With combat playing such a big part in Palworld's gameplay loop, players are going to need all the help they can get if they want to win their battles with or without their Pals by their side. Ancient Civilization Parts are essential for improving your survival, allowing you to square off against Pals and human enemies alike.

Palworld: Best Stats to Upgrade

Plan your growth in Palworld smartly and see what are the best stats to upgrade during your adventures.

Harvesting Ancient Civilization Parts can be a little confusing for some, especially since they aren't mined or gathered from naturally-spawning resource nodes for crafting materials like coal. If you're itching to know where these items drop, here's a quick guide on how to get them.

As of writing, there appears to be a naming discrepancy regarding this item. It may be called Ancient Civilization Parts for some players, and Paldium Crystals for others. For the sake of this guide, we will be referring to them as Ancient Civilization Parts, as it seems to be the intended name for the material considering the image it uses in-game.

Palworld: Where to Farm Ancient Civilization Parts

Palworld boss kill game

Ancient Civilization Parts are special resources that come only from a limited number of sources. The first and most obvious source is bosses. Beating or capturing a boss will net you a handful of parts, so it's worth finding and beating all the overworld Alpha Pals, the ones inside Sealed Realms, and the bosses you encounter in dungeons.

The easiest boss you can beat is the Lv. 11 Chillet hanging around near the Fort Ruins on the starting island. Keep in mind that bosses take time to respawn — if you need more crystals after beating the Chillet, try fighting the nearby Penking, Katress, and Kingpaca bosses. It takes roughly one hour before a Sealed Realm boss respawns, though if you're ever unsure when they'll come back, you can always stand near the entrance portal again to view the countdown timer.

Palworld: Leezpunk location on the map

Chests also have a chance to give you Ancient Civilization Parts. You can randomly find these in the world or inside the many random dungeons of Palworld. Locked chests have a greater chance of giving parts, though you'll need keys to open them. You can get keys randomly by defeating enemies. The Leezpunks that occasionally raid your base are great sources of Copper and Silver Keys, though you won't always encounter them during a raid event. You can find wild Leezpunks along the tropical region south of Mount Obsidian.

What Are Ancient Civilization Parts Used For?

Ancient Civilization Parts are mainly needed to craft personal shields. These act just like energy shields in the majority of other games — they act as second health bars that rapidly regenerate once you stop taking damage. Shields are very useful in drawn-out fights where every bit of HP matters. If you find yourself taking too much damage, hide behind cover, throw out a Pal, then wait for your shields to recover.