Earlier today, the latest beta for Overwatch 2 officially got underway. However, even though many fans are hyped for this new test of the upcoming game, a number of players continue to log in daily to play the original Overwatch. Recently, one player captured a clip from the 2016 title that revealed a bizarre interaction between Ana and a charging Reinhardt.

While Overwatch has seen quite a few heroes added to its playable roster over the years, Ana has the distinction of being the first DLC character introduced to the game. As a Support hero, she has a kit built around aiding her teammates in battle. For instance, her Sleep Dart allows her to stun opponents, often giving her team an advantage during a skirmish. While this ability is doubtlessly effective in the hands of a skilled gamer, it sometimes can create some unusual situations.

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Taking to Reddit, a user known as Tatw0 shared a short clip from a recent game of Overwatch they had played on the Volskaya Industries map. While attempting to attack the first objective on the Assualt map, the Reddit user, who was playing as Ana, faced off against a shielded Reinhardt. Suddenly, the Tank decided to drop his barrier and charge towards the out-of-position Support, hoping to get an easy pin. While the sight of a charging Reinhardt would be enough to strike fear into most gamers, this Ana player had other plans.

With little time to lose, Tatw0 shot a Sleep Dart at the Tank, hitting him mid-pin. What happened next was unusual, to say the least. While the enemy Reinhardt was immobilized, Ana continued to scream even though she was no longer being pinned. This scream lasted for roughly another 5 seconds. This unexpected outcome of sleeping Reinhardt mid-pin spurred the Tatw0 to post this Overwatch highlight to Reddit with the title “Getting pinned by sleeping Reinhardt can be traumatic.”

Unsurprisingly, quite a few members of the Overwatch community had something to say about this bizarre clip featuring Reinhardt and Ana. In only a couple of days, more than 2,300 people have upvoted the video, with many offering their opinions on what had happened. “Lol it sounds like Ana is being sarcastic and taunting Rein,” RonTRobot joked on Reddit. In addition, another Reddit user known as NoX_Holt claimed that this unusual screaming bug could happen to other characters if they were pinned while being bubbled by Zarya.

While this clip uploaded by Tatw0 is doubtlessly bizarre, it is far from the only unusual clip featuring Ana that has been posted on Reddit over the past couple of days. For example, another gamer recently shared a highlight from the Lijiang Tower map that showed Ana flying higher than Pharah. It will be interesting to see what noteworthy clips are captured next featuring Ana in both the original Overwatch and the beta for the upcoming Overwatch 2.

Overwatch is available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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