The Overwatch winter holiday event has finally arrived. Winter Wonderland 2017 adds a brand new game mode (Mei's Yeti Hunt) that lets a group of Meis team up to defeat Winston. The new event also introduces a variety of legendary skins and cosmetics.

In a new trailer for the Overwatch event, Blizzard shows off the seven new legendary skins. These include Snow Owl Ana which costs 3000 credits and is a blue, white, and turquoise get up that gives the sniper an avian-style mask and bright yellow claws on her feet. There's also Avalanche Bastion which costs 3000 credits and gives both Bastion a light blue color scheme and turns Ganymede (Bastion's bird friend) into an owl. Bastion also dons an adorable, orange beanie.

Ice Fisherman Roadhog costs 3000 credits and puts the rotund tank in a wetsuit and snowshoes, replaces his hook, and gives him a cozy-looking hat too. Alpine: 76 costs 3000 credits and is a futuristic, chilly look for Soldier:76. Rime Sombra costs 3000 credits and turns the hacker character's hair white and makes her entire body and outfit several different shades of blue.

Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2017 Casual Hanzo skin

The two standouts, though, are Casual Hanzo and Beachrat Junkrat, which also cost 3000 credits each. December may be winter in the northern hemisphere but for Australians like Junkrat, it's summertime, which is why Junkrat is sporting a sock tan, shorts, and a pair of inflatable armbands. Meanwhile, Casual Hanzo takes the fan favorite look from the OverwatchReflections comic and turns it into a real skin - giving Hanzo the boots, the thick jacket, and the tracksuit pants to match.

Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2017 Beachrat Junkrat skin

Overwatch players love it when new skins are added to the game, but limited time events like Winter Wonderland can be frustrating. Players have complained that by making event-only skins they are forced to grind during the event just to make sure that they unlock them all before it ends. Since there are seven legendaries this time around (the skins from last year's winter holiday event are also available again), it means that the odds of collecting them all are lower.

While this event is still sticking with the current system, Blizzard is planning to offer more new loot outside of event loot boxes in future. The upcoming Blizzard crossover skins, for example, will be offered in base loot boxes so players can unlock them all year 'round. That's not helpful for players who really want to get Casual Hanzo right now, but it's good news for those worried that they will miss out on every bit of new loot planned for the game.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.