Support characters are the lifeblood of any team in hero shooters and MOBAs, and Paladins is no different. Tanks need someone watching out for them when they're on the objective, and damage characters can easily be caught off guard on the back line. To play support, players need a keen awareness of the entire team's health at all times.

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They also need a good support champion to team up with, and Paladins offers a few different options. From damage/healer hybrids to legitimate health wells, these champions can surprise foes with offensive abilities, all while keeping their comrades alive and well.

10 GrohkGrohk from Paladins

Grohk is a handsome little lightning druid that deals damage by shooting bolts out of his staff. He also has an area of effect ability that gains increased damage with each bounce. Grohk's primary healing is his totem ability that heals 270 hp per second, and he can deploy two totems at once.

Grohk is a fine support pick, though he's definitely more of a defensive champion. Totem positioning can be achieved much better when defending, while pushing can force players to split totems between the payload and flanking allies.

9 LillithLillith from Paladins

Lillith wields a Heart-Cube to cast spells using her own blood as resource. Her primary fire is shots of blood that deal 625 damage. Lillith also has a Blood Hex that can damage enemies for a percentage of health over time or heal allies for up to 600 every half second.

Her Swarm ability costs a good chunk of health but can be charged to increase its damage and healing effects. Lillith also has some mobility, with her Death Wings allowing her to fly up and slam back down to damage foes. Her ultimate ability gives her allies life steal for its duration while increasing Lillith's movement speed and jump height. It also regenerates 525 blood every second, allowing Lillith to run through her kit without worry.

8 FuriaFuria from Paladins

Furia is another hybrid champion, as she gets an attack speed buff when she heals her allies. Her Kindle Soul ability heals an ally for 1000 health and another 400 over a 2-second period. Furia also has her Pyre Strike skill that stuns enemies caught in its path while damaging them over time.

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Furia's ultimate is a massive buff for her team, reloading their weapons and increasing overall weapon damage and movement speed by 30%. She also becomes immune for 2 seconds after casting. This skill can be a game changer if timed correctly and is great for finishing pushes.

7 SerisSeris from Paladins

Seris has a primary fire that deals initial damage and can build stacks that she can later detonate for more damage. If Seris detonates 4 stacks on an enemy, they are also stunned, while Seris is healed 12% for each stack. An interesting method for dealing damage, especially for a support.

Seris has one of the best heals in the game, as it heals her target for a massive 1500 health while also healing surrounding allies for 60% of the total healing. Her ultimate is also fantastic crowd control for team fights, as it pulls enemies before stunning them for 1.4 seconds. Seris has one of the more versatile kits among the support champions and is a very fun pick for all game modes.

6 ReiRei from Paladins

Rei is a healer through and through. Her primary focus is tethering herself to her allies and providing them with a myriad of buffs and heals. Her primary fire is a simple magical attack from her hands, though her main skill is her Spirit Link.

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Rei can link to an enemy to reduce their movement speed and damage them over time, but she can also link to allies to buff their ultimate charge and heal them. When she uses Chain Heal while linked to an ally, that champion receives 30% more healing. Her ultimate provides her linked teammate with immunity for 2 seconds and a massive heal.

5 YingYing from Paladins

Ying can create illusions of herself that heal allies for 400 health every 1.6 seconds and can have up to two illusions active at once. Much of her kit revolves around these illusions. Shatter allows Ying to break all of her active illusions, causing them to chase foes and explode for 500 damage. Players may find managing her illusions difficult at first, but mastering them is a very rewarding achievement.

Ying can also swap locations with her illusions or teleport to the location of her most recent illusion if none are active. Her ultimate shatters Ying's primary mirror, healing her allies for 600 health every second for 8 seconds. Ying can then teleport to the location of any teammate while her ultimate is active.

4 CorvusCorvus from Paladins

Corvus can deal damage rapidly with his Officer's Pistol or heal his teammates for massive amounts with Abyssal Reconstruction. Corvus can also target a specific ally with Mark of Fate, allowing them to receive healing from Abyssal Reconstruction if not directly targeted.

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He also has good crowd control options; his Projection ability slows enemies for 1.5 seconds and hits them for 400 damage. His ultimate is great as well, allowing Corvus to hover in the air and target an area below him that damages the enemy over time and slows them by 45%. Being caught in a Corvus ultimate is genuinely like walking through quicksand.

3 JenosJenos from Paladins

Jenos is a very strong pick for support, his Star Splitter rifle deals 115 damage every 0.13 seconds, and his Astral Mark can travel through obstacles and heal for 330 initially and then 220 every second for 10 seconds. Jenos can also lift enemies into the air with Void Grip and has decent mobility with Stellar Wind.

The main draw for Jenos is his ultimate, which is a massive energy beam that passes through obstacles and hits for a whopping 2650 damage. Jenos becomes immune to crowd control effects while charging the beam, and the blast can easily one-shot most foes caught in its path.

2 GroverGrover from Paladins

Grover can chuck axes at his foes from a great distance, with the axe's damage increasing the farther it travels. Grover can also use Crippling Throw to cripple an enemy for 1 second after hitting them for 425 damage. His Vine ability is one of the most fun ways to get around in Paladins once players get the hang of it.

Grover can heal his team with his Blossom skill, which is a good AOE heal for himself and nearby allies. His ultimate is great for keeping the team alive, as it heals for 2500 every second over 4 seconds. This can be crucial for extending team fights and overwhelming the enemy.

1 IOIO from Paladins

IO is the top support pick for Paladins, and it's easy to see why. She has a very versatile kit that can hit the enemy team with a lot of different problems. IO has a bow that fires godly energy, hitting enemies for a solid 400 damage every 0.6 seconds. She can also heal allies with her Moonlight ability, which heals for 150 health every 0.15 seconds.

IO also has Guardian Spirit, an ability that deploys Luna for extra support on the battlefield. IO can mark enemies with her bow that Luna will seek out and stun, and she can strike enemies up to three times for a total of 710 damage. She can escape harm fairly easily with Lunar Leap, and her ultimate sends out a manifestation of Luna that pulls enemies along its travel path. If enemies caught in the path hit a wall, they take 800 damage. Once mastered, IO is a fantastic pick and a great champion to have on any team.

Paladins is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

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