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The goal of every Palworld player is to grow their collection of Pals by seeking out new and more powerful companions. But with over a hundred unique Pals to discover, collecting them all through exploration alone would take an excruciatingly long time. Luckily, Palworld offers a great alternative for collecting Pals in the form of its breeding system.

Palworld: The Best Pal Of Each Type, Ranked

There are nine types of Pals available to be captured in Palworld, each with different benefits and drawbacks. Here are the best Pals of each type.

For a game developed by a shockingly small team of developers, Palworld has a surprisingly robust breeding system. Players can breed any male and female Pal in the game to produce an egg that gives birth to a brand-new Pal. And considering how many unique Pals are available in the game, this system results in thousands of potential breeding combinations. While many of these combos make sense when taking the Element Type, appearance, and abilities of the parents and their offspring into account, the game inevitably has quite a few breeding combos that defy all logic, resulting in downright strange outcomes.

1 Swee + Chikipi = Foxparks

Ice Type + Neutral Type = Fire Type

An image collage of Swee, Chikipi, and Foxpark from Palworld

Swee and Chikipi are among Palworld's cutest Pals. Chikipi is just a plain old chicken, while Swee can be best described as a white blob with distinctive gray ears. When these two Pals are bred together, players might expect their offspring to share their tame and friendly appearance. However, the resulting Pal, Foxparks, looks absolutely nothing like its parents.

Furthermore, Foxparks is also a Fire Type, which is particularly confusing since Chikipi is a Neutral Type and Swee is an Ice Type. It's almost impossible to come up with a logical explanation for these Pals' offspring being a Foxparks, so it's better for players to just not think too much about it.

2 Anubis + Blazamut = Relaxaurus

Ground Type + Fire Type = Dragon & Water Type

A collage of Anubis, Blazamut, and Relaxaurus

Anubis and Blazamut are two of the deadliest Pals in the game. The former is based on the ancient Egyptian God of Death, while the latter practically serves as the king of volcanoes in Palworld. While Anubis' appearance may not be particularly menacing to some players, Blazamut happens to have one of the most intimidating character designs in the game, having a large, flaming body, with fiery horns.

When breeding these two Pals together, players would believe that the offspring would be something even more terrifying. But somehow, their child ends up being a Relaxaurus, a Dragon and Water Type that's one of the biggest Pals in the game, but also happens to be one of the cutest and cuddliest.

3 Ragnahawk + Rooby = Foxcicle

Fire Type + Fire Type = Ice Type

A collage of Ragnahawk, Rooby, and Foxcicle

When Ragnahawk and Rooby, two Fire Type Pals, are bred together, their offspring is a Foxcicle. At first glance, this breeding combination seems fairly sensible. Foxcicle's appearance closely matches that of its parents, especially when compared to Rooby. However, the real confusion arises when Foxcicle's Element Type is taken into consideration.

Palworld: Best Ice Pals, Ranked

Ice element Pals are handy to have around in Palworld, and these are the best options to catch.

Despite both of its parents being Fire Types, Foxcicle completely defies all expectations and emerges as an Ice Type, making this one of the strangest breeding combinations based on the Element Type difference alone.

4 Lifmunk + Bristla = Jolthog

Leaf Type + Leaf Type = Electric Type

A collage of Lifmunk, Bristla, and Jolthog

When compared to its Electric Type peers, Jolthog may not be all that powerful; but at the end of the day, it's still an Electric Type through and through. When considering breeding a Jolthog, players would logically assume that at least one of its parents needs to be an Electric Type. But players are in for a shock when they realize that Jolthog can be bred using Lifmunk and Bristla, two Leaf Type Pals in Palworld.

While players can rationalize the logic behind many breeding combinations, an Electric Type like Jolthog being an offspring of two pure Leaf Types is something that's better left unexplained.

5 Kingpaca Cryst + Foxcicle = Incineram

Ice Type + Ice Type = Fire Type

A collage Kingpaca Cryst, Foxcicle, and Incineram

Incineram is a powerful Fire Type Pal that boasts quite a frightening appearance. This bipedal creature has an awesome design, having a black and red color scheme, accented by white fur along its neck, and a pair of massive horns on its head. Keeping these factors in mind, it's astonishing that Incineram can be bred using Kingpaca Cryst and Foxcicle, two Ice Type Pals.

Palworld: 10 Useful Pals That Only Have One Work Suitability

While having Pals that can do multiple jobs is great, keeping specialized Pals can keep your base operating at maximum efficiency.

Not only does Incineram's Element Type completely contradict that of its parents, but its appearance is also the complete opposite. Foxcicle and Kingpaca Cryst both look to be friendly and approachable, while Incineram looks like the last thing players would want to encounter up close.

6 Flambelle + Rooby = Flopie

Fire Type + Fire Type = Grass Type

A collage of Flambelle, Rooby, and Flopie

The Fire Types in Palworld seem to have the most peculiar breeding combos, and Flambelle and Rooby are no exception. When these two powerful Fire Type Pals come together, they produce a Flopie. At first, nothing seems particularly weird about this combo - in fact, Flopie fits in quite well with its parents. The only notable difference is its color scheme, but that's just a minor detail in the grand scheme of things.

But as with many other breeding combinations, the real shocker lies in the Element Type. Flopie is a pure Grass Type, which is a complete departure from its Fire Type parents. Fire is an Element Type that relates well to quite a few other types, but Grass is certainly not one of them.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival