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Of all the crafting resources in Palworld, leather is one of the most useful when it comes to players upgrading their character. It can be used to craft countless items of pal gear, armor, and even decorations for your base.

Unlike other crafting resources like stone and wood, there isn’t a way to get your pals to farm leather on a base. However, the good news is it’s still fairly common, and players should be able to obtain a whole load of leather just by exploring the world, meeting merchants, and catching pals. Nevertheless, there’s no use in wasting leather, and it’s worth players looking through the technology tree to plan out the best items to craft with their leather supply.

Palworld: Where to Find & Catch Galeclaw

Galeclaw is one of the best choices to have in your team for gliding in Palworld, so knowing where to find and catch this Pal is important.

10 Furniture To Make Bases Feel Like Home

Best Item To Craft: Leather Couch

Leather Couch in Base
  • Amount of leather needed: Three

Although Palworld is first and foremost a monster-catching and survival game, players can still spend hours customizing their base to make it homely. It only takes a quick scroll through the fan community on TikTok and Reddit to see how many players take pride in cultivating a particular aesthetic for their home in Palworld.

For players aiming for a plush, cozy cottage aesthetic, leather can come in handy if they unlock the Leather Chair Set at Level 39. This gives pal tamers the ability to use leather, wood, and cloth to craft leather chairs, leather armchairs, and leather couches. It’s amazing what a difference it can make to a home just by placing a leather couch and rug in front of a fireplace.

9 Saddles To Survive Harsh Environments

Best Item To Craft: Kitsun Saddle

Kitsun from Palworld
  • Amount of leather needed: 25

Players usually prioritize speed when it comes to mounts they use to explore the world. However, every pal tamer has made the mistake of straying too far at night, suddenly finding their HP slowly draining away as their pal tamer shivers and freezes to death.

Fortunately, players can use leather to craft saddles for specific mounts that can address this problem. Using a saddle to ride Arsox keeps pal tamers warm in cold environments, while Reindrix does the opposite, keeping them cool in hot areas. Alternatively, players can get the best of both worlds by crafting a saddle for a Kitsun, keeping them safe in all environments.

8 Gloves To Throw Pals Like Grenades

Best Item To Craft: Tocotoco's Gloves

  • Amount of leather needed: 10

Once players set up a small factory in their base, ammunition becomes a little more reliable. However, it’s not uncommon to run low on ammo while out exploring or to be swarmed by a crowd of enemies. That’s why it’s always handy to have a grenade or two handy for any sticky situations.

Palworld: How to Catch Humans

If you have enough Pals in your Palworld collection, it is probably time to start catching humans. Here's how the process works.

Grenades aren’t unlocked to craft until Level 31, and even then, there’s a limited supply. That’s why it’s best for players to use leather to craft some pal gear to use pals as grenades. Jolthog’s Gloves are unlocked as early as Level Eight and allow players to throw a Jolthog at enemies for an electrical explosion. Likewise, Jolthog Cryt’s Gloves are available at Level 11 and act like an ice grenade. Although Jolthogs can only be used once per cooldown, players can craft Tocotoco’s Gloves at Level 18 to use Eggbomb Launcher, a partner skill that can launch several grenades.

7 Gear To Upgrade Mining With Pals

Best Item To Craft: Reptyro Saddle

Reptyro from Palworld
  • Amount of leather needed: 20

Some pal tamers decide to set up a base around a cluster of ore nodes to ensure they always have some ingots handy for crafting. However, there are some great places to mine ore out in the world, and players can use leather to craft some pal gear to make mining in the wild much easier.

Pal tamers could use leather to craft a Rushboar Saddle and use Reckless Charge while mounted to mine quicker. However, there are some pals better suited to this. By using 20 leather, players can craft a Digtoise Headband or Reptyro Saddle. A Reptyro Saddle is particularly effective, improving the efficiency of mining ores while mounted so players can get much more ore much faster.

6 Gloves To Enhance Gliding With Pals

Best Item To Craft: Galeclaw's Gloves

Galeclaw glider-1
  • Amount of leather needed: 20

Palworld players have noticed numerous similarities to The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, one of them being how players can use a glider to soar through the skies from great heights. While pal tamers can craft gliders early on in the game, it quickly becomes clear that pals make much more effective gliders.

Players can use leather to craft pal gear that allows them to use Killamari, Hangyu, and Galeclaw as gliders. While Killamari works perfectly well, the latter two are stronger options. Hangyu actually carries the player upwards, allowing them to glide further distances, but Galeclaw allows players to glide exceptionally quickly through the world while firing weapons.

5 Gear To Use Pals As Weapons

Best Item To Craft: Foxparks Harness

  • Amount of leather needed: Three

In the early game, bats and old bows don’t do too much damage against enemies attacking players and their bases. But as soon as pal tamers reach Level 6, it only takes a few bits of leather, flame organs, and paldium fragments to turn a simple early-game pal into a powerful weapon.

Players only need three leather to craft the Foxparks Harness, but once they do, they unlock the partner skill Huggy Fire that turns this innocent-looking pal into a deadly flamethrower. For just three bits of leather, this is one of the best early-game investments players can make when crafting.

4 Necklaces To Dominate Enemies With Pals

Best Item To Craft: Dazzi's Necklace

A squad of Daedreams in Palworld
  • Amount of leather needed: 15

While players can come across pendants and rings to boost various stats in Palworld, necklaces do something quite different. Instead of enhancing attack or defense, necklaces are items of pal gear that can allow pals like Flopie, Daedream, and Dazzi to travel around with you outside their pal spheres.

Palworld: How to Get Pal Fluids

Pal Fluids are essential to keeping all your Pals comfy as they work in your base. Here's how to find this crafting material in Palworld.

When you use leather to craft a necklace for either Daedream, Flopie, or Dazzi, they’ll accompany you on your adventure, sticking right by your side at all times while on your team. Flopie will pick up nearby items while Dazzi and Daedream support your attacks. Even better, this pal gear stacks, meaning you can have five Daedream out at once to outnumber and truly dominate your opponents.

3 Flying Mount Saddles To Explore From The Skies

Best Item To Craft: Jetragon's Missile Launcher

palworld jetragon boss
  • Amount of leather needed: 100

It would be difficult to traverse Palworld’s expansive open world without the help of a pal to mount. Luckily, there are plenty of options out there, and it's best for players to secure a flying mount as soon as possible if they want to conquer the towering hills and mountains throughout the map.

Creating a saddle for a flying mount usually requires a long list of resources, such as cloth, ingots, fiber, padium fragments, and of course, leather. Nitewing is usually a player’s first flying mount and requires 20 leather to craft a saddle. However, to craft a saddle for significantly faster pals like Faleris or Helzephyr, players will need to set aside 30 leather. Jetragon may be the fastest pal in the game by far, but it also requires a gargantuan 100 leather to craft its saddle.

2 Armor To Enhance Defense And Survive

Best Item To Craft: Pal Metal Armor

Crafting Metal Armor on Workbench
  • Amount of leather needed:20

When players start their adventure on the Palpagos Islands, they’re dressed in very little. With next to no protection, they’re vulnerable to even the weakest pals until they get their hands on a bit of leather to craft pelt armor.

Pelt armor is the first proper piece of protective clothing players craft, but as they level up, they can use leather to craft even stronger armors, including metal, refined metal, and pal metal armors. Players can even craft heat or cold-resistant armors too, although this requires extra leather resources.

1 Land Mount Saddles To Race Across The World

Best Item To Craft: Necromus Saddle

Necromus and Paladius from Palworld
  • Amount of leather needed: 100

Although it might be easier to soar over mountains and meadows on a trusty flying mount, players miss out on a lot that they can only discover by exploring the world on the ground. Pal tamers may walk and run slower than most players would prefer, but a bit of leather allows players to mount a speedy pal that zips them through the world.

Palworld Mount Pal Tier List

There are a multitude of Pal mounts in Palworld, so players are likely to be curious about which Pals are best in terms of speed and power.

Direhowl is a fast mount players can acquire early on in the game and only requires 10 leather to craft its saddle. However, the faster a mount is, the more leather is required to craft a saddle; for example, Rayhound and Pyrin are particularly fast mounts whose saddles require 20 and 25 leather respectively. Fenglope is another excellent mount that boasts both speed and an insanely high jump, but whose saddle requires 30 leather. However, by far the fastest mounts in Palworld are Paladius and Necromus, but they will set players back 100 leather for each saddle. Nevertheless, the speed these pals offer makes all that leather worth it.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival