Every Pal in Palworld has a default name, just like the popular Lifmunk or Chikipi. Despite initially having cute and endearing names, some players might find they want to give their Pals unique names, especially for those they have had since the beginning and have formed a bond with.

Luckily, if you're looking to personalize some of your Pals, there is a simple way to do this. There are a few stipulations you'll need to follow, but the process is relatively fast and easy, and you'll be on your way to giving your Pals a nickname in no time. Here's how you can do it.

Palworld: How to Create a New World

Palworld allows you to create worlds with different settings. This guide shows how you can create a new world in the game.

How to Name Your Pals in Palworld

To start the process of giving your Pal a nickname in Palworld, you'll first want to decide which Pal to name. Although you can name every Pal you have, you'll really only be able to name the ones who are active in your party or working on your base. This is because these are the Pals that are actively leveling up, whereas the ones placed in your Palbox will stay stagnant.

Once you've chosen your Pal to name, here are the steps you'll need to follow:

  • First, make sure your Pal levels up just before you name them. You can take them out on battles, or put them to work on your new base.
  • After they've leveled up, open up your Main Menu and navigate to the 'Party' menu.
  • Hover over the Pal you want to name, and click on them.
  • At the top next to the Pal's default name, you'll notice a button that says 'Edit'.
  • Click on this, and a text box will appear, and you can enter their name here.

We have noticed, however, that there seems to be no 'Edit' option for those who are playing Palworld either on Xbox, or through Game Pass. If you have the regular PC Version, you should have no problem accessing this feature.

Palworld: How to Get a Crusher

If you want to catch more Pals without any difficulties in Palworld, you should definitely obtain a Crusher as soon as possible.

How to Rename Your Pals in Palworld

Image of a Chikipi that has been renamed in Palworld

If you've given your Pal a nickname and find that it doesn't quite suit them, you can easily rename them to something more fitting. You'll pretty much just want to follow the same process as before, and make sure to level up the same Pal again.

From here, you can just go back into the Party menu and choose the Pal, and click 'Edit' next to their name. At the moment, we aren't sure if there's any limit to renaming your Pals, so make sure to pick a name that will stick, as you might be stuck with it, similar to your character's appearance.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival