Table of contents

Palworld has a plethora of weapons the player can make great use of throughout the game. The weapons in this game are generally divided into either a melee weapon or a ranged weapon.

Palworld: How To Find And Breed Celaray

Celaray can be a very useful Pal to make use of in Palworld.

Here’s a guide on how to craft each weapon found in the game and when it can be unlocked by the player.

Melee Weapons

Hand Held Torch

Image of the recipe for a Hand Held Torch in Palworld

The player will unlock this torch at level 1, and all the player needs to craft this is:

• 2 Wood

• 2 Stone

Stone Pickaxe and Stone Axe

Also unlocked at level 1. To craft these 2 weapons, the player would need for each:

• 5 Wood

• 5 Stone

Wooden Club

The first real weapon the player unlocks, is at level 1. To craft this:

• 5 Wood

Stone Spear

At level 4, the player unlocks the Stone Spear and requires the following material to craft:

• 18 Wood

• 6 Stone


At level 7, the player can craft a bat with the following material:

• 30 Wood

• 10 Stone

Metal Pickaxe and Metal Axe

These two will be unlocked at level 11, to craft them, the player would need the following material for each item:

• 20 Wood

• 15 Stone

• 5 Ingot

Meat Cleaver

Meat Cleaver recipe in Palworld

A butchering item is unlocked at level 12. The player needs the following to craft it:

• 20 Wood

• 5 Stone

• 5 Ingot

Metal Spear

At level 13, the player will need these materials to make the Metal Spear:

• 27 Wood

• 12 Stone

• 10 Ingot

Palworld: 10 Useful Pals That Only Have One Work Suitability

While having Pals that can do multiple jobs is great, keeping specialized Pals can keep your base operating at maximum efficiency.

Stun Baton

At level 22, the player can craft a Stun Baton with the following material:

20 Electric Organ

• 20 Ingot

Refined Metal Pickaxe and Refined Metal Axe

Later on, at level 34, the player will be able to craft each of these two with the following material:

• 40 Wood

• 30 Stone

• 10 Refined Ingot

Refined Metal Spear

Also at level 34, the player will be able to craft a Refined Metal Spear with these materials:

• 36 Wood

• 18 Stone

10 Refined Ingot

Lily’s Spear

Lily's Spear in Palworld

With this material, the player can craft Lily’s Spear at level 40:

• 50 Wood

• 20 Paldium Fragments

• 20 Ancient Civilization Parts

• 20 High Quality Parts

• 30 Refined Ingots


The player will need to wait for level 44 to finally unlock a sword in Palworld. To craft, the player must get the following Material:

• 20 Wood

• 20 Stone

• 30 Refined Ingot

Long Range Weapon

Old Bow

The first ranged weapon the player unlocks. At level 3, the player needs these materials to craft the Old Bow:

• 15 Fiber

• 30 Wood

• 5 Stone

Fire Bow

Next, at level 5, with these materials, the player will be able to craft the Fire Bow:

• 20 Fiber

2 Flame Organ

• 40 Wood

• 8 Stone

Poison Bow

A bow capable of poisoning enemies, it is unlocked at level 8, and can be crafted with the following:

• 20 Fiber

• 2 Venom Gland

• 40 Wood

• 8 Stone

Three Shot Bow

At level 10, the player will be able to upgrade to the Three Shot Bow. It can be crafted with these:

• 30 Fiber

• 50 Wood

• 12 Stone


Leaving bows behind, the player will unlock the first Crossbow at level 13. It can be crafted using the material listed below:

• 50 Wood

• 40 Stone

• 10 Ingot

• 5 Nail

Fire Arrow Crossbow

An upgrade of the Fire Bow, Fire Arrow Crossbow is unlocked at level 15 and can be crafted with these materials:

• 5 Fire Organ

• 50 Wood

• 50 Stone

• 15 Ingot

• 5 Nail

Poison Arrow Crossbow

An even better version of the Poison Bow, this can be crafted at level 17 with the following:

• 5 Venom Gland

• 50 Wood

• 50 Stone

• 15 Ingot

• 5 Nail


The musket in Palworld's tech tree

The first gun the player unlocks is the Musket. At level 21, the player can craft this slow gun with the following:

• 5 High Quality Pal Oil

• 30 Wood

• 25 Ingot

Makeshift Handgun

Palword Makeshift Handgun in foreground with various pals in background

At level 25, the player unlocks this handgun that can be crafted with these materials:

• 30 Fiber

10 High Quality Pal Oil

• 35 Ingot


The first real Handgun the player gets can be unlocked at level 29. With these materials, the player will be able to craft and wield this weapon:

• 15 High Quality Oil

• 50 Ingot

Single Shot Rifle

Palworld Single-shot Rifle in foreground with various pals in background

At level 36, the player unlocks this rifle. To craft this ranged weapon, the player needs the following:

• 5 Polymer

• 20 Refined Ingot

Palworld: How to Find and Capture Kitsun

Locating and capturing Kitsun can be troublesome for some players. This guide can help players adding this Pal to their Paldeck.

Double Barreled Shotgun

This powerful ranged weapon is unlocked at level 39. The following material is required to craft it:

• 7 Polymer

• 30 Refined Ingot

Decal Gun Set

At level 42 the player can craft this odd weapon. The player needs to acquire the following material:

• 30 Ingot

• 15 Paldium Fragment

3 Ancient Civilization Parts

• 10 Polymer

Pump Action Shotgun

Palworld Pump-action Shotgun in foreground with various pals in background

Again, at level 42, the player can craft the Pump Action Shotgun if they have these materials:

• 40 Carbon Fiber

• 20 Polymer

• 30 Refined Ingot

Assault Rifle

Palworld Assault Rifle in foreground with various pals in background

A bit later, at level 45, the player will be able to craft the Assault Rifle with these materials:

• 30 Carbon Fiber

• 10 Polymer

• 40 Refined Ingot

Rocket Launcher

Palworld Rocket Launcher in foreground with various pals in background

This insanely powerful weapon will be available for the player once they reach level 49. To craft it, here’s what the player needs:

• 75 Pal Metal Ingot

• 50 Carbon Fiber

• 30 Polymer

Legendary Weapons in Palworld

To craft these weapons in Palworld, the player must find their Schematics, which can be easier said than done.

Legendary Old Bow

The player will need to get the Schematics from the Alpha Kingpaca boss by defeating it. When that’s done, the player can craft the Legendary Old Bow with this:

• 202 Wood

• 33 Stone

• 100 Fiber

• 10 Ancient Civilization Parts

Legendary Shotgun

The player must defeat Beakon to get the schematics of this weapon. Then, the player can craft the Legendary Shotgun with:

• 337 Ingot

• 100 Pal Oil

• 14 Ancient Civilization Parts

Legendary Pump Action Shotgun

To get the Schematics, the player must defeat Suzako. The player can craft it using these materials:

• 202 Refined Ingot

• 135 Polymer

• 270 Carbon Fiber

• 30 Ancient Civilization Parts

Legendary Crossbow

After defeating Bushi, the player will find the schematics for this weapon. To craft it, the player must gather these materials:

• 337 Wood

• 270 Stone

• 67 Ingot

• 33 Nail

• 12 Ancient Civilization Parts

Legendary Assault Rifle

The player must defeat Blazamut to get the schematics of this weapon. Then, the player just needs these materials:

• 270 Refined Ingot

• 67 Polymer

• 202 Carbon Fiber

• Ancient Civilization Parts

Legendary Rocket Launcher

The strongest weapon in the game, the player can find its schematics by defeating Jetragon and then getting the following materials:

• 505 Pal Metal Ingot

• 202 Polymer

• 337 Carbon Fiber

• 40 Ancient Civilization Parts

Palworld is now available to play on PC and Xbox.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
T For Teen Due To Violence
Palworld: All Outfits (& How To Craft Them) 

These are the available armors and outfits and Palworld. Crafting them can aid you greatly.