Grenade Launcher that it will equip while the player rides on it. In terms of utility outside of combat, Mossanda has the following Work Suitabilities: Planting 2, Lumbering 2, Handiwork 2, Transport 3. This allows it to fill a huge number of roles at the base to a reasonable degree of efficiency, so catching multiple Mossanda can be a very efficient way of populating bases that focus on food and wood production.

How to Catch Mossanda Lux

Much like before, the best place to do this is on the Eastern Wild Island. Head for the southern part of the Island's center to find the Mossanda Lux World Boss in a clearing. Mossanda Lux fights similarly to Mossanda, but trades ranged rock throws and seed spitting for an electrical sphere blast and a line of lightning strikes. The former fires in a cone ahead of it and can be dodged by moving to the side and slipping between the shots, while the latter fires in a straight line and can be dodged by rolling to the left or right as it gets close. Since it spawns at level 31, it can be a brutal fight for unprepared players.

Much like Mossanda, Mossanda Lux has a low catch rate and players should therefore bring high-quality spheres to the fight for the best chance of catching it. Its status as a World Boss means the catch rate is a little lower than the normal Mossanda found in the area, further emphasizing the importance of coming prepared. This also makes catching multiple copies a bit trickier, especially early on in the game.

Since it's an Electric Pal, it is weak against Ground Element attacks and strong against Water Element Pals, so players should choose their partners for this fight carefully.

Mossanda Lux's Abilities

Palworld_Mossanda Lux_Paldeck

Mossanda Lux has a lot in common with its Grass-element cousin, though it trades Planting 2 for Generating Electricity 2 in Work Suitabilities. Its Electric Element makes it useful for fighting Water Pals and the Electric attacks it starts with give it much greater power in ranged combat when compared to the regular Mossanda. It also has access to its own version of Mossanda's Partner Skill, allowing it to be mounted and giving it a Grenade Launcher to engage in ranged combat with.