Table of contents


  • Alpha Pals are rare and powerful with bonus skills, but harder to defeat and obtain. They have a devil icon and are worth more money.
  • Alpha Pals can be found in dungeons and can be used as excellent combatants, workers, and money generators. Farming them is a good idea.
  • Each Alpha Pal has unique skills and abilities. Players should bring specific element types to defeat them and can use them as mounts or in various tasks.

Alpha Pals are a rare and powerful type of Pal, but as a result of their strength, they are also harder to defeat and obtain. This special category of Pal is indicated by a small devil icon next to their name and picture. Although Alpha Pals are just variations of existing designs, they do come with bonus Passive Skills and often unique Partner Skills which elevate them above their peers.

Alpha pals are typically found in dungeons throughout the game world, which follow a standard formulaic layout. Once a player learns how to reach a boss within one dungeon, they can essentially find them in any other dungeon by following the same route. In addition to making excellent combatants and workers, Alpha Pals are also worth considerably more money than regular Pals. It can be a wise idea to farm some of the best ones to generate a substantial income. However, many are not easy to defeat.

Palworld: 8 Pals You Should Sell

Some Pals in Palworld aren't as useful as others, and selling them for a quick buck can be the best use for them.

7 Astegon

Powerful Dragon Can Become A Mount

palworld astegon
  • Drops: Pal Metal Ingot, Pure Quartz
  • Level 48

Astegon is a strong Dark/Dragon Element Pal. It can be found in the No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary island at the north-eastern point of the map, as well as the dungeons of Mount Obsidian. Like many other Dragon Element types, if Astegon is successully captured, players can use it as a mount once the requisite Partner Skill has been unlocked.

Players should bring Ice and Dragon Pals to combat Astegon. This Pal has a range of strong skills, including Draconic Breath and Dark Laser. If captured, Astegon can also be put to use as a worker with both Handiwork and Mining Suitabilities.

6 Blazamut

Strong Fire Element Pal With Powerful Attacks

Palworld player petting their Blazamut
  • Drops: Coal, Flame Organ
  • Level 49

Said to have been born during a volcanic eruption, Blazamut is a powerful Fire Element Pal with a range of helpful uses. Adept in the areas of Mining and Kindling, Blazamut can also be used as a land-based mount, so long as players have crafted the Blazamut Saddle Pal Gear.

Palworld: 7 Pals That Are Terrible For Combat

Unlike Pokemon, Palworld is as much as survival game as it is an RPG where Pals battle for supremacy. As such, not every Pal is suited for combat.

Blazamut can be found on the southwestern side of Mount Obsidian. Bring as many Water Element Pals as possible to neutralize Blazamut's fiery effects. If captured, Blazamut's Magma Kaiser Partner Ability will increase the player's fire damage while mounted.

5 Lyleen Noct

Strong Dark Element Boss Makes A Great Healer

Palworld - Lyleen Healing Player Character
  • Drops: Low Grade Medical Supplies, Beautiful Flower, Innovative Technical Manual
  • Level 49

Lyleen Noct, "Empress of the Abyss," is a powerful Dark Element type, and is one of the best healing and medical Pals in the game. With the Goddess of the Tranquil Light Partner Skill, Lyleen Noct can heal the player and greatly restore HP during combat.

This Pal is also very useful for working on Medicine Production, Gathering, or Handiwork. Lyleen Noct is one of the most challenging Pals to defeat, with several powerful combat skills such as Cryst Breath and Blizzard Spike. Players can counter this Dark Element boss with the use of Dragon type allies.

4 Necromus

Dark Element Alpha With A Range Of Uses

An image of Necromus standing against a blurry background
  • Drops: Pal Metal Ingot, Large Pal Soul
  • Level 50

Necromus is a strong, Dark Element Pal found at the northern tip of the Sand Dunes. With a range of powerful combat skills, including Rock Lance and Spirit Flame, it can be difficult to defeat Necromus without the help of some strong Dragon Pals.

7 Survival Games Where Crafting Is Key

Crafting is a vital part of many titles, but players will have no hope of survival if they don't craft well in the following survival games.

If defeated, Necromus may drop a Large Pal Soul. This item can be used to upgrade the stats of other Pals and improve their abilities in a range of areas. Players can craft the Necromus Saddle in order to use this Pal as a land-based mount.

3 Paladius

Powerful Neutral Element Boss Can Be Used As A Mount

Palworld Hardest Alpha Pals Paladius
  • Drops: Pal Metal Ingot, Diamond
  • Level 50

Arguably one of the strongest Neutral Element Pals in the game, Paladius is a centaur-like armored creature found at the northern tip of the Sand Dunes. When captured, Paladius can be used for Mining and Lumbering, and as a land-based mount.

To ride Paladius, players will first need to craft the Paladius Saddle, which will unlock the Holy Knight of the Firmament Partner Skill. To defeat Paladius, players can use a range of element types, but Dark Element Pals will be the most effective.

2 Jetdragon

A Strong Dragon With Powerful Abilities

Palworld flying mount screenshot
  • Drops: Polymer, Carbon Fiber, Diamond and Pure Quartz
  • Level 50

Jetdragon is a Legendary Celestial Dragon found on the eastern side of Mount Obsidian, and is one of the best flying mounts players can acquire in the game. This Alpha Pal is tough to take down, and players should come prepared with powerful Ice Element pals to subdue Jetdragon.

Palworld: All Tower Bosses in Order and Their Locations

Here’s a list of all the Tower Bosses players can find in Palworld, along with their locations and the best order to defeat them.

With the Aerial Missile Partner Ability, Jetdragon can be used as a mount, and can fire a missile launcher from the skies upon enemies below. To unlock this ability, players will first need to craft the Jetdragon's Missile Launcher technology item.

1 Frostallion

A Powerful Ice Type With The Ability To Be Mounted

The player's character in Palworld standing in an Ice Biome with Frostallion present in the background
  • Drops: Ice Organ, Diamond
  • Level 50

Frostallion is a Legendary Ice Element Pal found to the east of the Land of Absolute Zero. With a range of powerful ice abilities, Frostallion can be difficult to capture. But once obtained, it makes for an excellent mount and combatant.

Frostallion possesses the Ice Steed Partner Skill, which converts the player's weapons to using ice damage, as well as providing a damage increase when mounted. Players will first need to craft the Frostallion Saddle to unlock this Pal as a mount.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.