Table of contents


  • Electric Pals in Palworld have pleasing designs, including the adorable Sparkit and the towering Orserk.
  • These Pals possess some of the best Active Skills with a level of Power that will intimidate any boss.
  • The best Active Skills for Electric Pals include Blast Punch, Lightning Claw, Tri-Lightning, Kerauno, Lightning Strike, and Lightning Bolt.

Electric Pals in Palworld have some of the most pleasing designs, with the adorable Sparkit and the towering Orserk sure to intimidate your enemies. Not only do they have visual appeal, but these Pals also possess some of the best Active Skills with a level of Power that will throw off just about any boss.

Palworld: Best Ice Active Skills (& The Pals That Have Them)

There are a select few Ice Active Skills available in Palworld, and these are some of the best to choose from.

With a total of 12 different Active Skills available for Electric-types, there are some that blow the rest out of the water and are worth obtaining through Skill Fruit or leveling. Here are the best and most powerful Active Skills for your Electric Pals to obtain.

8 Lock-On Laser

Fires a high-speed laser at a targeted enemy

palworld how to find and catch univolt
  • Power: 70
  • Cast Time: 15 Seconds

Starting off relatively strongly, we have the Lock-On Laser, with a Power of 70 and a Cast Time of 15 seconds. This Active Skill can do an impressive amount of damage for a starter-move, and will likely be a move that your Univolt already knows when you first catch it.

As you may have noticed, Lock-On Laser is exclusive to Univolt, so you'll only be able to unlock it through obtaining or leveling a Univolt. This move reaches the bottom of the list, however, for a long Cast Time for just 70 in Power. It'll certainly work well towards the beginning of the game, but won't be as useful against powerful bosses.

7 Lightning Streak

A lightning bolt is created that moves forward towards the enemy

Palworld player kneeling before a Rayhound
  • Power: 75
  • Cast Time: 16 Seconds

Lightning Streak is just a touch above Lock-On Laser in Power at 75, but this makes it a more useful move to keep on your Pals in the long-run. Its Cast Time only increases on the previous move by 1 second, which is relatively insignificant while in battle.

The best part about Lightning Streak is its availability to a large majority of Electric-types, as well as a few Pals in different categories. This Active Skill is certainly a solid one to have at your fingertips early on in the game, but will eventually be pushed out by more substantial Electric moves.

Pals that can learn Lightning Streak:

  • All Electric-type Pals except Dinossom Lux
  • Gobfin Ignis

6 Blast Punch

Charges up and unleashes a blast of electrically charged punches

Image of a boss battle with Mossanda Lux in Palworld
  • Power: 85
  • Cast Time: 14 Seconds

Taking a decent step up from the previous entry, Blast Punch has an impressive Power of 85 with a Cast Time of just 14 seconds. Not only does it have a slightly shorter Cast Time, but the large boost to Power makes Blast Punch significantly more useful than Lock-On Laser and Lightning Streak.

Palworld: Best Grass Active Skills (& The Pals That Have Them)

Grass moves can make life easy in Palworld, thanks to their binding abilities. Here is a list of the strongest moves, and the Pals that can use them.

However, Blast Punch is exclusive to Mossanda Lux, so you won't be able to use it on any other Electric Pals. Mossanda Lux is a fantastic and mighty Pal to have on your team, though, so even if this move is locked to one Pal, it is worth adding to your party.

5 Lightning Claw

Tears at enemies with electrically charged claws and creates shockwaves in the ground

palworld grizzbolt
  • Power: 90
  • Cast Time: 22 Seconds

Lightning Claw inches out Blast Punch by just a bit with a Power of 90 and a Cast Time of 22 seconds. It's an impressive move that just almost hits the 100 mark for Power, and will certainly cause your enemies to be off-balance and unable to retaliate.

Its stats are certainly nothing to ignore, but it is exclusive to the first boss Grizzbolt, so it is limited in usability. However, similar to Mossanda Lux, Grizzbolt is a great Electric Pal to have on your team, even going into end-game bosses. It is one of the better moves you can keep on Grizzbolt, so they're as strong as they can be.

4 Tri-Lightning

Lightning is created that strikes an enemy three times

Jormuntide from Palworld
  • Power: 90
  • Cast Time: 22 Seconds

Tri-Lightning is a solid move that increases slightly on some of the previous moves' Power, clocking in at 90 with a Cast Time of 22 seconds. Although the Cast Time is a little bit longer, it makes up for this fault with the increased Power and the ability to unlock this Active Skill with more Pals.

While it is not available to every Pal through leveling, it is much more accessible than Lightning Claw, putting it higher on the list despite having the same stats. This means you can unlock it on powerhouses such as Orserk or even Jormuntide, a Water and Dragon-type Pal with incredible abilities.

Pals that can learn Tri-Lightning:

  • All Electric-type Pals except Rayhound and Relaxaurus Lux
  • Kingpaca
  • Jormuntide
  • Jormuntide Ignis

3 Kerauno

A blade of lightning is summoned and hurled at the enemy

Image of a character finding Orserk in the wild in Palworld
  • Power: 100
  • Cast Time: 30 Seconds

Moving on to the Active Skills that finally hit the triple digits, we have Kerauno with a staggering Power of 100 and a Cast Time of 30 seconds. This Electric Active Skill will surely knock out any enemies in your way, even high-level bosses. Once you get to a Power of 100 or more, this is when the skill is one that should stay in your arsenal.

Palworld: Best Dark Active Skills (& The Pals That Have Them)

Palworld has a good selection of Dark Active Skills, and these are the type's best moves and the Pals that can use them.

This Active Skill is exclusive to Orserk, however, so it'll only be applicable to this Pal. Orserk is another fantastic end-game Party member, though, and you'll want to keep them in your final line-up with Kerauno on their side.

2 Lightning Strike

Serves as a lightning rod that calls down thunderbolts to electrocute enemies

Palworld player facing the Relaxaurus Lux boss
  • Power: 120
  • Cast Time: 40 Seconds

Lightning Strike is a perfect successor to Kerauno, with an increased Power of 120 and a Cast Time of 40 seconds. Despite having a longer Cast Time, the extra 20 Power and its availability are what make this Active Skill significantly more useful.

Not every Electric-type Pal can pick up this Skill, but some of the best on the roster will be open to this one, including Relaxaurus Lux, the Electric counterpart of Relaxaurus, and Orserk. For some Pals, this move will be their most powerful, and will destroy just about any boss or enemy in sight.

Pals that can learn Lightning Strike:

  • Mossanda Lux
  • Univolt
  • Dazzi
  • Dinossom Lux
  • Bushi
  • Relaxaurus Lux
  • Grizzbolt
  • Orserk

1 Lightning Bolt

Destroys enemies with an electrically charged powerful shock

Palworld player facing a Dinossom Lux
  • Power: 150
  • Cast Time: 55 Seconds

Lightning Bolt is one of the most substantial moves you can use in Palworld, and is considered an epic-rarity Skill Fruit used to teach Pals new Skills. It has an incredible Power of 150, with a Cast Time of 55 seconds. A lot of Pals have the ability to learn this move, even outside the Electric family.

Lightning Bolt is only available for Pals to learn at level 50, however, so you'll need to be pretty far into the game before you'll have access to this destructive move. Once you've unlocked it, though, you'll be able to finish off any enemy that comes your way in only a hit or two.

Pals that can learn Lightning Bolt:

  • All Electric-type Pals
  • Cremis

January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival