In Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals, players don't just get to choose Riley's dialog responses. They also get to make important decisions that change the lives of the people around her. Not all these decisions are equally important, but plenty of them can change the ending of the game or the endings of individual characters.

Fortunately, Oxenfree 2 makes it easy to figure out the different effects player choices can have. It ends the game with a box full of memorabilia, and when sorting through it, the game shows a breakdown of how many players chose each ending. However, the game doesn't explain exactly what the other options are, and doesn't always show the endings for optional characters. This guide will break down what players can do and which actions make a difference to this epilogue box.

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Radio Contacts

Oxenfree 2 Ending Choice Evelyn

Players can meet five contacts through walkie-talkie channels, and each of them have stories that the player can complete


The first is Evelyn, the research contact who speaks with Riley at the start of the game. After setting up the first transmitter and figuring out how to close the portal with Jacob, Evelyn asks Riley to contact her after setting up each future transmitter. Agree to do so, and follow through to find out what happens to Evelyn.


Maria is a teenage DJ running an advice line on the radio. Players can speak to her soon after getting the radio by finding her station and then tuning to the right walkie-talkie channel, and she provides some insight into the three teens who started the whole mess. Keep talking to her whenever possible, and eventually she'll ask Riley for dating advice. Choose any response, then tune in to her radio show when she asks Riley to do so. Listen to it all the way through to hear her talk to Charlie and complete her story.


Players will meet Nick after getting a strange message in the Waterhead Bluffs area. Check the fishing cabin in the same area to find his blue backpack, and after that, players can speak with Nick at regular intervals. If players talk with him enough times, he'll eventually encounter a portal. Players can either tell him how to open it or tell him to avoid it, but either choice will end his story, and his dog tags will appear in the epilogue box. If players haven't reached the end of Nick's story and are about to head to Edwards Island, walk between areas a few times to get more Nick conversations.

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Players can contact Shelley the ranger by choosing to redial with the phone in the ranger station in Point Tilia. Shelley has plenty to say about each area, but the crucial moment of her story happens when players need to reach the community center. Be sure to take the highway from Copper Creek to Uptown Harbor instead of the trail, because the public payphone by Funnie's will be ringing. Listen to the message, then contact Shelley and tell her to listen to the warning or ignore it.


Hank is a fellow supernatural investigator who set up some equipment in Garland. Players must speak to him to solve the Garland portal puzzle, but they don't have to help him out. To help Hank, set the portal to the year 1930 and speak to the man on the other side, andbe sure to reenter the cave in Horseshoe Beach and collect the shoe after solving the ghost child's riddle. Bring this shoe to the Garland Post Office and follow Hank's instructions to complete his story.

The Teens

Oxenfree 2 Falls Hole

Players have a chance to befriend each of the three teens who open the original portal. Riley has plenty to say to all of them, but there are three moments in particular that determine how friendly or hostile they are during future encounters. There are extra iterations to the teens' ending depending on who players choose at the end of the game, but this guide will avoid spoiling too much about that moment.


With Violet, the moment comes after solving the possession event in Charity Point. Violet is tired of everything and just wants to go home, so players should avoid talking to her for too long and tell her exactly how to get back to town.


The critical moment for Charlie is when Jacob finally corners him and is moments away from getting physical. To befriend Charlie, players must stop talking and walk right up to Jacob. An interaction option called "Stop Jacob" should appear. Choose this to resolve the situation without any violence.


Befriending Olivia is a little more complicated, but it also boils down to a single moment. After the gravity sequence at the community center, Riley will have Olivia's radio in her hand. Breaking it will make a future sequence easier, but keeping it will make Olivia friendlier.

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Oxenfree 2 Charity Point

Riley's partner, Jacob, also has a few possible endings. First, players can befriend Jacob or keep their distance from him throughout the game, which can change his outlook. The choices with the biggest impact are ones where Riley can encourage his creative side and to look forward instead of dwelling on the past. Discouraging him or staying silent at these moments will keep Jacob the way he is.

Jacob can also be part of the final choice, although players can convince him to stay behind for the final trip to Edwards Island. His impact on the final choice depends on whether he's present on the island and what his current outlook is.

The teens in particular have eight possible endings. However, most of these are only slightly different based on which teens Riley befriends and what happens to Olivia. As such, players can see most of the endings Oxenfree 2 offers by playing the game three times.

Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals is available now on Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, and Switch.

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