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For Palworld collectors, a current complete Paldeck should feature a total of 137 different Pals — 111 unique Pals and 26 variant Pals. This includes all the Legendary Pals, like Frostallion and Jetragon, as well as the many Alpha Bosses scattered across the map. For those daring enough to make the extra effort, an all-shiny and all-Alpha Paldeck is something only the most-dedicated players will strive for.

Fortunately enough, for all collectors, there are currently seven unreleased Pals that have been spotted in pre-game release trailers, leaving many to speculate when they could arrive in Palworld. There's no telling when that will happen, or if more Pals will be added to that list. Developer Pocketpair isn't revealing much, but the available trailers indicate some hints towards these unreleased Pals, and many features in-game that are currently not available.

Palworld: All Headgear in Palworld

For more protection against the dangers in Palworld, these headgear is essential to have, and here is how you can acquire them for yourself.

It's still uncertain if more Pals will be revealed at later dates, but for now, here are the seven unreleased Pals that are publicly known, and everything there is to know about them.



While Dragostrophe is not currently available in game, without the help of mods, the game files are complete enough to get an impression of this Pal. Dragostrophe is of the Dragon and Dark element, said to be born from the abyss. Dangerous by nature, this Pal will attack anything that gets in its way, and is known to be a scary beast.

Dragostrophe's Paldeck information is strikingly similar to that of Astegon, leading some to believe there may be a relation between the two Pals. Astegon's information reads as describing it to be a savage beast, while Dragostrophe replaces the savage title with silent.

Here is more information on Dragostrophe that is known so far:

  • Partner Skill — The Black Winged Shooter: Allows the player to ride and fly on it.
  • Work Suitability — Transporting 3
  • Possible Drops — Bones (3-5)
  • Food Requirement — 8 of 10
Palworld Player With 140 Hours Shows Off Jaw-Dropping Base

A Palworld player shows off the astounding base they have constructed after playing the Pokemon-inspired survival game for over 140 hours.

Dark Mutant

dark mutant palworld

Dark Mutant also exists in Palworld files, but is not currently available unless mods are used to drag it out into the world. This dark Pal has a strong resemblance to Mewtwo Y, painted in black with purple undertones. Players may not be able to defend this one against critics who call out Palworld for plagiarism, but for now, Dark Mutant is not obtainable.

Its Paldeck entry describes it as a humanoid Pal that has two black horns, two purple horns above its eyes, and a purple pattern on its head. It also appears to have purple claws on its hands and feet. Its behavior is also aggressive, attacking players on sight, and could be Palworld's next legendary threat. Dark Mutant is also a Dark elemental Pal, and may have some relation to Lunaris.

Here is more information on Dark Mutant that is known so far:

  • Partner Skill — Teleki Explosion: Allows the player to safely ride Dark Mutant.
  • Work Suitability — Handiwork 3, Medicine Production 3, Transporting 2
  • Possible Drops — Unknown
  • Food Requirement — 8 of 10



Likely the most discussed Pal that is currently unreleased is Boltmane, thanks in large part to its resemblance to Luxray, a Pokemon released in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Boltmane is also an Electric Pal, though its Paldeck entry indicates it may pack more heat than players would expect.

According to the game files, its Paldeck information suggests that Boltmane heats up the faster it runs, turning its mane to a fiery red. Hitting its highest speed is said to leave those who look at it in a blinded state. Boltmane's work suitability and item drops are also akin to comparisons with Pyroar, a Fire-type Pokemon.

Here is more information on Boltmane that is known so far:

  • Partner Skill — Unknown Name: Boltmane is able to be ridden.
  • Work Suitability — Kindling 2
  • Possible Drops — Flame Organ (2-3)
  • Food Requirement — 5 of 10

The 4 Remaining Unreleased Pals


These four unreleased Pals come with very little information. No names, elements, or other knowledge is known of them, and some have yet to be seen in physical form. Thanks to Palworld's data files, here are the placeholders for the four remaining unreleased Pals.

Colossal Whale — A large, whale-like Pal with cyan color and a large jewel-like piece on its forehead.

Colossal Wyrm — A serpent-like Pal with a white body, golden claws and spikes, and a fluffy white mane.

Dragostrophe's Cousin — A Pal related to Dragostrophe, with a predominantly white body and light blue trim.

Cyan Wolf Cub — A wolf-like Pal with a cyan-colored body, similar in appearance to Dusk Form Lycanroc.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Number of Players
1-4 (Co-Op); 32 Players Server Limit