
  • Partner Skills in Palworld make combat easier and more efficient, such as riding mounts and carrying items.
  • Pals like Daedream and Gorirat have powerful Skills that can dominate opponents in combat.
  • Skills like Caffeine Inoculation and Harvest Goddess provide unique advantages like increased speed and healing during battles.

One of the best parts of Palworld and one of the main reasons the game is so absolutely off-the-wall popular is the Partner Skills. Each Pal in this game has their own unique Skill that comes into effect when they're in the player's party. Skills that allow the player to ride their Pals mounts, Skills that make carrying items around easier, and of course all sorts of Partner Skills that make combat easier.

Palworld: Best Handiwork Pals For Crafting

You're going to need a lot of Pals that excel in Handiwork in Palworld, or it's going to feel very tedious otherwise. Here are some great options.

Combat, in particular, can be pretty grueling in Palworld depending on the difficulty set. So, with that in mind, let's take a look at all the Partner Skills in this game and pick out some of the best Pals with the best Skills for absolutely dominating any opponent.

10 Number 019: Daedream

Up To 5 Extra Summons

Palworld - Three Daedreams Out At Once


Partner Skill



Dream Chaser

Daedream stays summoned when in party & follows up your attacks with attacks of their own

Starting things out is Daedream, a Pal that players can get pretty early on depending on where they choose to spawn first in Palworld. These little galaxy-haired creatures have one of the more unique abilities in the game called Dream Chaser. Essentially, while in the player's party, a Daedream will stay summoned regardless of whether the player summons another Pal or not and will routinely follow up on the player's attacks with attacks of their own.

By itself, that would already be a pretty great combat ability. However, whether this is due to an oversight or a bug, players can actually stack this Partner Skill with multiple Daedreams, and this can absolutely trivialize fights that are meant to be a whole lot more difficult.

9 Number 049: Gorirat

More Attack For An Attack-Focused Pal

Palworld - Feeding Gorirat


Partner Skill



Full-Power Gorilla Mode

It self-inflicts a massive attack buff for itself, propelling its attack to some pretty absurd levels.

Next up is Gorirat, an adorable (yet very angry) gorilla-inspired Pal that has a self-buffing Partner Skill. The Skill is called 'Full-Power Gorilla Mode' and it basically just means that Gorirat buffs its own attack stat by a pretty substantial amount for a short duration.

While it's not that long of a Skill, it's long enough to last most if not all of a battle, and when combined with some attack-boosting food recipes this can almost double the Gorirat's attack stat entirely.

8 Number 017: Depresso

Supersonic Speed & Attack Speed

Palworld - Petting Depresso


Partner Skill



Caffeine Inoculation

While in effect, Depresso has much higher movement speed (and by extension) attack speed.

Out of all the Pals that Palworld has to offer, Depresso is absolutely becoming one of the more iconic ones. It's sort of becoming the 'mascot' of Palworld due to how cute it is in contrast to the dark themes both its name and general behavior seem to suggest.

Palworld: Best Pals For Transporting Items

Pals can do a lot of various tasks in Palworld, and some are very good at transporting items around for players.

As a fighter, Depresso might not seem like anything special, but its Caffeine Inoculation Partner Skill is actually quite amazing. When used, Depresso essentially becomes the Flash and starts moving at supersonic speeds, and while this makes approaching enemies easier, it's primarily useful because of how much more often Depresso attacks while it's active. If a player spends the time to breed a Depresso that has either move speed or attack damage Passive Skills too, this thing can melt groups of enemies in just a few short moments.

7 Number 047: Galeclaw

Good For Traversal & Avoiding Attacks

Palworld - Gliding With Galeclaw


Partner Skill



Galeclaw Rider

Replaces the player's glider with a Galeclaw that propels them horizontally at a much faster speed.

This next inclusion may confuse some readers, as Galeclaw's Partner Skill doesn't seem to be based on combat at all. However, a lot of enemy attacks in Palworld are pretty difficult to avoid or will make contact even if the player feels like they avoided it perfectly. This is where Galeclaw's Partner Skill comes in, as jumping and using Galeclaw as a Glider to avoid incoming attacks is almost always more successful than spamming the dodge roll button. On top of that, summoning Galeclaw as the Glider also pulls it back to the player in an instant from wherever it was, which can also be a huge help in combat.

6 Number 033: Mossanda

Just An Absurdly Useful Grenade Launcher

Palworld - Mossanda Lux Using Partner Skill


Partner Skill



Grenadier Panda

While riding Mossanda (or Mossanda Lux) you can aim and fire this Grenade Launcher, with each shot using up a bit of the Partner Skill meter.

Personally, this is our top pick for a combat-related Partner Skill, the Grenadier Panda skill for both Mossanda and Mossanda Lux. This Skill, when the proper Pal Gear is built, not only allows players to ride on these Pals as a land mount but also gives them access to two grenade launchers as well.

These Grenade Launchers aren't all that 'powerful' damage-wise until players start using the Essence Condenser to level the ability up. But, even at the base level, the sheer crowd control these grenade launchers give players is absurd as they knock enemies down with every hit, forcing them to get up off the ground before they can even start their next attack animation.

5 Number 004: Lifmunk

An Extra Gun Mounted On Your Head

Palworld - Lifmunk Angry With The Submachine Gun


Partner Skill



Lifmunk Recoil

When activated, Lifmunk gets on top of the player's head and follows up their attacks with shots of their own from its miniature machine gun.

Players reading this who have reached levels 25+ in Palworld might be surprised to see that an early-game Pal like Lifmunk is on here. But, as far as combat-oriented Partner Skills go, Lifmunk's really is just one of the better options. It's similar to Daedreams in that it is a Skill that has the Pal following up after the player with additional attacks, but Lifmunk's machine gun is stronger and it also requires Lifmunk to be the Pal that's currently summoned.

Palworld: 10 Things Every Base Should Have

The Pals in Palworld can do more than just shoot guns. With the right buildings and equipment in a Base, Pals can churn out resources in no time.

Still, when a proper Lifmunk is bred with the right Passive Skills, it can almost shred Dungeon Bosses entirely on its own without the payer really having to do much at all.

4 Number 104: Lyleen

One Of The Few Ways To Heal During Combat

Palworld - Lyleen Healing Player Character


Partner Skill



Harvest Goddess

Lyleen heals the player for about 1000 HP after a brief animation.

Healing in Palworld isn't just difficult, it's almost nonexistent, especially during combat. As of v0.1.4.0 there are no Potions for players to use or any real innate ways for them to heal up mid-combat outside of just a few Pal Partner Skills.

One of these Skills belongs to Teafant, but it only heals a small amount until it's leveled up using the Essence Condenser and even then it pales in comparison to the pure healing power that Lyleen and Lyleen Cryst have. This Pal is both strong as a fighter and strong as a healer, making it the perfect Pal to keep in the party at all times.

3 Number 069: Lovander

Lifesteal Is Powerful In Any Game

Palworld - Petting Lovander


Partner Skill



Heart Drain

Passively gives both Lovander and the tamer a bit of Life Steal when they deal damage.

Having Lovander on your team is a tough sell, as this Pal is going to get you some weird looks from anyone else on the server if you're playing online. The design of Lovander is, a bit much, to say the least.

However, it really is useful as a combat-oriented Pal, as the Heart Drain Partner Skill it has is another way for players to actually stay alive mid-combat against a difficult opponent. Not only that, but it also makes it easier for a Lovander to last longer in combat as well.

2 Number 103: Grizzbolt

Of Course, A Minigun Ability Is Powerful

Palworld - Grizzbolt Using Minigun


Partner Skill



Yellow Tank

When riding Grizzbolt, players can aim and fire a minigun that Grizzbolt is capable of using, with the shots steadily draining the Partner Skill meter.

Once players actually manage to find a Grizzbolt (not including the boss variant), which can be tough since it's really only found in one area, they'll obviously want to use this adorable electrified Totoro-esque creature on their team. That said, they're going to have to wait quite a while to actually use its Partner Skill, as the Minigun for Grizzbolt isn't unlocked in the Technology Tree until they reach about level 40.

However, once they make it there, there aren't many other Partner Skills that are as helpful in a fight. The Minigun absolutely shreds enemies when used, and it also makes it so that Grizzbolt is ridable as a land mount as well.

1 Numbers 53 & 54: Swee & Sweepa

Families Are Stronger Together

Palworld - Sweepa and Swee Example of Partner Skill


Partner Skill




While in a team with Sweepa, Sweepa's attack will be buffed


King of Fluff

For everyone Swee that's also in the team, Sweepa's attack will be buffed.

And for the final inclusion, here's another Pal (to be exact, Pals) that players probably didn't expect, Swee and Sweepa. These adorable little fluffballs are not only well-liked by the fanbase for their amazing designs, but their Partner Skills are also pretty great. Essentially, for every Swee in the player's team, up to 4 total, the Sweepa in their team will get about a 12 percent attack increase.

And, like it sounds, this is a pretty gigantic attack buff, as it should be given that players basically have to orient their entire party composition around this one Partner Skill. It's absolutely a pretty niche Partner Skill to take advantage of, but players that do will find that their little fluffy mustached Pal will absolutely melt any opponent they need it to.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival