Table of contents

Palworld has over one hundred different creatures to discover and capture for your Paldeck, as well as turn into worthy combatants and members of your team for exploration and battle, or workers at your Base to assist you in progressing in level and upgrading your facilities.

Among the various Pals available to find and befriend in Palworld, Flambelle is a cute little Fire Type critter with very versatile Work Skills, making them a solid addition to your Base - especially in the early to mid-game. For this reason, knowing how to obtain Flambelle through finding and capturing it in the wild, or through the Breeding Farm, as well as how to best utilize this Pal in your playthrough can be very beneficial.

Palworld: All Black Marketeer Locations

Black Marketeers can sell you some pretty rare and exotic pals in Palworld, and here is where you can find these vendors.

Where to Find & Catch Flambelle

Flambelle in Palworld

To find Flambelle in the wild, players will need to search through the South-Western side of the map, where this Pal's habitat tends to be the most extensive. Luckily, for players wanting to head out and hunt down Flambelle, you won't be restricted by a certain time of day, as this Pal will spawn during both daytime and nighttime.

In case you're struggling to find the exact locations to begin your search, then feel free to refer to the map screenshot below, where Flambelle's exact habitats are mapped out with orange markers.

flambelle map location in Palworld
Palworld: How to Install Mods

If you want to use mods in Palworld, it is important to follow these steps carefully so that they will work.

How to Breed Flambelle in Palworld

flambelle breeding pair in Palworld

To breed Pals in Palworld, you will need to unlock the Breeding Farm, Egg Incubator, and Cooking Pot from the Technology Points menu, and complete building these facilities and utilities around your Base. The crafting recipes for these items will require you to gather and expend the following resources:

  • Breeding Farm: 100x Wood, 20x Stone, 50x Fiber.
  • Egg Incubator: 10x Paldium Fragment, five Cloth, 30x Stone, two Ancient Civilization Parts.
  • Cooking Pot: 20x Wood, 15x Ingot, 3x Flame Organ.

After this, you will need to prepare some Cake in the Cooking Pot, as this is required for breeding Pals. Once your Cake is prepared, you will need to place it into the wooden crate attached to the breeding Farm. For every piece of cake in the crate, compatible Pals will be able to generate one Egg.

Lastly, you will need to pair certain Pals together in the Breeding Farm to create an Egg that will hatch into Flambelle once Incubated. You will need to ensure that one of these Pals is male, and the other Female, as two Pals of the same gender, will not be able to generate Eggs.

Flambelle Breeding Farm Pairings:

  • Sparkit + Foxsparks
  • Pengullet + Cattiva
  • Mua + Fuack
  • Cremis + Pengullet
  • Lamball + Tocotoco
  • Bristla + Teafant
  • Depresso + Lifmunk

January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival