Having a strong, self-sufficient base is the key to success in Palworld. While you're exploring, you can rest assured that all your captured companions are churning out useful resources and materials to help you take on higher-level enemies.

Palworld Player Breeds Ridiculously Overpowered Lifmunk

A Palworld player breeds an overpowered Lifmunk with ridiculously high stats, turning the cute little Pal into a killing machine.

Like many other titles with base automation, efficiency is the name of the game here. You'll want to have the fastest workers you can find if you want to make steady progress. Here are some of the best base Pals you can have in Palworld.

Palworld: Best Base Pals

A group of Electric Pals in Palworld

These Pals were selected based on their efficiency at certain tasks with some consideration when it comes to base defense. All these Pals can be captured in the overworld, though some do have Alpha variants that can be fought inside their own designated arenas or spawn zones. When hunting for these Pals, make sure to, at the very least, bring Giga or Hyper Spheres to maximize your odds of capturing them.

Also, don't ignore Tier 1 Pals like Pengullet, Lambball, and Foxparks. While they may not be as efficient as the following Pals, they are plentiful and very reliable. Always have a few of them in your Palbox in case you need more hands.


You can consider Arsox to be a direct upgrade to Foxparks when it comes to operating forges and cooking stations. With their Lv. 2 Kindling, they can cook all your food and ingots in a flash, especially if you're using better workstations.

Early on, you can find Arsox in the highlands of the Bamboo Grove, east of the Quivern's boss arena. There are also Arsox habitats in the temperate region of the snowy mountain island, in case you ever find yourself setting up a base there.

Palworld: How to Find & Catch Jormuntide

Jormuntide is a large and intimidating monster, and you can get one for yourself. Here's how to catch this enormous sea dragon in Palworld.


When it comes to powering up your Palworld base, Univolts are among the best choices you have. They can generate more power than a Jolthog or Sparkit with their Lv. 2 Generating Electricity proficiency, and they can help harvest wood as well. In the event of a raid, they can damage multiple enemies at once with their strong AOE attacks.

Univolts can be found in the same regions where you can find Arsox. Grab a flying mount and survey the land, and you'll eventually see Univolts roaming around in small groups.


Penkings make for very good general base workers with Lv. 2 proficiencies with Watering, Cooling, Handiwork, Mining, and Transporting. However, they can be very hard to capture without using high-tier Pal Spheres or spending Lifmunk Effigies to improve your Pal Capture Power.

You can only find wild Penkings in the isolated wildlife sanctuary south of the Plateau of Beginnings. There's also an Alpha Penking boss to the northwest of the Alpha Chillet by the Fort Ruins.


Bushis are great if you're looking for a Pal who can harvest wood for you. They have Lv. 3 Lumbering, making them one of the best lumberjacks in the game. Bushis are also good at Transporting and Kindling with Lv. 2 proficiencies for both.

You can find Bushis roaming the southern beach of Mount Obsidian, the big volcano island in the southwest corner of the map. Alternatively, you can try capturing the Alpha Bushi in the Bamboo Grove. Its arena is slightly southwest of the Ravine Entrance teleport waypoint.

Palworld: How to Give Nicknames to Pals (& How to Rename Them)

Want to give your Pal a unique name in Palworld? Here's the process you can follow to give your favorite buddies a new nickname.


If you're struggling with medicine, Bristlas can make your life easier. They have Lv. 2 Medicine Production along with basic Planting, Gathering, Handiwork, and Transporting skills. You'll often see them tending your farms, making sure all your Pals are well-fed.

You can find Bristlas early on by visiting the very center of the map. There are no Alpha variant boss arenas for this Pal, but you may come across one naturally as you explore the center island.


Don't let their cute appearance and Lv. 1 proficiencies fool you — Ribunnies are arguably the best Pals to have for manufacturing weapons and ammo. Their Skilled Fingers Partner Skill gives them a work efficiency bonus when assigned to a Weapon Workbench, making Ribunnies invaluable when it comes to the mass production of ammunition. They aren't the strongest of fighters, but their unique Partner Skill more than makes up for that.

Ribunnies are fairly common. You can find them far to the west of the Plateau of Beginnings, near the Alpha Sweepa boss arena. Also, they can be occasionally found in the cages of Syndicate camps.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Unreal Engine 5
T For Teen Due To Violence