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In Palworld's early game, players only have access to low-level technology like spears, bows and arrows, and primitive workbenches. As the game progresses, players unlock more high-tech structures and weapons, eventually reaching the ability to craft machine guns and assembly lines.

Like in the real world, electricity is needed to power high-tech structures. Players can power up their base with generators, but they need Pals working on them to actually provide the electricity. Unlike other traits like gathering that can be done by Pals of different element types, only electric Pals can generate electricity.

Palworld: How to Get a Cooler Box and What to Do With It

Here's everything you need to know about the Cooler Box in Palworld, including how to get it.

10 Jolthog

Low-Level Electric Pal For The Early Game

Palworld Pals To Sell Jolthog
  • Generating Electricity Level 1

Jolthogs are found to the West of the initial starting area. They are fairly easy to catch, making them good for the Electric role of a new player's party composition. Once the player has crafted Jolthog's Gloves, jolthogs can be thrown like an electrical grenade at enemies.

The only work that these Pals are suited for is generating electricity, so players cannot put them to work in the base at all until a power generator has been built. Players will likely have other Electric Pals by the time the player has leveled up enough to build one, but that does not mean that they can't still use Jolthogs to power it up.

9 Dazzi

Electric Pals With Some Other Low-Level Work Traits

The Electric Pal Dazzi
  • Generating Electricity Level 1
  • Handiwork Level 1
  • Transporting Level 1

Dazzis are found in the desert in the northeast corner of the map. They can fight alongside the player even if they are not the active Pal once Dazzi's Necklace has been crafted. This ability makes them great additions to the party when exploring or fighting bosses that are weak to Electric damage.

Palworld: Best Electric Pals, Ranked

Here are the best electric Pals available in Pocket Pair's Palworld, ranked from worst to best.

Like all Electric Pals, Dazzis can generate electricty in the base. They can only do that at Level 1, making them less ideal than some others, but they also have Handiwork and Transporting. Since they can do a few different jobs, they are good Pals to work unless the player just needs electricity as quickly as possible.

8 Sparkit

Electric Pals That Are Easy To Find

The electric Pal Sparkit
  • Generating Electricity Level 1
  • Handiwork Level 1
  • Transporting Level 1

Sparkits are found near the starting area as well as around the center of the map, which makes them fairly easy to capture. They have a passive Partner Skil that increases the attack power for all Electric Pals, so they can be very useful for players that favor them.

As for work suitability, Sparkits have the same work suitability as Dazzi: Generating Electricity, Handiwork, and Transporting. Since they are easier to find, Sparkits may be easier to use until players have explored more of the map.

7 Rayhound

Quick Mount With Decent Speed At Generating Electricity

Palworld player kneeling before a Rayhound
  • Generating Electricity Level 2

Rayhounds are dog-like Pals found in the desert to the northeast. Players can ride a Rayhound if they have crafted a Rayhound saddle. Since they are faster than many other Pals and have the ability to double jump, they make great mounts.

They generate electricity faster than early-game Pals since they have Level 2 Generating Electricity. That is their only work trait, however, so Rayhounds should only be used at the base if the player wants a Pal to solely focus on that.

6 Beakon

Flying Mount And A Fast Transporter

Palworld Beakon
  • Generating Electricity Level 2
  • Transporting Level 3
  • Gathering Level 1

Found only in the northernmost section of the large desert in the map's northeastern corner, Beakons are flying Electric Pals. Players can use them as mounts and fly across the world, making it much easier to reach mountaintops and distant islands. While mounted, the player's attacks deal Electric damage.

Beakons have three work traits at three different levels. In addition to their Level 2 Generating Electricity trait, they have an exceptional level in Transporting, and can also gather plants if absolutely necessary (Level 1). With their variety of skills, beakons are good workers to have.

5 Univolt

Fast Pals That Can Generate Power Or Chop Wood

Univolt from Palworld
  • Generating Electricity Level 2
  • Lumbering Level 1

The electric unicorn Pal, univolt, is found in the western part of the world's forest biome. They are exceptionally fast runners and therefore make excellent mounts for players who want to traverse the world quickly overland. As an added bonus, the player's attacks deal Electric damage while mounted.

Univolts can generate electricity fairly quickly given their Level 2 trait, and can help gather wood if there is not an immediate need for power. If players have not come across many other Lumbering Pals, univolts are a good choice to have at the base.

4 Relaxaurus Lux

Electric Variant Of A Dragon Pal

Palworld Relaxaurus Lux
  • Generating Electricity Level 3
  • Transporting Level 1

The electric variation of the water dragon Relaxaurus is an impressive Pal. While players ride one, it can rapidly fire a missile launcher, making it a good combat-focused mount. Players can breed a Relaxaurus with a Sparkit or capture the Alpha Relaxaurus Lux in the Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon.

It is one of only two Pals in the game with Level 3 Generating Electricity skill, making it one of the fastest producers of electricity. Its other work trait is only Level 1, so it should only be assigned to the base if focusing on electricity is all that is needed.

3 Mossanda Lux

Rare But Helpful Electric Pals

Palworld_Mossanda and Mossanda Lux Guide
  • Generating Electricity Level 2
  • Handiwork Level 2
  • Lumbering Level 2

Mossanda Lux is the Electric variant of the panda Pal Mossanda. Both Pals are great for the workforce, but the Electric type is a little harder to get. Players can breed a regular Mossanda with a Grizzbolt to hatch one or they can catch the Alpha Mossanda Lux in the eastern forest.

These Pals have Level 2 traits in Generating Electricity, Handiwork, and Lumbering which makes them good at each of the tasks they can perform. This makes them worth the rarity and the difficulty of capture.

2 Grizzbolt

Iconic Electric Pal With Many Skills

A screenshot from monster-catching survival game Palworld, showing a player character riding Pal Grizzbolt holding a gun.
  • Generating Electricity Level 3
  • Handiwork Level 2
  • Lumbering Level 2

Grizzbolt is an iconic Pal species that has been featured in trailers and posters for Palworld. Players have to face one as the first boss fight as well. These Electric Pals are unique mounts, wielding a a rapid-firing minigun while players are riding them around.

They are also great workers with the second-fastest ability to generate electricity, along with good speed at lumbering and crafting. Grizzbolts are good at anything the player chooses to task them with, but their specialty while working is providing power.

1 Orserk

No Pals Can Generate Electricity Like This One

Palworld Orserk
  • Generating Electricity Level 4
  • Transporting Level 3
  • Handiwork Level 2

Orserks, black and gold dragon Pals, can be captured from Wilderness Sanctuary Number 3 East of the desert. The struggle to cross the remote distance and capture one is worth players' time because they are great Pals for adventuring or keeping at the base.

They are the only Pals with Level 4 Generating Electricity so no other Pals can match their speed at getting power to the base. They are also very fast at transporting goods and good at Handiwork. All in all, orserks are the best Pals to use for powering up a high-level base.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival