Depresso, one of the 137 Pals in Palworld, is a Dark Element Pal that can appear at night in a huge number of early game locations. With a knack for Handiwork, Mining, and Transporting it can be very helpful around the base, while also serving as an effective ally in combat. Depresso is quite easy to miss when starting out, due to its nocturnal nature, since players might well build a bed and skip the night regularly at the start of their journey.

After getting proper clothes to deal with the chill of night in Palworld, players can set out to find Depresso and the other Nocturnal Pals. Depresso typically appears on islands that have player spawn points, making them relatively easy to track down near the beginning areas of the game. This is likely by design, since they remain a fantastic ally throughout much of the early game.

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Where to Find and Catch Depresso

As mentioned above, Depresso often spawn on the islands that serve as player spawn points, which their habitat map makes abundantly clear. That said, an easy way to find them near the Plateau of Beginnings is to wait for nightfall and then head for the area near the Rayne Syndicate Tower. They can be found roaming here at night.

Depresso is an early game Pal with a low level, so they aren't too tricky to fight and catch. Players should note that they have ranged Dark Element Attacks, which are supereffective against Pals with the Neutral Element.

Depresso's Abilities


Depresso performs excellently around the base, offering a mix of Handiwork 1, Mining 1, and Transporting 1 to help players with generating resources and crafting items. While all its Work Suitabilities are level 1, it remains a useful ally for a lot of the early-mid game. Players can also bring Depresso into battle, where its Dark Element allows it to excel when dealing with Neutral Element Pals. Its Partner Skill, "Caffeine Inoculation", allows it to chug energy drinks for a speed boost when needed, which might be helpful when dealing with particularly fast opponents.

Naturally, Depresso's base utility will eventually fall off, as far more skilled Pals are recruited. Despite this, it remains a useful Pal to keep around and can fill a niche on a battle team, especially when dealing with powerful Neutral Element enemies. Along with learning Dark Element attacks, Depresso also learns Sand Blast and Ice Missile, giving it limited access to Ground and Ice attacks even without feeding it a skill fruit.