
  • Palworld may benefit from Pals handling egg tasks, as it would speed up breeding process and potentially making it more enjoyable.
  • Expanding Pals' roles in the game could make them more versatile and useful, especially for those with only one work trait.
  • If well-received, further updates to the breeding system could lead to other improvements, making the process more accessible for all kinds of players.

Palworld players who obtain Pals through eggs will know that the process can be quite a handful. While the outcome is usually worth it with proper breeding, the entire process can be somewhat tiresome. Those who are more into the exploration aspect of the game will likely not enjoy the Pal egg-hatching procedure because of how much of their time it takes up, but thankfully, Pocketpair has an opportunity to make the process less long and tedious by giving certain Pals a new base-related task.

One of the easiest ways of cutting down the breeding process in Palworld would be to create a task to have Pals act like a midwife in handling eggs. This way, players can focus on doing and finishing their objectives while enjoying the thought of possibly seeing big surprises once they check their Pal storage for new additions.

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Why Pals Should Be Allowed to Handle the Egg Storing Process

Since Palworld has a lot of monster eggs, and reproducing them can be time-consuming, it would be reasonable for players to want something that helps them with this process. Having Pals that can take the task off of players' hands would be very beneficial, as not only would it speed up the process, but it could also help with the following:

  • It could lead to the development of a menu option that goes into how and when chosen Pals transport, incubate, or store eggs.
  • Players can solely focus on the qualities they would want their bred Pals to have.
  • It can be an opportunity to provide a new purpose to certain Pals who may have become an afterthought.

While allowing Pals to handle eggs could lead to a few in-game issues, its implementation can greatly help and benefit players who enjoy the Pal-breeding process, as well as those who do not. It may even compel those in the latter category to stop and consider whether the feature would be worth their time.

How Giving the Pals the Ability to Handle Eggs Could Benefit Palworld

Expanding Pals' roles in a player's base could lead to work traits going beyond their initially intended purpose. For example, those suitable for transporting will have jobs like the aforementioned monster egg handling, giving them something else to do other than storing harvested items. This can also shed new light on Pals with only one work suitability, as it could make them more viable in a player's camp. Unless it's at a high level, those with a singular work trait are usually replaced with more diverse workers. But if something like a Foxparks is given a new task, such as exploring areas and gathering valuable materials, then there would be more for it to do other than rot away inside a player's Palbox.

Other steps in the breeding process could potentially change if the egg-handling task is well-received by the players. If the update were popular among the community, perhaps the developers might consider changing the other arduous aspects of the breeding system to make them easier, too. For example, those who don't like making cakes in Palworld could have the option to find or purchase a new item that allows the Pals to create eggs without the need for the confectionery. Something like that can help make breeding more accessible, ensuring that newbies and veterans can find more enjoyment in the process.

Major updates to Palworld always bring about big changes, and the breeding process will hopefully see some in the future. Giving some Pals the ability to decrease the egg-related workload from players can go a long way to making the game more enjoyable. If the changes are handled right, more people could get invested in nurturing strong creatures, making breeding a strength of the game instead of a slow process that many gamers want to avoid.