Overwatch has been notorious for having toxic players and issues within the community in regards to what Blizzard does to these players.

Overwatch designer and current Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Jeff Kaplan, released a statement in the game's latest Developer Update informing players what the developer's plans are for these toxic players.

Watch the developer update below:

In regards to how Blizzard plans to deal with toxic players and their behavior, Kaplan says "One major initiative of Blizzard is to minimize the amount of toxicity that takes place in online games, and not just our games, but games in general.” Jeff Kaplan realizes there has been some controversy in the Overwatch community, especially in regards to the Overwatch League player who got suspended for graphic language.

A slew of new features recently launched to help players understand how their actions can combat toxicity. For example, players will get alerts when an account they reported gets banned, which helps encourage use of the reporting system. Kaplan states, "In competitive play, since those features went live, incidents of abusive chat are down 17% and bad behavior reporting is up 20%” and that he and his team were "very pleased with those results." Kaplan also realizes that the numbers are “not as great as they could be” and knows “the problem is not solved and things aren’t perfect, but it’s getting a lot better.” 

Jeff Kaplan and the team at Blizzard are being proactive in the community and are trying to keep Overwatch as friendly as possible. Kaplan even mentions that, “A lot of the initiatives we are starting to make here at Blizzard are starting to make a difference.” 

One thing the team at Overwatch is starting to do and be more diligent about is looking on social media for toxic players. Kaplan states that "they [Blizzard] actively seek out social media sites like YouTube, for example, and look for incidents of very toxic behavior and track down the accounts that are participating and action them, often times before anybody has even reported them or they’ve shown up in any other place.” 

The team at Overwatch seem to be really looking out for everyone, taking the initiative, and making sure the community is a safe place for everyone to come and play, especially with the release of their latest map, "Blizzard World."

Overwatch is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.