Marvel and Overwatch are two extremely popular franchises with many passionate fans. While the franchises might not seem to be closely related, one gamer recently decided to copy a move made by Drax, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, while playing as Wrecking Ball in a recent game.

The move the Overwatch player is referring to comes from Avengers: Infinity War. In that movie, there is a scene that shows Drax attempting to stay motionless to watch Starlord and Gamora. According to the character, by not moving, he is “invisible to the eye.” Surprisingly, this move turned out to be very effective for one gamer.

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In a post on Reddit, a user known as exalted_factchecker shared a clip from their time playing Overwatch. Specifically, this clip took place on Rialto, an Escort map, as they played as Wrecking Ball. While many clips featuring the Hamster and its rolling ball of destruction have been shared on Reddit before, this clip stood out because the player decided not to fight, but instead to hide… in plain sight.

The video started with exalted_factchecker hiding in a corner of the map not far from the bridge near the first checkpoint. As a fight between the opposing teams began to break out, the Wrecking Ball player decided to head away from the skirmish and towards the payload behind enemy lines. Jumping on the objective, they simply waited motionlessly, similar to Drax, as they were ferried toward the next checkpoint while the enemy team hilariously continued to fight completely oblivious. At one point, several enemies even turned back towards the moving payload but failed to notice the Wrecking Ball player. Following the play, exalted_factchecker even quoted Drax when posting the clip to Reddit, adding to the humor of the highlight.

Since the Reddit user posted this clip, many members of the Overwatch community have taken the time to watch the Drax-inspired highlight. In less than a week, over 4,000 people have upvoted the video. Among the comments, one gamer joked about the enemy team failing to notice the Wrecking Ball on the moving objective. “Most aware overwatch team,” LeJonno quipped on Reddit.

Interestingly, this is not the only news regarding Wrecking Ball. In addition to being a playable character in the original Overwatch, the hamster and its mech are playable characters in the latest beta for Overwatch 2. Having started earlier today, fans that are a part of this new test for the upcoming sequel can check out the hero in-game. Time will tell what plays gamers are able to pull off with this Tank in the days ahead. If the highlights are anything like those from exalted_factchecker, they are unlikely to disappoint.

Overwatch is available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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