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Fire Pals appear as early as Palworld's first area and remain a frequent presence in a player's journey. Whether they're aiding in battle, smelting ore at the furnaces, or cooking up dinner, Fire Element Pals are always helpful to have around.

Fire is also unique among the Elements available in Palword due to having an advantage against two different elements. The Fire Element deals extra damage against both Grass and Ice element Pals, the former of which are quite common in early-midgame areas and the latter of which are frequently found in the game's icy lategame zones.

Palworld: All Pal Gear & How to Get Them

In Palworld, Pal Gear makes your exploration and survival easier by teaming up with your Pals and using their abilities to traverse the islands.


Palworld_Flambelle in Window

Flambelle is one of the best early Fire Pals when it comes to utility, while remaining surprisingly useful much later on. Flambelle has the following Work Suitabilities: Kindling 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1, and Farming 1. This mix of Work Suitabilities allows Flambelle to help out around the base in a variety of ways, but most notably, it produces flame organs when grazing at the Ranch. Flame Organs are used in the creation of many useful items, notably including the Heat-Resistant Armor needed to brave areas like the Deserts and the Volcano.



First encountered as a Boss, Bushi is a tremendously powerful Pal to add to the team. With an assortment of deadly attacks and the ability to learn attacks from the Grass, Ice, and Electric Elements naturally as it levels up, Bushi can cut through enemies with ease. Its Partner Skill "Brandish Blade" allows it to perform a powerful teleporting slash called "Iagiri." Even outside of combat, Bushi can be helpful, with the following Work Suitabilities: Kindling 2, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 3, and Transporting 2.

These Work Suitabilities allow Bushi to perform several tasks around the base but make it particularly suited to harvesting huge amounts of wood.


Palworld - Wixen Detailed Stats

This Sorcery-inclined Pal is another great Fire Pal to catch, dealing decent damage in combat while also adding the Fire Element to the player's attacks just by being active. When back at base, Wixen has the following Work Suitabilities: Kindling 2, Handiwork 3, Transporting 2. These make it great at assembling items at Workbenches and Assembly lines, along with processing ore into metal and ingredients into better food.


Palworld player with a Suzaku

Much further into the game than anyone mentioned so far, Suzaku can be found in the Northeastern Desert, with a World Boss Suzaku in the area too. A flying Pal who can serve as an excellent Mount, Suzaku strengthens all Fire Attacks while ridden to make aerial combat even more appealing. Suzaku has Kindling 3 Work Suitability, allowing it to smelt ore and cook food at incredible speeds, so it can be handy to keep one back at base to focus on the furnaces.

Blazehowl & Blazehowl Noct

Blazehowl from Palworld

Blazehowl, and its part Dark Element variant Blazehowl Noct, make for excellent mounts and tremendous smelters. With Kindling 3 and Lumbering 2, they're both able to smelt ore, cook food, and tear down trees with ease. Blazehowls run pretty fast and will increase item drops from Grass Pals when fighting alongside the player, making them handy for farming certain resources. Meanwhile, the Blazehowl Noct boosts drops from Normal Pals instead.



Found high up on the Volcano, Reptyro are Fire/Ground Pals with a fairly straightforward skillset. They burn things, They mine things, and players can ride them to mine things more efficiently. With Kindling 3 and Mining 3, they perform exceptionally back at base, harvesting huge amounts of stone and keeping the furnaces lit. In the field they can be used to break stone and ore easily, though in truth a Digtoise is usually the better choice for that particular niche.


Palworld player petting their Blazamut

A Deadly Pal found deep beneath the Volcano, Blazamut is a dangerous World Boss and a valuable ally. With access to Ground and Neutral Element attacks through level-up and a Partner Skill that boosts Fire Attacks while riding it, Blazamut can be a great combat mount. Alternatively, when placed in the base Blazamut has Kindling 3 and Mining 4, making it a slightly better alternative to Reptyro as a worker.



Faleris are fantastic flying mounts that provide a boost to item drops from Ice Pals while mounted, while also boasting Kindling 3 and Transporting 3 to help out around the base. Their level-up skills are all Fire Element, so they have access to some excellent attacks but lack versatility without help from skill fruit. Getting a Faleris requires some illegal activity in the northeastern Wildlife Sanctuary, so players will need to be pretty far into the game to find one.

Jormuntide Ignis

Jormuntide Ignis

Jormuntide Ignis is a variant of Jormuntide that trades Watering 4 for Kindling 4 and its Water Type for Fire Type. Naturally, this shift not only qualifies them for this list but marks them as the only Pal with Kindling 4. This makes them incredibly effective at smelting and cooking work. They learn powerful Fire, Dragon, and Electric attack skills to help them handle threats quickly, and enhance the effectiveness of Fire attacks while the player is riding them.

The only tricky part is catching one, since players will need to raid the Wildlife Sanctuary north of the Volcano to find wild ones. Alternatively, they can be acquired by breeding after catching a normal Jormuntide.