
  • Palworld's release has been a massive success, amassing millions of players in its first week of early access.
  • Co-op gameplay and guilds are integral to the game, providing benefits like shared resources and easier progression.
  • Playing together as a group in Palworld leads to more efficient resource gathering, stronger bases, and easier boss battles.

Palworld's release has uprooted the gaming community, with the game amassing several million players over its first week of being released through early access. Palworld's main feature includes Pals, who, although very akin to Pokemon, can be captured and used for battle, as a mount for travel, or to gather resources to help a base function. While Palworld can be played solo, co-op gameplay with friends has become the norm for many who have started playing, with guilds becoming a prominent feature.

Palworld: 6 Beginner Mistakes To Avoid

A survival monster-collecting game set in an open-world, Palworld can be overwhelming. Here are some early-game mistakes to avoid.

With co-op, aspects of the game, such as being in a guild, can heavily affect how a group of players progress. This leads to co-op gameplay having many caveats that can improve or hinder a group's progress.

6 Make A Guild

Play Together

Base level in Palworld

In Palworld, creating or joining a guild is a prominent feature within the game. A guild typically involves players banding together to become a team that often shares resources. Guilds often involve coordination and strategy to get the best out of everyone within a guild. Being in a guild allows players to see fellow guild members on the map, making it considerably easier to track down players or the locations of certain Pals or bosses that are hard to find.

Palworld's guild system allows players to share a base and resources, making the workload and resource gathering less demanding. Joining a guild lightens the load players have to complete, with friends coming together to help each other while progressing as a collective unit.

5 Building A Group Base

Opt For Unity When Building Bases

Having a base in Palworld

When playing co-op in Palworld, many consider building bases to store their belongings and to have a place to stay. When playing in a group, having only one base is essential for group play and progression to provide total efficiency regarding resources and Pals. Having one base allows for all resources and Pals to be available and used in one location where their presence will be utilized. Having a single base enables groups to solely level up one Palbox, leading to more Pals being put to work, which allows for more resources and items to be gathered and crafted.

Palworld: 10 Things Every Base Should Have

The Pals in Palworld can do more than just shoot guns. With the right buildings and equipment in a Base, Pals can churn out resources in no time.

When Palworld eventually introduces features such as PvP into the game, group bases become less relevant with friends keen on fighting. However, for now, players should band together and use the same base to progress faster than it would take in a solo playthrough.

4 Share Resources

Resources For All

Items in chest in Palworld

In a guild, resources are shared between guild members, including materials such as wood, stone, and other crafting tools. To help level up faster throughout a playthrough, a group of players must collectively share resources each acquires to ensure progression. If everyone within a guild chips in with their gathered resources alongside what the Pals provide, there will always be enough to craft all that is required. When in a guild, players will share XP when battling Pals, in dungeons, out in the wild, or even through crafting.

Sharing resources ultimately benefits everyone in a guild, with the increase in XP compared to a solo run making it an essential factor if wanting to progress through the game quickly.

3 Choose Differing Technology Blueprints

Optimize Playthrough By Acquiring Blueprints Not Claimed By Others

Technology points in Palworld

Palworld utilizes a technology tree to distribute certain items and skills players can access. Every time a level is gained, more items become unlocked, and technology points are given, often leading to several valuable items being acquired. To maximize the number of items attained, co-op players should acquire differing technology items to allow for more access for the group.

Palworld: Best Locations To Mine Ore

Ore in Palworld is used to make ingots for crafting and building purposes. Here are a few great locations where players can farm ore.

If certain members prioritize Pal-based equipment that requires elemental parts, other players can focus on unlocking infrastructure and crafting tools. This way of unlocking the technology tree maximizes the number of items a group can access if different people unlock differing abilities and items.

2 Schedule Gaming Hours

Playing At The Same Time

Sleeping in bed in Palworld

Ensuring everyone in co-op is on simultaneously is essential if players want to progress at the same level as their friends. In Palworld, players should organize set times to play and progress. If players continue when others are not online, they will advance past their group's level or improve their base with upgrades without players being a part of the progression.

Often, playing with friends brings the best out of games, with Palworld being an example of a game that brings co-op fun. Not having a set time to play together can confuse and lead to a lack of coordination, with players missing critical moments as they fall behind others. Playing Palworld together at specific times steadily ensures no one feels left out as progression becomes group-oriented.

1 Battling As A Collective

More Fighters Lead To Easier Boss Battles

Fighting a boss in Palworld

In Palworld, one of the game's main features is its combat system, which involves Pals and weapons crafted from materials such as wood and stone. Palworld introduces several battles early on in the game, including tower bosses, dungeons, and Alpha Pals. Players can band together to take any of the bosses or dungeons when playing in a group or guild, which eases the load players have to pull. Playing as a unit when taking on serious foes leads to more damage, while players can also tank hits for friends in order to prevent failure.

Attempting co-op in boss battles also causes more Pals to be involved, leading to more damage and swifter conclusions. Everyone involved in fighting earns the same amount of XP, leading to faster progression.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.