Table of contents

It doesn't take long for a base on Palworld to get busy. As players level up, they soon have a lot going on in a small space; Pals mining for ore and stone, lumbering for wood, planting, harvesting, crafting, and sometimes even breeding. Pal tamers come to rely heavily on their Pals farming resources for them, but they need to have the right Pals around to make sure their base doesn't get cluttered and messy.

As Pals drop items they mine, lumber, and harvest, players need to have the right Pals available to transport these items to a storage box, so they can be used for crafting. While Pal tamers can always opt to do this chore themselves, there's a limit to how much they can carry at once and several trips across a base takes up valuable time. Fortunately, there are some excellent Pals they can delegate transporting to.

Palworld: 10 Things Every Base Should Have

The Pals in Palworld can do more than just shoot guns. With the right buildings and equipment in a Base, Pals can churn out resources in no time.

10 Cattiva

Helpful For Players Starting Out

palworld cattiva factory

Work Suitability

  • Handiwork Level 1
  • Transporting Level 2
  • Gathering Level 1
  • Mining Level 1

Along with Lamballs and Chikipis, Cattivas are amongst the first Pals that players catch in the game, found in both the starting area and islands to the north-east and south-west. Fortunately, they’re good to rely on for transporting items in the early game. In fact, their special skill is “Cat Helper,” holding supplies for the player to increase their carrying capacity. They’re helpful back at base as well, thanks to their Gathering, Mining, and Handiwork suitabilities.

However, Cattivas can get distracted sometimes due to all the tasks they’re able to do and are often the first ones to slack off or have extra breaks. As a result, Cattivas are great pals for transporting items in the early game but should be swapped in for better options once a player has expanded their Paldex.

9 Penking

Like An Upgraded Pengullet

Palworld: How to Find and Catch PenkingWork Suitability

  • Handiwork Level 2
  • Transporting Level 2
  • Watering Level 2
  • Mining Level 2
  • Cooling Level 2

Penking is a jack-of-all-trades, much like Tanzee and other early-game pals, but has higher levels of Work Suitability. Just like its Handiwork, Watering, and Mining suitabilities, Penking’s Transporting is at Level 2. However, like others with a range of Work Suitabilities, there’s a risk that Penking might be distracted by other tasks that need doing. Nevertheless, it’s always worth having a Penking around to pick up the slack and lead other pals in transporting.

Palworld: 6 Beginner Mistakes To Avoid

A survival monster-collecting game set in an open-world, Palworld can be overwhelming. Here are some early-game mistakes to avoid.

Players can catch a Penking in No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary across the sea to the south of the starting area. Penking can also be hatched from eggs found in the wild and is even a level 15 Alpha boss in the Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings.

8 Tombat

Best Pal For Transporting In The Early Game

TombatWork Suitability

  • Transporting Level 2
  • Gathering Level 2
  • Mining Level 2

For players who are determined to acquire the best pPals for transporting in their base, Tombat is the best pal available in the early game. Pal tamers can find this Pal very early on near where they spawn and on the islands to the east and west, but only if they’re willing to brave the wilds at night.

Tombat only has three Work Suitabilities. While this might initially seem underwhelming on paper, in practice it means that a Tombat will be less distracted by other tasks and will focus more on transporting items. What’s more, Tombat’s Level 2 in Transporting makes them particularly effective in the early game when most Pals only have Level 1 Work Suitabilities.

7 Beegarde

A Masterful Jack-Of-All-Trades

Palworld_Elizabee and Beegarde

Work Suitability

  • Planting Level 1
  • Handiwork Level 1
  • Lumbering Level 1
  • Medicine Production Level 1
  • Transporting Level 2
  • Gathering Level 1
  • Farming Level 1

All pal tamers love a Pal with multiple Work Suitabilities. Although pals who are specialized in just a few duties can be more targeted, players never quite know what they might need to keep up with the ebb and flow of life on a base. That’s where Beegarde excels, able to plant and gather crops, chop wood, make medicine, produce honey, and even help players with crafting. Although all these skills are just Level 1, their Transporting is Level 2, meaning it really comes into its own when items need moving.

It's great to have a Beegarde in a base to ensure a range of tasks are completed, but their usefulness means they’re harder to find than some other Pals. As expected of a bee, Beegardes are often found protecting an Elizabee towards the north-east of the central islands in forests surrounding the Frostbound Mountain.

6 Gorirat

Pal With The Highest Transporting Level Found In The Early- To Mid-Game


Work Suitability

  • Handiwork Level 1
  • Lumbering Level 2
  • Transporting Level 3

Gorirats may be easy to find in the first half of the game, but they make a worthy addition to any base, able to help with Lumbering at Level 2 and the occasional bit of Handiwork at Level 1. However, their strength lies in their Level 3 Transporting. They need very little food to keep happy and motivated and are small enough to move around the base without getting stuck as often as larger Pals.

Palworld: Best Pals For Mining

Mining in Palworld is the main action to farm stone and ore, necessary materials for crafting. This list goes over the best Pals for this type of job.

Gorirats can be found in the same areas as Beegardes in forest areas that surround the Frostbound Mountain in the north-east of the central islands.

5 Quivern

A Mid-Game All-Rounder With A Strength In Transporting Items

quivern palworld

Work Suitability

  • Handiwork Level 1
  • Transporting Level 3
  • Gathering Level 2
  • Mining Level 2

Players stumble across several all-rounders in the early game so it’s great to find a stronger one in the mid-game with a range of Work Suitabilities. With Level 1 in Handiwork and Level 2 in both Gathering and Mining, Quivern is a skilled Pal to keep on a base. However, at Level 3 in Transporting, this is clearly its strength and doesn’t require too much food to keep their happiness and sanity in check.

Quiverns aren’t too difficult to get hold of, but they do require a trip to the No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary on the island in the west of the map. Alternatively, there’s a Level 23 Alpha boss in the Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant that players should be able to take on without too much challenge.

4 Mossanda Lux

A Transporting Expert That Helps Keep The Base Powered

Mossanda Lux from PalworldWork Suitability

  • Handiwork Level 2
  • Lumbering Level 2
  • Transporting Level 3
  • Generating Electricity Level 2

Although the regular Mossanda is just as good at transporting items, the Mossanda Lux is ever so slightly superior simply because its Level 2 Generating Electricity ability is more useful than Level 2 Planting since many Pals have this Work Suitability anyway. Mossanda and Mossanda Lux also have Handiwork and Lumbering capabilities, but Level 3 Transporting is their strongest Work Suitability. As an added bonus, Mossandas don’t require too much food to keep happy either so it’s perfectly feasible to have a couple on a base at any one time.

A Mossanda Lux can be found on the easternmost island of the map as an Alpha boss just north-east of the Natural Bridge fast travel point. However, this Pal is Level 31 and so only really intended for more experienced Pal tamers. Alternatively, a regular Mossanda can be caught in the forest areas surrounding the Frostbound Mountain.

3 Ragnahawk

A Pal To Rely On For Both Transporting And Kindling

palworld stats of ragnahawkWork Suitability

  • Kindling Level 3
  • Transporting Level 3

There are a few flying Pals who are excellent at transporting items around a base, but Ragnahawk is perhaps the best option. With Level 3 in Transporting, it’s very reliable. However, it also boasts a Level 3 in Kindling too, making it ideal in the mid- to late-game when players need a lot of ingots for crafting. Additionally, with only two Work Suitabilities, there’s less chance of Ragnahawks getting distracted by other tasks.

Palworld: How to Survive Heat

Finding it hard to tackle the extreme heat in Palworld? If so, this guide details what players must do to survive their time in the desert.

While Vanwyrm and Faleris are similar, Vanwyrm only has Level 1 in Kindling and Faleris requires more food to keep working, thus making Ragnahawk the superior choice. However, Ragnahawk is more challenging to catch, available only to Pal tamers who brave the volcano in the south-west of the map.

2 Helzephyr

A Pal Dedicated Solely To Transporting

Helzephyr from Palworld

Work Suitability

  • Transporting Level 3

At first glance, some players might be unimpressed when looking at Helzephyr’s stats since Transporting is its only Work Suitability. Although it won’t be able to help with anything else on the base, that’s not necessarily a bad thing since there’s usually something that needs transporting. Besides, having nothing but Level 3 Transporting means that Helzephyr won’t be distracted by anything else and can really shine on a busy base.

Helzephyr is a great Pal for transporting items but is a challenge to catch since it flies high in the sky and only comes out at night. Nevertheless, it’s absolutely worth the effort. Players can find their very own Helzephyr on the central islands of the game, stretching from just above the Desolate Church up to the Frostbound Mountain.

1 Wumpo

The Best Pal For Transporting In The Game

Palworld player with a Wumpo

Work Suitability

  • Handiwork Level 2
  • Lumbering Level 3
  • Transporting Level 4
  • Cooling Level 2

Although in many ways, Pals with fewer Work Suitabilities are better because they are more focused, there’s no competition when it comes to Wumpo. With Level 4 Transporting, Wumpo is the best in the game. Along with Level 3 Lumbering and Level 2 in both Handiwork and Cooling, he’s an exceptional Pal that proves useful on any base, although players could opt for Wumpo Botan instead if they wish to substitute Level 2 Cooling for Level 1 Planting. However, players should be aware that Wumpo is a large Pal and so requires a great deal of food to stay happy and productive.

Such a high level in Transporting means that Wumpo is found later on in the game than many other Pals. Players have to travel to the snowy biome in the far north-west of the map and brave the freezing conditions. Alternatively, Pal tamers might have an easier time catching a Wumpo Botan in No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary on the island in the west.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival