Palia is an innovative farming simulator with cool graphics and large colorful world. Like the very similar Stardew Valley, it immediately won the hearts of many gamers over the world. Although Palia hasn't been officially released yet, this game often surprises with its quests and other stuff to do. But some of them may require a more detailed explanation than what is provided in the game. One example of this is the Large Shiny Pebble and what this item is for. For Palia players wondering what the Large Shiny Pebble is used for, this guide will help explain it.

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What to Do With Large Shiny Pebble in Palia?

Palia What to do with Large Shiny Pebble (1)

In fact, this is a very rare item, and the fans who found it are very lucky. A Large Shiny Pebble is one of the items needed to complete the Pebble Plunder quest. These pebbles are the belongings of the robot Einar, which he lost and to complete this quest, players need to return them. Indeed, if players read the description, they will find a hint:

A giant shiny pebble with an unusual sheen.

Here is the full list of them:

  • Small Shiny Pebble
  • Large Shiny Pebble
  • Blue Shiny Pebble
  • Green Shiny Pebble
  • Lumpy Shiny Pebble
  • Purple Shiny Pebble
  • Red Shiny Pebble
  • Yellow Shiny Pebble

Currently, the exact place where they can be found is unknown, but one thing is for sure, if paly set out to complete this quest, they should be very thorough in their search because these pebbles can be anywhere It is also important to make sure that there is enough inventory space for this item. If users don't have this pebble yet but want to find it, it is necessary to go to the fields of Killima and search there for some time. In fact, the best option would be to go there for resources and keep an eye out for the Large Shiny Pebble at the same time.

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How to Find Einar in Palia

Palia What to do with Large Shiny Pebble (2)

Einar is a very kind Galdur who likes to go fishing and, as mentioned above, he collects pebbles. And to give them to him, obviously, it is necessary to find him. This will not be as difficult as finding the pebbles, so players don't need to worry. Einar can be found in two locations:

  1. In his own house, which is marked with the number one on the image above.
  2. But if players don't find Einar there, then he must be fishing, and then they need to go to the location marked with the number two.

Palia is currently available in Open Beta on PC. It will fully release on PC and Nintendo Switch at a later date.

MORE:Palia: How to Get The Glider (Like A Bird Quest Guide)