
  • The Plateau of Beginnings is an essential area for new players, with low-level Pals and accessible resources.
  • The Desolate Church is a valuable spot for ore farming, with easy access to ore veins and various Pals nearby.
  • Fisherman's Point is worth visiting early on for its vendors and proximity to Mount Obsidian, despite the higher levels of Pals in the area.

The Palpagos Islands that the absolute success that is Palworld takes place in are quite large. Despite being a series of small islands clustered together, there are multiple different biomes, different types of society, and even different human organizations that seem to have a hold over each area.

Palworld: Best Combat Partner Skills (& The Pals That Have Them)

Across the 137 Pals you can find in Palworld, some Partner Skills are better than others. Here are some of the best combat-oriented skills overall.

When players first start things up in Palworld, they may be a bit lost on where to go. Technically, they're free to explore the entire map, though some areas have more natural ways of keeping less experienced players out through almost requiring flying mounts or the climate of the area. So in the first few hours in particular, where are some of the best places a new player can explore?

7 Plateau Of Beginnings

It Is The Tutorial Area, After All

Palworld - Plateau Of Beginnings Overhead View



Reason of Importance

Plateau of Beginnings

240 & -512

Tutorial Area & has great starter Pals

This first entry is so obvious it almost feels like it doesn't need to be included, but given that starting at the Plateau of Beginnings is a choice and not mandatory, there are a decent number of players who started their game somewhere else, and missed out on all the early-game goodies this area has to offer.

Not only does the Plateau of Beginnings have all sorts of low-level Pals to get players started, but it also has a whole lot of easily accessible resources as well from Wood to Ore. Of course, once players reach level 5 or so, they'll rarely ever come back to the Plateau outside of returning to gather more Ore or capture 10 of whatever Pal they need for the capture challenge, but it's still a place that people will absolutely want to have explored on their map ASAP.

6 Desolate Church (Area)

One Of The Best Ore-Farming Locations

Palworld - Desolate Church Location



Reason of Importance

Desolate Church

63 & -416

Great area for farming Ore next to Fast Travel Point, also has a varied amount of different Pals nearby

Moving on to another area of Palworld that players won't be able to tell is valuable just from a glance, the Desolate Church. This is the Fast Travel point found in the middle of the Red Woods area on the same island as the Plateau of Beginnings (though it's far to the northeast).

Palworld: Best Handiwork Pals For Crafting

You're going to need a lot of Pals that excel in Handiwork in Palworld, or it's going to feel very tedious otherwise. Here are some great options.

Not only are these woods a great area to catch a wide variety of different Pals for that juicy EXP (Rushoars, Sparkits, Fuacks, and even Vixy) the Desolate Church itself is probably one of the most easily accessible Ore mining locations on the entire map. All players have to do is fast-travel to the Desolate Church and head around to the backside of this decrepit building to see anywhere from 5-8 Ore Veins ripe for the picking.

5 Small Settlement

Merchants, Kingpaca, & A Dungeon

Palworld - Small Settlement From Above



Reason of Importance

Small Settlement

74 & -486

NPC Merchants here & useful Kingpaca Alpha Pal nearby

Now for the first civilization located here, the Small Settlement. The Small Settlement is likely the first 'city' type area that players will discover in their games, and it's very close to the Desolate Church. Just head a bit south from the Desolate Church Fast Travel Point and cross a small river to get right to the Small Settlement which will give players access to a Pal Merchant, a General Merchant, and an easily accessible Dungeon near the Fast Travel Point.

Finding all the spots in Palworld that give players quick access to Merchants is huge, as Merchants are by far the best way to save time farming resources to craft Ammo by buying said resources instead and they also have a lot of useful early-game hat Schematics as well. As an extra little benefit, there is also a highly desirable Alpha Pal near the small Settlement that's beloved for both its hilarious design and utility in carrying heavy resources, that Pal of course being Kingpaca.

4 Fisherman's Point

Get Yourself Easy Access To Mount Obsidian & A Ton Of Vendors

Palworld - Standing Outside Of Fisherman's Point



Reason of Importance

Fisherman's Point

-479 & -746

Tons of different vendors

Here comes another civilization-type location, but this one might seem a bit silly to go to in your first few hours of the game considering the levels of all the Pals around this area. Because of the climate of Mount Obsidian and the average level of Pals in this biome, a lot of players don't end up here until at least 10+ hours into the game.

Palworld: 6 Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Co-Op

Palworld's co-op mode lets friends band together in a hunt for Pals and resources as they build their bases. Here's how to get the most out of it.

However, if those same players had known when they started their playthrough where exactly Fisherman's Point was, they would have absolutely unlocked this Fast Travel Point as soon as they could. Fisherman's Point is basically useful in all the same ways the Small Settlement is, but it has an extra vendor and it allows players to make a 'foothold' for themselves in the Mount Obsidian region so that they can start exploring it easily once they get within the proper level range.

3 Pal Sanctuary 01

Capture Some Rare Early To Mid-Game Pals

Palworld - Approaching The Pal Sanctuary



Reason of Importance

Pal Sanctuary 01

89 & -727

Great place to catch rare Pals such as Grizzbolt, Azurobe, Penking, & more

Again, for anyone who has a substantial amount of playtime in Palworld, it may seem ambitious to recommend one of the Pal Sanctuaries as somewhere to explore in the first few hours of gameplay. However, not only is it relatively easy to reach the southernmost Sanctuary (AKA Pal Sanctuary 01) with just one land mount, but the reward is well worth the risk.

As long as players are at least even level 13 or so, they'll be able to attempt to catch the Pals they find here, and even more than that the chests they'll find on this island can hold some very useful materials, Manuals, or gear. And, for those who manage to get to level 15+ in their first few hours, this place is a literal goldmine of rare Pals and great gear.

2 Duneshelter

Access To Desert Region & More NPC Merchants

Palworld - Entrance To The Duneshelter



Reason of Importance


356 & 348

a Desert city with a lot of different vendors, including Black Marketeer

The Desert Biome of Palworld is found in the northeastern region of the map, and it can be difficult to access. The terrain on almost all sides of the island is difficult or impossible to climb from the water, as it incentivizes players not to come here until they get a flying mount. However, if players can find a foothold and get onto the island, they should absolutely spint to the Duneshelter and get that Fast Travel Point at the very least.

Not only will getting this Fast Travel Point earn them a Technology Point, but it will also give them easy access to another small area full of vendors, which includes a Black Marketeer, an NPC that's usually a lot harder to find anywhere close to a Fast Travel Point. Just make sure to avoid any and all aggressive Pals on the way here, as they'll almost assuredly be way too powerful to handle.

1 Mount Obsidian Anubis Statue

Quick & Convenient Access To A Skill Fruit Tree

Palworld - Mt Obsidian Anubis Statue



Reason of Importance

Mount Obsidian Anubis Statue

-552 & -625

Fast Travel location that's incredibly close to Skill Fruit Tree and leads to Mt. Obsidian

And for the final location, let's head back to the Mount Obsidian region of the Palpagos Islands. This next area is actually incredibly close to the Fisherman's Point, as players just need to follow the river west of the Fisherman's Point to the north and they'll stumble across this gigantic statue of the beloved Anubis Pal.

Once they see it and approach said statue, they'll quickly see the Skill Fruit Tree below it and should grab whatever fruit is currently growing on the tree while they can. Thankfully, there's a Fast Travel Point just a bit south of the statue that gives players quick and convenient access to a Skill Fruit Tree, which can easily buff the potential power of their party of Pals by threefold or more depending on the Skill Fruit that they happen to receive.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival