Table of contents


  • Picking the right Pal with the right Partner Skill is crucial in Palworld for utility-related tasks.
  • Flopie is an adorable Pal that automatically picks up nearby items, making farming items more convenient.
  • Pals like Wumpo, Lyleen, and Leezpunk have Partner Skills that increase the player's weight capacity, heal HP, and detect nearby dungeons respectively.

The sheer number of different Partner Skills that Pals can provide in Palworld can be a bit overwhelming. There are Pals that specialize in Skills related to combat, Skills related to farming items, Skills related to buffing the player, and of course all sorts of Utility Skills.

Palworld: Best Dark Active Skills (& The Pals That Have Them)

Palworld has a good selection of Dark Active Skills, and these are the type's best moves and the Pals that can use them.

If a Palworld player really takes some time to think about it, they can create a party of 5 Pals that can provide them a myriad of benefits all at once such as increasing their Weight Capacity, having them move faster, automatically picking up nearby items, automatically attack on their own, and of course fly the player around on their back. Picking the right Pal with the right Partner Skill is incredibly important in this game, so let's go over some of the best Pals in general for Utility-related tasks.

10 Number 028: Flopie

Helper Bunny

Palworld - Flopie Floating Behind Player


Pal Gear Unlocked


Helper Bunny


While in the party, automatically appears near the player and automatically picks up nearby items.

Let's start things off with one of the most adorable Pals in Palworld, Flopie. Flopie is this floating creature that resembles some mix of a bunny and a cat and it's one of the best utility-type Partners around. When players actually obtain a Flopie and build their Pal Gear after unlocking it at level 17, they'll be able to use the Helper Bunny Partner Skill. In essence, when Flopie is in the party, the Helper Bunny Skill should automatically activate and summon Flopie, regardless of whether it's the currently summoned Pal or not.

Similar to Daedream, Flopie should stay out no matter what and will automatically grab any nearby items and put them in the player's inventory. It's not a huge boon or anything like that, but it does make farming items off of KO'd Pals or from Ore Veins just a bit more convenient. Just keep in mind that this can bug out at times so if you notice that Flopie isn't being summoned or isn't picking things up, you can try either putting Flopie back in the Palbox and taking it back out or dropping it on the ground from the Party Menu and picking it back up.

9 Number 091 & 091B: Wumpo & Wumpo Botan

Guardian of the Snowy Mountain & Grassy Fields

Palworld - Petting Wumpo In-Game


Pal Gear Unlocked


Guardian of the Snowy Mountain


Can be ridden as a mount. While in the party, Wumpo helps carry supplies (+120), increasing the player's max carrying capacity.

Guardian of the Grassy Fields


Can be ridden as a mount. While in the party, Wumpo Botan helps carry supplies (+120), increasing the player's max carrying capacity.

Moving on to two of our personal favorites, Wumpo and Wumpo Botan, these adorably bulky piles of fur are known to be both the Guardians of the Grassy Fields and the Snowy Mountains, and their Partner Skill names echo this title.

There are a variety of Pals in Palworld that, when put into the party, will increase the player's overall Weight Capacity. Pals such as Cattiva, Kingpaca, and Lunaris all add to the player's maximum, but Wumpo/Wumpo Botan add the most overall. Granted, capturing a Wumpo or Wumpo Botan (AKA not through breeding) will probably have to wait until players are at least around level 35, so in the meantime they'll want to Cattiva then Kingpaca and finally Lunaris to increase their Weight Capacity as they advance.

8 Number 104 & 104B: Lyleen & Lyleen Noct

Harvest Goddess & Goddess of the Tranquil Light

Palworld - Lyleen Healing Player Character-1


Pal Gear Unlocked


Harvest Goddess


When activated, the queen's soothing graces greatly restore the player's HP.

Goddess of the Tranquil Light


When activated, the queen's soothing graces greatly restore the player's HP.

Healing in Palworld, at least mid-combat, is basically not a mechanic of the game. There isn't any sort of 'health potions' players can take, and there's no item they can use to even speed up their health regen during a fight. However, that doesn't mean that a method for healing mid-combat doesn't exist at all, it's just extremely rare.

Palworld: Best Kindling Pals For Heating Buildings

Fire Pals can tend fires to cook, craft, and keep players warm. Some of them are better at it than others.

To be more specific, there are a certain few Pals who have Partner Skills that let them heal their Tamer for varying amounts of health such as Teafant, Petallia, and Lyleen. The amount that these Pal's Skills will heal actually follows that same order, with Teafant healing the least at 200 HP and Lyleen (and Lyleen Noct) healing the most at 1,000 HP. However, like with Wumpo, players probably won't obtain a Lyleen until the mid to late-game, so it's worth keeping a Teafant or Petallia on hand in the meantime as an 'on-deck healer' of sorts.

7 Number 045 & 045B: Leezpunk & Leezpunk Ignis

Sixth Sense

Palworld - Leezpunk Ignis Using Partner Skill


Pal Gear Unlocked


Sixth Sense


When Sixth Sense is activated, utilizes said Sixth Sense to detect nearby dungeons.

There are a couple of different Partner Skills in Palworld that can help players locate different things, but they're pretty rare. Tombat, for example, can use its Ultrasonic Sensor Partner Skill to locate nearby Pals and Fuddler can use Ore Detector to, well, detect ore.

But by far the most useful example of this Skill comes from both Leezpunk and Leezpunk Ignis with their Sixth Sense Partner Skill. This Skill basically has these Pals sense out a 'sonar wave' in a large AoE around them to see if there are any dungeon entrances nearby. In general, dungeons are pretty difficult to 'stumble upon' in Palworld, especially in some of the higher-level biomes such as Mt. Obsidian or the Astral Mountain. So, having a Pal that makes finding these dungeons easier means players will be able to mark these locations and return to them whenever they're active to farm them for EXP, resources, or even Technical Manuals.

6 Number 047: Galeclaw

Galeclaw Rider

Palworld - Using Galewing


Pal Gear Unlocked


Galeclaw Rider


While in the party, can be summoned and used instead of a glider by using the glider input. Also allows you to fire a gun while gliding with this Pal.

Next up is Galeclaw, and let's be honest, regardless of what type of 'Skills' are being ranked in a Palworld list, Galeclaw will likely be included. This Pals's ability to be used as a substitute Glider is just that amazing, especially before players unlock the higher-rarity variants of the Glider to craft.

In general, the Galeclaw Rider Skill just makes everything easier and faster from traversal to combat to even getting around a player's home base.

5 Number 014: Vixy

Dig Here!

Palworld - Petting Vixy


Pal Gear Unlocked


Dig Here!


When assigned to a Ranch will sometimes dig up items from the ground.

While a lot of the Pal suggestions so far have been for Pals that are only really obtainable and usable in the mid to late-game stage of Palworld, this next one is especially meant for the early game. Vixy, as a Pal, has a pretty tame design compared to the rest of their peers. However, Vixy has one of the most useful Partner Skills in the world when it comes to helping players get started. When assigned to a Ranch, Vixy will 'occasionally' dig up items from the ground from Arrows to sometimes even Gold Coins.

However, by far the most important thing that Vixy digs up are basic Pal Spheres. And, the word 'sometimes' used in the Partner Skill description is pretty deceptive, as Vixy digs quite often. In fact, if players leave a Vixy alone for even an hour and come back, they'll usually be able to get 15-30 Pal Spheres easily. This makes getting a decent horde of Pals a lot easier in Palworld and saves a lot of time that would've typically been spent farming Paldium Veins or even just Stone Veins to craft more Pal Spheres.

4 Number 024 & 024B: Mau & Mau Cryst

Gold Digger

Palworld - Petting Mau Near Ranch


Pal Gear Unlocked


Gold Digger


When assigned to a Ranch will sometimes dig up Gold Coins.

If Vixy's Ranch-related Skill could be described as 'pretty useful', then both Mau and Mau Cryst's Partner Skill can accurately be described as 'incredibly useful'. Instead of digging up arrows or basic Pal Spheres, both variants of Mau will dig up little 10-coin satchels of Gold Coins at a pretty fast rate.

Palworld: Best Mount Partner Skills (& The Pals That Have Them)

There are a lot of Pals in Palworld that make for fantastic land, water, or air mounts. Here are the best Partner Skills for mounts specifically.

And, while 10 Gold Coins really doesn't sound like much, it really adds up quickly if a player assigns 3+ Mau to one base with their sole job being to dig up money. Just to give an example, we dedicated an entire base to Gold Coin farming using this method and had about 7 or so Mau assigned to it. And, after leaving for about an hour and coming back, we received around 4,000G from looting all the loose Gold across the multiple Ranches. As far as passive money-making in Palworld goes, Mau are by far the best method.

3 Number 090 & 090B: Mammorest & Mammorest Cryst

Gaia & Ice Crusher

Palworld - Mammorest Mount


Pal Gear Unlocked


Gaia Crusher


Can be ridden as a mount. Improves efficiency of cutting trees and mining ores while mounted.

Ice Crusher


Can be ridden as a mount. Improves efficiency of cutting trees and mining ores while mounted.

Just like how there are a number of different Pal Skills that increase the player's Weight Capacity or how there are plenty of Partner Skills that buff the player's attacks with a certain element, there is a subset of Partner Skills in Palworld that makes farming Ore and Wood a lot easier.

Gumoss would be the earliest example of this most players will end up finding, as this Pal makes cutting trees a lot more efficient. However, across all the examples, Mammorest and Mammorest Cryst are by far the best for just riding around and breaking whatever trees or stone veins are nearby to gain tons of resources. Just keep in mind that the Attack Skills assigned to the Mammorest or Mammorest Cryst in question will matter a lot for this, as you probably won't want to have 3 long-cooldown Attack Skills assigned.

2 Number 098: Astegon

Black Ankylosaur

Palworld - Flying On An Astegon


Pal Gear Unlocked


Black Ankylosaur


Can be ridden as a flying mount. Increases the damage dealt to ore (or any type of vein material) while mounted.

It may seem a bit odd to include two resource-farming Pals here, but Astegon is by far the best late-game Pal for farming Ore, Coal, or any other sort of 'vein-obtained' material in Palworld. The Balck Ankylosaur Partner Skill that Astegon has both allows players to fly on it when the proper Pal Gear is built, and it also makes it so that Astegon tears through veins of any type with just a few attacks at most.

If players put the time in to increase this Partner Skill through the Essence Condenser as well, they'll find that Astegon not only flies faster and more efficiently, but it'll break down Ore Veins even faster than before. After obtaining this Pal, we almost never use our Pickaxe anymore, as this Pal is just better at doing the job, faster, and makes getting to and from the Fast Travel point even faster as well.

1 Number 111: Jetragon

Aerial Missile

Palworld - Flying On Jetragon


Pal Gear Unlocked


Aerial Missile


Can be ridden as a flying mount. Has the ability to aim and rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted.

And for the final inclusion, let's just include one Legendary. Palworld has four Legendary Pals that players can capture with Paladius, Necromus, Frostallion (technically Frostallion Noct too), and of course Jetragon. Now the funny thing is, despite being Legendaries, the Partner Skills of all four of these Pals are pretty tame in that they just become mountable.

However, Jetragon is by far the most universally useful mount, as it flies (and in general, moves) so much faster than any other mount in the game. Forget about the missile launcher part of its Pal Gear, honestly, that's just a bonus. Once players reach level 50 and build Jetragon's saddle, they may never use Fast Travel Points again as most of the time just flying their on Jetragon will end up being faster or at worst a bit slower.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival