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The monster-catching title Palworld has taken the world by storm since it first released for early access. In it players are able to collect creatures called Pals and battle with them, or assign them to work on their base collecting resources. The game includes a day-night cycle, which is the basis for several game features. Depending on the time of day in your environment, you will see a fluctuation in how your Pals behave, the availability of wild Pals, and the temperature of the world around you.

While it might be relatively easy to explore the enormous universe of Palpagos Island during the day, it becomes much more difficult at night. The primary causes of this are the onset of darkness and the cold weather that follows nightfall. If you are seeking a particular Pal, a new challenge, or simply want to avoid the threats that come out at night, here is how you can skip time in Palworld.

Palworld: Best Uses For Leather

Leather has many uses in Palworld, and these are some of the best ways to make the most out of this resource.

How Day and Night Cycle Works in Palworld

night time in palworld

If no settings are altered, it will take 32 minutes of real-time to cycle between a day and night in Palworld. This means that, if you want to work your way through an entire day from midnight to midnight, you'll need to dedicate just over an hour of your time to achieve this.

The temperature surrounding Palpagos Island will drop dramatically as the day ends and night falls, thus damaging you. You need to make clothing or start a fire to stay warm and defend yourself from the temperature danger. While dangerous, the night is also useful, particularly if you wish to catch dark-type pals. During the night, the surroundings will get darker, and there will be less visibility, which will result in Pals going to sleep. However, the dark-type pals are the exception, as many only appear in the wild during the night.

Build yourself a torch or a lamp, and explore around the world at night to hunt for some dark-type pals like Hoocrates and Daedream. All other types of pals will sleep throughout the night with the exception of your base's dark-type pals, meaning the majority of the work at your base will cease. However, sleep is extremely important for the pals to maintain their sanity level, which influences their productivity.

How to Skip Time in Palworld

Build a Bed

bed in palworld

The easiest way to skip the night in Palworld is by building and sleeping on a bed. You will unlock the Shoddy Bed in Technology Level 3 by spending three technology points. You will need 20 Wood, 5 Fiber, and 1 Wool to craft the bed. Before crafting the bed, however, you must create a foundation and a roof to put the bed in. These are available in the Furniture section of the build menu and will be unlocked in Technology Level 2.

Once you have crafted the bed, you can use it to get a sleep and pass the night. Sleeping at night will automatically skip the time, and you will wake up the next morning.

Change the World Settings

changing time settings palworld

Another way to skip time in Palworld is by changing the world settings. In the world settings menu, go to custom settings, and you will find the option to tweak the time of night and day in your world.

You can increase and decrease the slider to change the day or night speed depending on your needed time. This is also the only way to skip time from day to night if you want to spend more time in one time period over another.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival