Table of contents


  • Ice-type Pals in Palworld have powerful active skills that can protect you and your team while adventuring.
  • Icicle Cutter is a common and effective low-level skill that can be used by various Ice-type Pals.
  • Blizzard Spike is the most powerful active skill for Ice-type Pals, dealing high damage and allowing you to defeat high-level Dragon-types.

Ice-type Pals in Palworld are some of the best to have on your team, especially when up against intimidating Dragon-types. They can easily freeze them, an ability they can use in battle as well as on the base to keep everyone cool in the hot weather or preserve frozen food items with a Cooler.

Palworld: Best Dark Active Skills (& The Pals That Have Them)

Palworld has a good selection of Dark Active Skills, and these are the type's best moves and the Pals that can use them.

While there aren't a large quantity of Ice Active Skills to choose from in Palworld, a lot of them have incredible power to protect you and your Pals while out adventuring through unknown territories. Whether you choose to have Pengullet at your side or the mighty Frostallion, here are some of the best Active Skills these Ice-types can learn.

8 Icicle Cutter

Hurls crescent-shaped icicles towards the enemy

  • Power: 55
  • Cast Time: 10 Seconds

Icicle Cutter is a very common Ice-type Active Skill. You'll often find this Skill already equipped on lower-level Pals you catch in the wild, such as Pengullet, Mau Cryst, Swee, and more. The move is characterized by aggressive, crescent-shaped icicles being thrown at your enemy.

Despite having low-level damage hitting at 55, the Skill has a relatively short Cast Time of just 10 seconds, making it easy to hurl this attack multiple times to take out an enemy. It's a great starting point for your Ice-Type Pals and will help you through your first few bosses in the game.

Pals that can learn Icicle Cutter:

  • All Ice-type Pals
  • Lyleen Noct
  • Bushi
  • Gobfin

7 Freezing Charge

Ice-adorned antlers charge directly at the enemy

Image of a Reindrix in the wild in Palworld
  • Power: 65
  • Cast Time: 9 Seconds

From Icicle Cutter, there's a bit of a boost to the overall damage from Freezing Charge. This Active Skill is exclusive to Reindrix and has a Power of 65 and a Cast Time of only 9 seconds. After you catch your first Reindrix, it'll be a great partner to keep around on your team, and you can take out just about any Dragon-type using Freezing Charge.

Your first Reindrix will most likely come with Freezing Charge in their arsenal, so it's a great attack to keep with you while you slowly level up Reindrix. There are definitely more powerful Active Skills that Reindrix will pick up later, but Freezing Charge is a solid place to start.

6 Iceberg

A sharp ice lance suddenly appears under an enemy

  • Power: 70
  • Cast Time: 15 Seconds

Iceberg finds itself just a touch above Freezing Charge, offering Power reaching 70 and a Cast Time of 15 seconds. Despite taking a bit longer to reach its opponent, Iceberg is still a substantial attack that is sure to finish off hostile enemies in just a few hits.

Palworld: Best Water Active Skills (& The Water Pals That Have Them)

With only a handful of water-based active skills in Palworld, their strength varies considerably, as does the Pals who can use them during battle.

Iceberg can be learned by a majority of Ice-types as well as a few Pals outside the Ice realm. If you have a Pengullet on your team since the beginning, this is one of the more powerful attacks it can learn, so it can provide high-level damage combined with your other Pals.

Pals that can learn Iceberg:

  • Pengullet & Penking
  • Jolthog Cryst
  • Mau Cryst
  • Bristla
  • Hangyu Cryst
  • Ribbuny
  • Swee & Sweepa
  • Foxcicle
  • Reindrix
  • Sibelyx
  • Cryolinx
  • Ice Reptyro
  • Ice Kingpaca
  • Mammorest Cryst
  • Wumpo
  • Paladius
  • Frostallion

5 Emperor Slide

Penking lies on its belly while creating frozen air to slide on toward the enemy

  • Power: 70
  • Cast Time: 10 Seconds

Emperor Slide might not be higher in Power to Iceberg at just 70, but it cuts down the Cast Time to just 10 seconds, making it much more useful overall. You'll have more chances to repeat this move and more quickly take down your enemies before they can retaliate.

As a Penking-exclusive Active Skill, it's one of the better moves the Pal can learn and is sure to cause devastating blows to your enemies. Penking can effortlessly take out Dragon-type Field Bosses, such as Elphidran, using Emperor Slide. This Active Skill is one you will want to keep on Penking to ensure he is keeping up with the rest of the team.

4 Cryst Breath

Engulfs an enemy in a cold blast of air that deals continuing damage

Palworld player with a Suzaku Aqua
  • Power: 90
  • Cast Time: 22 Seconds

A major step above its predecessors is Cryst Breath, coming in at a high Power of 90, with a Cast Time of 22 seconds. Your Ice-type, or even Dark-type, such as Daedream, will unleash some icy breath on their enemy that'll slowly chip away at the majority of their health. However, the biggest downside of Cryst Breath is its longer Cast Time.

Cryst Breath can be taught to just about every Ice-type except Pengullet, making it one of the best to keep on your Pals once they learn it naturally from leveling up. If you have one of the stronger Ice-types, such as Ice Reptyro or Frostallion, you'll want to make sure you keep this attack on their roster to deal maximum damage.

Pals that can learn Cryst Breath:

  • All Ice-type Pals except Pengullet
  • Daedream
  • Suzaku Aqua
  • Lyleen Noct

3 Frost Burst

Raises legs and slams them into the ground to cause frozen blasts and drops snowballs from above

Palworld player with their Ice Reptyro
  • Power: 100
  • Cast Time: 45 Seconds

Frost Burst is exclusive to Ice Reptyro, a rideable Ice-type with powerful attacks and a useful Utility Partner Skill. Frost Burst has a Power of 100, with a Cast Time of 45 seconds. Despite having an incredibly long Cast Time, its Power makes up for it significantly and is sure to finish off a large majority of enemies.

Palworld: Best Fire Active Skills (& The Pals That Have Them)

Pals with Fire moves are known to cause massive damage and leave their foes in flames. These active skills, and the Pals that have them, are the best.

You can find yourself an Ice Reptyro within the Sacred Mountain Cavern dungeons as a wild Pal or even a boss. This Pal can not only destroy your enemies while using Frost Burst, but you can also utilize its Partner Skill that allows you to ride it and improve your mining efficiency.

2 Crystal Wing

Dashes forward and slices through enemies using frigid wings

The player's character in Palworld standing in an Ice Biome with Frostallion present in the background
  • Power: 110
  • Cast Time: 24 Seconds

Crystal Wing is an incredibly impressive Active Skill available to just Frostallion and the rare Frostallion Noct, with a Power of 110 and a short Cast Time of only 24 seconds. This move is similar in length to Cryst Breath but can deal much greater damage, making Frostallion the perfect Pal to bring along to Legendary boss fights.

Frostallion's massive wings are what make this Skill so impressive, slashing through your enemies and freezing them on the spot. Though this Legendary Pal might be a tough one to catch, it's certainly worth the trouble due to its impressive abilities.

1 Blizzard Spike

Creates and catapults a large lump of ice at an enemy and damages the surrounding area

Palworld player with a Vanwyrm Cryst
  • Power: 130
  • Cast Time: 45 Seconds

The most powerful Active Skill you can get for your Ice-type Pals is Blizzard Spike, with a Power of 130 and a Cast Time of 45 seconds. Though its Cast Time is significantly longer than Crystal Wing, its greater damage will give you the ability to finish off enemies in just one blow.

Blizzard Spike is a pretty limited Active Skill, however, with only a few Ice-types being able to learn this move naturally. However, there are quite a few non-Ice-types that can learn it as well, making it readily accessible to many different Pals on your team. With this Active Skill equipped, you'll have no problem defeating high-level Dragon-types.

Pals that can learn Blizzard Spike:

  • Pengullet
  • Penking
  • Ribbuny
  • Lunaris
  • Vanwyrm Cryst
  • Ice Reptyro
  • Wumpo
  • Fenglope
  • Paladius
  • Frostallion
  • Suzaku Aqua
  • Lyleen Noct

January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival