As players continue to hunt the lands of Palworld, the thirst for knowledge grows, and where to find and catch specific Pals is an area that players expect to have as a resource. Luckily, guides for catching Pals can be found here, including the lovable Grass monkey, Tanzee. Its appearance doesn't fool anyone; this Palworld critter resembles a certain Pokemon, as many have pointed out its similarities to Grookey. Unlike the Pokemon, this monkey trades in a whacking stick with an AK-47, making it a deadly force.

For as brutal as Tanzee can be on the battlefield, it's also very helpful back at the base. While combat remains the main focus, Palworld players should also focus on crafting, and Tanzee is one of the more helpful Pals to add to the building team. While it gets outclassed later in the game by stronger Grass-type Pals, its Partner Skill makes it viable for any stage of the game, regardless of its size.

Palworld: Best Pals To Catch Early

Get your base up and running pronto by catching all the best early game pals in Palworld.

Where to Find Tanzee

Tanzee Location in Palworld


As for many of the more common Pals found, Tanzee can be seen in multiple areas of the game, making it an easy one to target and catch ten of in quick succession. The easiest route to find Tanzee is to travel across the river to the north of the Grassy Behemoth Hills, which conveniently has a Fast Travel spot. Once the spawn point is activated, players can access this area with ease and catch as many Tanzee as needed.

The ones found in this area are between the levels of 2 and 4 and are an easy catch once weakened. By this point, players should have their own level at double the one of Tanzee's, so it shouldn't take too long to bring its HP down to a catch success rate of 100%. They flee when spotted, so be quick about sneaking up on them and landing a few shots.

As seen on the map, Tanzee can be spotted in many areas past and around the Grassy Behemoth Hills, so players shouldn't worry about them becoming endangered any time soon. They can be seen walking down trails, or around trees, and usually come in groups of two or more. Most of the time, they enjoy taking breaks from their leisure stroll, which means crouching and stealth are two things to consider when approaching them.

All locations marked in yellow are where Tanzee spawn, and as the map opens up even further, players can expect them to pop up in other spots, too. Tanzee is extremely common and a versatile Pal that will come in handy.

Some Palworld Creature Designs Are Far Too Close to Real Pokemon

While all Pokemon clones bear some resemblance to the beloved franchise, some Palworld creatures look like already existing Pokemon."

Tanzee's Work Suitability

What's Tanzee Good for?


Tanzee is a wonderful Pal to have around the base, as it excels at multiple jobs, including Planting, Handiwork, Lumbering, Transporting, and Gathering. It's just as good at chopping down trees as it is lending a helping hand to those who drop materials on the ground. What makes it even cuter is the fact that it will drop everything it's working on to help the player craft a structure, even if it's at the other end of the base.

The Tanzee Assault Rifle skill can be picked up at Player Level 12, costing 5 Ingot, 15 Stone, 15 Wood, and 10 Paldium Fragments. A skill that will be covered in the next section, this is what makes Tanzee an exceptional partner to have on the battlefield.

Tanzee in Combat

Is Tanzee Worth It?


It's hard to pinpoint how many things can be cuter than a small, green monkey carrying an AK-47 assault rifle, but that's what a player will get when the Tanzee's Assault Rifle skill is purchased. Tossing Tanzee out while traveling the world of Palworld, it will run alongside the player while holding its weapon in both hands, eager to fire away at anything threatening its companion.

When the player activates combat with a Pal, Tanzee will jump in and start chipping away at the foe's HP with a barrage of bullets. Tanzee is an excellent long-range attacker, so players won't have to worry too much about getting swept up in an attack. This makes a good combination for long-range and close-range attacks, as Tanzee will shoot from afar to distract the Pal while the player sweeps in and lands a couple of jabs each turn.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
T For Teen Due To Violence