When establishing a new base in Palworld, food production is one of the first things players will need to consider. Beegarde are an excellent food production Pal that generate endless quantities of Honey when provided with a ranch to graze on. Meanwhile, their incredibly diverse array of Work Suitabilities allows them to handle tons of jobs around the base fairly well, and this becomes clearer when using special items around the base to buff those Work Suitabilities further.

While the drones handle food production and item management, their queen "Elizabee" offers higher level Work Suitabilities for handling crafting and medicine, while also harvesting fields quickly and efficiently. Meanwhile, she excels at combat when on the same team as the Beegarde, dishing out tons of damage and gaining powerful buffs from having her drones nearby. This makes a team of Elizabee and four Beegarde quite potent against several types of opponent in Palworld.

Palworld: Where To Find Ragnahawk

Capture Ragnahawk easily in Palworld! Bring water-based Pals for a smooth capture and enjoy flying around the world.

Where to Find and Catch Beegarde

Beegarde can spawn in several woodland locales throughout the Palpagos Isles, but one easy place to find them is Mossanda Forest. Heading there during daytime, it's fairly likely you'll see them roaming around in groups of three. There may be an Elizabee among them too, so players should observe carefully before approaching a group. Beegarde are troublesome to catch due to their self-destructive tendencies when attacking, so players should bring a fast weapon, whittle them down quickly, and use a higher-quality Pal Sphere to catch them. (Giga Spheres are highly recommended so they can be caught quickly and without risking an explosion)

When a Beegarde begins making beeping noises and charging towards a target, it is planning to self-destruct. If players aren't able to hit it with a Pal Sphere before it finishes beeping, it will detonate and deal some serious damage. Naturally, since this kills the Beegarde, players will want to avoid this if they want to catch one. Using the dodge roll right before the explosion will at least allow players to avoid the blast and dodge the damage.

Beegarde's Abilities


Beegarde are excellent Pals to have around the base, boasting Planting 1, Handiwork 1, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 2, and Farming 1. These Work Suitabilities allow them to perform a lot of basic tasks around the base, but their Partner Skill is particularly noteable. When working at a base with a Ranch, Beegarde will produce honey regularly. Since honey is one of the few food items that never spoils, this can be incredibly useful for feeding the player and their Pals, while also serving as a key ingredient in some important recipes (like Cake for breeding.)

Where to Find and Catch Elizabee

As mentioned earlier, Elizabee will often spawn wherever Beegarde can be found, though there will never be multiple Elizabee in the same area. This means players should search the area carefully when they see Beegarde roaming if they want to track down the Queen. Elizabee can also be found as a World Boss in the area between the fast travel points "Lake Center" and "Mount Flopie Summit," though getting to it will require players to find the entrance to the Devout's Mineshaft. It has Beegarde backup and is rather tougher than the ones found roaming the wild, but is well worth catching.

Elizabee are dangerous opponents with a number of dangerous Grass Element attacks, though they can also learn Air Cannon and Poison Blast to add Neutral and Dark Damage to their repertoire. Furthermore, the Beegarde around them will need clearing out before fighting Elizabee, since they'll make it incredibly difficult to take down the Queen.

Elizabee's Abilities


Elizabee lacks the Transporting and Farming Work Suitabilities boasted by the Beegarde, but instead has improved Handiwork, Gathering, Planting, and Medicine Production (Having all of these Suitabilities at level 2.) This makes them a useful Pal around the base for many of the same reasons as the Beegarde, though they won't produce Honey like the Beegarde will. In combat, Elizabee's Partner skill really shines, raising her stats based on the number of Beegarde in the party with her. This stacking stat bonus is excellent for helping her overcome difficult opponents, though it's still a bad idea to send them out against Fire Element enemies.