Surviving life at the base in Palworld is simple when the proper tools and provisions are given to the Pals hard at work. Nourishment, a warm bed to sleep in, and a hot spring to bring up sanity are some of the necessities players should consider. In some cases, Pals will suffer minor or major injuries, suffer from depression, or become completely incapacitated. Under these circumstances, medicine is required.

Medical supplies can be crafted at the Medicine Workbench or found in the overworld of Palworld. Some Pals are more efficient than others when it comes to processing these ingredients. Only 16 Pals roaming the world have the Medicine skill in their repertoire, making it one of the rarer and more sought after skills on the list. Here are some Pals to consider when starting up a base.

Palworld: How To Make Nails

Capture Fire Elements Pals, craft a Primitive Furnace, and mine ore in Palworld, all to unlock the Nails technology.

5 Robinquill

A Noble Healer

Robinquill in Palworld
Robinquill in Palworld

A Grass Pal found north of the main area, Robinquill is an excellent beginner Pal for crafting medicine. Not only are they encountered early in the game, but they can also hatch from Verdant Eggs. They're good to add to the team due to their power and Hawk Eye partner skill, which helps the player attack any enemy foes and targets weak points. However, their utility will be best served back at the base.

They're not just one of the few Pals to offer the Medicine skill. Robinquill also provides players with an arsenal of other skills, ranging from Level 1 to Level 2. It's efficient at Planting and Lumbering, and excels at Handiwork, Transporting, and Gathering. When it's not busy with creating medicine, it can be a contributing member to tending to crops, as it covers two of the three steps necessary.

4 Beegarde

The Sweetest Of All Medicines

Palworld Beegarde locations

If players aren't afraid of bees and are strategic enough to catch them fast, Beegarde is another fantastic candidate for Medicine crafting. It can be found near the Mossanda Forest Fast Travel waypoint. They usually come in crowds of three or more, but are difficult to capture if preparations aren't precise. These pals will self-destruct on players, making it impossible to catch them and causing massive damage.

Palworld: Best Ice Pals, Ranked

Ice element Pals are handy to have around in Palworld, and these are the best options to catch.

Prepare a Fire-type Pal and move in swiftly to get at least one, as Beegarde is exceptionally resourceful. In addition to their ability to craft medicinal products, Beegarde can craft honey — a useful material for crafting cake, which is used for breeding purposes. It's also capable of Planting, Handiwork, Lumbering, Transporting, and Gathering. Alongside Elizabee, the duo can also be a force on the battlefield.

3 Elizabee

Healing From The Queen Bee

An Elizabee in Palworld

Speaking of the Queen Bee herself, Elizabee does most of what Beegarde can do, only better. Elizabee has an Alpha Form available in the Devout Mineshaft, specifically in the forest region, located in the center of the map. They can spawn either near Frostbound Mountain or the lava field, towards the far East. They'll be surrounded by self-destructing Beegardes, so proceed with extreme caution.

While Elizabee doesn't produce honey like Beegarde, they provide Level 2 Medicine, along with Planting, Handiwork, and Gathering, and a Level 1 Lumbering skill. They can assist with quite a few jobs, and in battle, the Queen Bee skill boosts their stats with every additional Beegarde in the team. Players should have at least one to assist with the crops and crafting tools will be essential for the base's growth over an extended period of time.

2 Lovander

Medicine Made With Love

lovander palworld

Seeing many of these Pals might be frightening at first glance, especially due to their involvement in base raids. Lovander is found exclusively at night, on the beach near the Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant Fast Travel waypoint.

Palworld: Best Pals For Your Base

If you're looking to maximize production in Palworld, then you're going to need all the best base Pals to help things keep moving in your homestead.

Its utility on the battlefield is quite helpful, as it replenishes the health of itself and the player by draining the health from enemy foes. Back at the base, it's handy with medicine building, Handiwork, Transporting, and Mining, providing good use in multiple areas. It can assist with crafting as much medicine as needed and will transport it over to storage, showing a true loving nature.

1 Vaelet

The Most Helpful Healer Around

vaelet palworld

If players are striving for the best, Vaelet is the Pal that needs to be at every base. Finding it isn't an issue, as flying on a saddle or traveling by sea can bring a player to the No.1 Wildlife Sanctuary island, where a Level 48 Vaelet will be waiting. They can also be found at the Sealed Realm of the Guardian, with much less difficulty for players who don't necessarily care about the Alpha Boss tag.

This incredible Grass-type Pal is one of four with Level 3 Medicine, and fortunately, it provides more value than just that. Vaelet has Level 2 Planting, Handiwork, and Gathering, in addition to Level 1 Transporting. Its skill, Purification of Gaia, gets more drop items when battling Ground-type Pals alongside the player, so picking which ones to target for valuable items could be a benefit worth exploiting over time.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival
Number of Players
1-4 (Co-Op); 32 Players Server Limit