When players do a little more digging, they can find several games brimming with a massive amount of lore around the game's respective characters, world, conflicts, and much more. Overwatch is one such game where, despite the multiplayer focus, Blizzard continues to build out a vibrant world of heroes and conflicts involving the titular organization. Hardcore players recognize this fact, especially when it comes to the playable heroes, and are debating about the best online.

Overwatch is a hero-focused multiplayer shooter from Blizzard which released in 2016 to near universal acclaim for its gameplay, accessibility, and distinct roster of heroes. In its original form, the game pitted two teams of six heroes against each other in objective-driven multiplayer matches in various locations around the world. Blizzard would later increase the emphasis on team composition and balance by having players choose a role before choosing a hero.

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Outside Overwatch's gameplay, Blizzard created a sprawling world filled with lore which Reddit user _Bey0nd__ decided to spotlight in a thread on the game's official subreddit. They asked other players which heroes had their favorite lore, drawing a variety of responses from other users. Answers ranged from launch characters like Tracer and Lucio to post-release heroes like Sigma and Orisa along with short explanations as to why they prefer said character.

Reddit user speedster1315, for example, provided one of the thread's longer answers highlighting their love for both Roadhog and Bastion. They talk about Roadhog's role in turning his home in the Autralian outback into an irradiated wasteland due to his hate for omnics and how these events drove him to become a bloodthirsty psychopath. Speedster then shifts gears to Bastion's where they highlight its tragedy as being the last bot of its kind before gaining sentience and developing a love for nature thanks to its friendship with the bird Ganymede.

It's just one example of the expansive lore Blizzard has cultivated for the game character players can delve into. Beyond just the character's backstories, the world of Overwatch has seen multiple conflicts which pitted various nations against the robotic omnics, the birth of the titular organization to help quell the conflicts, its eventual downfall, the birth of the criminal organization Talon, and Overwatch's reformation.

Blizzard hasn't been shy about exploring this lore both in the game with special PvE modes alongside various media outside the game. PvE events, such as Storm Rising, allow players to play a part in notable moments in Overwatch's fictional history characters and its role in shaping the world. As for outside media, the most notable pieces Blizzard has released are the cinematic trailers delving into characters like Reinhardt and Widowmaker while also setting the narrative stage for the game.

Overwatch is currently available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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