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Palworld is a game not only about collecting pals but also about survival. With each new day, you will extract more and more different resources, which are quite hard to keep organized. Even if at first this doesn’t seem like a problem, by the mid-stage of the game you will get tired of checking every chest to find the item you need.

Correctly distributing items among chests will save you a lot of time, especially when you automate the production of resources. Fortunately, the game has convenient features for this. Here is how you can sort and filter your storage in Palworld.

Palworld Update Added New Way to Find the Best Pals

Players discover that the new update for Palworld added a useful way for them to find the best Pals available in the game.

How to Sort Storage in Palworld

Storage in Palworld

After you randomly throw different items and resources into storage, it’s quite difficult to search for something there. But the developers were worried about making life easier for players. You can sort all items in Palworld by clicking the Sort button in the upper right corner of the storage menu. This way, everything you put into the chest will now be in a certain order, in which it’s easy to find something. However, to organize all your storage, you need to use another feature.

Palworld Reveals the 10 Most Popular Pals in the Game

Palworld developer Pocketpair reveals the 10 most popular Pals in the open world survival game, as chosen by the community.

How to Filter Storage in Palworld

Storage in Palworld

In addition to sorting your storage, you can also filter it to find something specific. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do. All you need to do is interact with the storage in Palworld, but instead of opening it, select the Chest Settings option. Having done this, you will see a window with different types of items:

  • Weapons
  • Accessories
  • Pal Spheres
  • Ingredients
  • Wood
  • Pal Materials
  • Pal Eggs
  • Ingots
  • Schematics
  • Enhancement Items
  • Key Items
  • Defensive equipment
  • Gliders
  • Ammo
  • Food
  • Stone
  • Ores
  • Production Goods
  • Other materials
  • Skill Fruits
  • Other consumables

By checking the boxes next to certain types, you can store only them in the selected storage. At the same time, other resources cannot be placed inside. In addition, players can check or uncheck all types at once, depending on their plans for the chest. This is extremely convenient since you just need to configure this and your pals will add all the created resources as you need.

By using these two features, you will have a much easier time finding whatever you need while going through your storage.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival