Fans of hero shooters who want a change of pace will appreciate the depth that Paladins: Champions of the Realm offers. In this fantasy sci-fi take on the hero shooter genre, players take on the role of Paladins: magical warriors who united the Realm. Due to the potential of magic-imbued Crystals, Champions scattered into various factions with competing principles.

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However, despite the similarities with Overwatch, Paladins has its strengths tied to its unique gameplay. Essentially, Paladins not only rely on unique skills but also on a Deck that constitutes their builds. The right Deck on the right hands helps a Champion dominate the match. How can players utilize this knowledge to kill in matches as quickly as possible?

10 Get Familiar With The Paladins

Get familiar with the Paladins - Paladins Pro Tips

Where else would warriors learn about their foes than in the arena? However, players in the process of choosing their next Champion might learn more if they review the basics of other Champions in the roster. It also helps to learn about their specializations via their Classes.

In fact, players can score easy kills by staying familiar the enemy team's choices. Of the Champion Classes, the Front Line (Tank) can tank hits, while the Damage (DPS) try to hit hard consistently. Players should also pay attention to the Support (Healers) and Flanks (Stealth DPS) that enemies have, as they tend to be less defensive. Going for them first can cripple the team and secure the point.

9 Treat Alt-Fire As Second Nature

Treat alt fire as second nature - Paladins Pro Tips

Aside from firing the main weapon, all Champions regardless of Class possess an Alt-Fire (S1) ability that provides an easy-access utility or extra attack that complements their build. Players who want to maximize their damage output should rely on Alt-Fire just as much as their base damage.

For instance, Flank Lex fires rapid shots with his dual Magnums (Basic). However, his In Pursuit (S1) capitalizes on his accuracy, as it automatically fires his guns to the nearest enemy. Likewise, Damage Imani gets a mean AOE with her Frost Bomb/Inferno Cannon (S1). This makes a great partner for her more direct Frost Bolt/Pyre Ball (Basic).

8 Always Pay Attention To Offensive Abilities

Pay attention to offensive abilities - Paladins Pro Tips

All Champions in Paladins possess offensive abilities regardless of their Class. Even Support and Front Line Champions can kill their way to victory, provided they know how to use their offensive abilities. Players need to synergize their offensive abilities alongside their Alt-Fire skills to maximize their killing potential.

For instance, Front Line Ash uses Shoulder Bash (S3) to rush an enemy and knock them down. This is a perfect melee option to use after depleting her Siege Shield (S2) while advancing. Likewise, Support Jenos has Void Grip (S2) that deals damage to enemies while lifting them up in the air – perfect for breaking enemy ranks.

7 Attack From The Flank

Attack from the flank - Paladins Pro Tips

Most maps in Paladins follow the layout of a usual shooter map: two spawn points on opposing ends of a relatively small area. While players can easily meet the enemy halfway, it might be smarter to attack from the flank. Players might catch the enemy unawares by going to the side or even near the enemy's spawn point to land unsuspecting kills.

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Players need to remember that enemies might use the same strategy. Still, starting with this tactic always remains advantageous. After all, this guarantees that the player team has a means of meeting a stealthy Flank. It also boosts the chance of the player team's own Flank to sneak in an unsuspecting team wipe.

6 Start Firefights With AOE Damage

Start Firefights with AOE - Paladins Pro Tips

Players who want to maximize their damage output shouldn't hesitate dishing out their AOE damage to begin a firefight. This ensures that players spend the appropriate loading time to aim their AOE shot. Likewise, this adds the possibility of damaging the opponent before finishing them off with a more direct attack.

Some Champions have skills that provide great AOE abilities. For example, Front Line Ruckus has a messy Alt-Fire with Missile Launcher (S1) that can force grouped enemies to scatter. Support Pip has Explosive Flask (S1) that deals less damage as an AOE, but compensates for its slow debuff. Attacking with these also gives party members time to load their own skills and dish them out while enemies remain distracted.

5 Always Aim For Center Mass

Aim for center mass - Paladins Pro Tips

Despite how attractive headshots are, trying to land them every time can leave players distracted, letting enemies strike back. As such, a good practice is always aiming for center mass. That way, enemies get the bulk of the damage and it's much easier to sway left or right to attack enemies while moving. Plus, it's not demanding for players since they don't need a Champion with Viktor's Iron Sights (Alt-Fire) to accomplish it.

Perfecting the aim for center mass can make it much easier to target more specific areas. This is also a great way to fight in high-speed firefights. Players who want to master headshots would want to practice their aim within center mass first.

4 Debuffs Boost Damage Potential

Debuff enemies first before damaging - Paladins Pro Tips

In fact, a team can maximize their damage potential by the debuffs they can inflict on an enemy – not necessarily their DPS. For instance, Support Corvus can summon a Projection (S3) that not only deals small damage to enemies, but also slows them down. Likewise, Damage Octavia has a Distortion Field (S1) that disorients enemies and hides allies inside of it.

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Even deadlier is Front Line Torvald, as his Alt-Fire Nullify can silence his targets. The short time that enemies spend distracted can be enough for the player and allies to utilize their skills.

3 Mobility Is Always A Good Offense

Get mobile for offense and defense - Paladins Pro Tips

Aside from major offensive, defensive, and support abilities, Champions almost always have some form of movement skill. Most of the time, these offer a means of escape. However, mobility skills can also enhance their capability in battle.

For instance, some Champions have both mobility and offensive perks in a single skill. Support Furia has Wrings of Wrath (S3), which have her fly backwards while firing seeking projectiles. Meanwhile, other Champions have movement skills that encourage repositioning. For instance, Flank Androxus has Nether Step (S2) that gives him three quick dashes, perfect for escaping or chasing enemies.

2 Spot Those Compulsive Reloaders

Shoot reloaders - Paladins Pro Tips

Anyone who's played a shooter knows how darn cool it feels flipping out a weapon reload in the middle of a gunfight. However, anyone who's died in a shooter knows that reloading at the wrong time can be fatal. Players should always dash for cover and only reload there. This lessens the probability of being left in the open without anything to fire with.

Players should watch for compulsive reloaders, as they make for easy kills. Chances are, some enemies feel confident enough to reload in the middle of the firefight. Once players spot a split-second of no movement, aim at that enemy as they're likely about to reload. Timing is crucial, as it might take the enemy's whole reload sequence to take them down.

1 Get Tactical With The Deck Loadout

Get tactical with the deck loadout - Paladins Pro Tips

Unlike other hero shooters, Paladins has a unique Deck System. Each Champion can equip a set number of Cards with special perks. These include stat increases, CD reduction, or DPS improvement. As such, a team can have more than one of the same Champion with a different loadout. To maximize performance, players should focus on maximizing weapon performance and damage output.

For Damage like Viktor, Cards like Predator (Lifesteal while using Iron Sights) and Compensator (Reduced Recoil while using Iron Sights) improve his combat performance. Meanwhile, the Support Seris could boost her overall DPS with Dark Sight (Soul Charge detonations generate Ammo) and Wickedness (Reduce CD of Rend Soul).

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