Table of contents

Pals are your best friends to advance in the world of Palworld. As you level up to unlock and craft new items in your base, your pals are in charge of operating all the items, gathering essential resources, and ensuring everyone is well-fed.

However, in return for their hard work, you must also care for them. As a Pal keeps on working, it will gradually lose its sanity and Pals with low sanity levels might exhibit a variety of disorders like depression or eating disorders.

Palworld: How to Find and Catch Daedream

Daedream is a haunting Dark-type Pal that can be a contributing member to the base, but also comes with a powerful Partner Skill worth exploiting.

How to Increase Pal’s Sanity

depressed pal

You may look after your Pals at your base in several ways to help them stay more sane. From feeding them high-quality food to ensuring they get enough rest, taking care of your pals depends completely upon you.

Give Them Enough Rest

sleeping pals

After all the hard work throughout the day, your pals will need adequate rest to be prepared for the remaining work. Overworking can harm the pals, causing them to lose their sanity. These Pals will eventually become too stressed, depressed, or overworked.

Firstly, you must ensure enough beds for all the Pals deployed in your base. The Straw Pal Bed will be unlocked at technology level 3 and can be crafted with 10 Wood and five Fiber. If that's not enough, you can craft a Fluffy Pal Bed with 10 Cloth, 30 Wood, five Nails, and 10 Fiber. The Fluffy Pal Bed can be unlocked at technology level 24, and does better work, ensuring the pals get a good rest.

If you have large pals like the Relaxaurus or Dinossom deployed in your bed, you must make a Large Pal Bed to ensure they get quality sleep. However, this item is unlocked very late in the game at technology level 36. Till you reach that level, you can make them sleep on the Straw Pal Bed or put them in the Palbox to help them recover.

Feed High-Quality Food

feeding pals manually-1

Most of the pals in your base will consume food directly from the Feed Box. However, some require extra attention and high-quality food to remain happy. If you notice any Pal hungry but refusing to eat from the Feed Box, it means it desires high-quality cooked food.

At the early stage of the game, these dishes can be cooked by providing the required ingredients in the Campfire. The campfire will be unlocked at Technology Level 2, requiring 10 Woods to be crafted.

More high-quality foods can be cooked using the Cooking Pot, unlocked at Technology Level 17. You will need 20 Woods, 15 Ingots, and three Flame Organs to craft a Cooking Pot. Once you have cooked the high-quality food, interact with the pals with low sanity by pressing 4 and then feeding it to them.

Build a Hot Spring

tanzee in hot spring

You can also build a Hot Spring in your base, allowing your Pals to rest in the middle of their work if they are slacking off. You can also throw any Pal into the hot spring to give them a break and replenish their sanity.

The Hot Spring unlocks at technology level 9, and to craft it, you will need 30 Wood, 15 Stone, 10 Paldium fragments, and 10 Pal Fluids.

Cure Them With Medicine

medicine palworld

If any of your Pals have had low sanity levels for a long time, they will eventually build up various disorders and diseases. For instance, a Pal who has stress from not eating enough food may develop an eating disorder, or a friend who works too much can have depression due to stress.

To cure these disorders, you will need to treat them with medicine. Medicines can be acquired from the Medieval Medicine Workbench, or you can buy them from the Wondering Merchants.

The Medieval Medicine Workbench is unlocked at technology level 12, requiring 30 Wood, 5 Nails, and 10 Paldium Fragments to be crafted. Here are all the medicines you can craft using the Medieval Medicine Workbench:

Medicine Name


Required Ingredients

Low Grade Medical Supply

Cures Cold and Sprains

5 Red Berries, 2 Horn

Medical Supplies

Cures Ulcer and Fracture

3 Ingot, 3 Horn, 1 Bone

High Grade Medical Supply

Cures Depression and Weakened

5 Ingot, 5 Horn, 2 Bone


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival