Out of every character in Blizzard’s expansive Overwatch universe, Tracer is perhaps the most iconic. Known for her happy-go-lucky attitude, unique style, and fun time travel abilities, the Overwatch mascot has recently been getting some more backstory via the London Calling comic series.

While Overwatch 2 could progress the main story in a big way, Blizzard has been using comics and short stories to provide brief bits of backstory for some of its most popular characters. From a short story focused on Symmetra to comics focused on heroes like McCree and Mercy, there has been no shortage of love shown to Overwatch’s most popular heroes. As such, it is no surprise that the game’s most beloved character is getting some extra attention when it comes to lore.

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Starting back in September with Tracer’s Comic Book skin challenge, Lena Oxton has been learning more about the Omnics via her London Calling series. A five comic limited run series, the books have seen Tracer introduced to a music-loving friend named Iggy along with two vastly different Omnic leaders. Written by Mariko Tamaki, drawn by Babs Tarr and Heather Danforth, and published by Dark Horse Comics, the series has proven to be popular with fans of Tracer and Overwatch as a whole. With the fourth issue set to release this Wednesday, January 13, Blizzard has shared an early look at the book’s cover art via the official Overwatch Twitter account.

Showing the always quotable Tracer injured and being assisted by a member of Iggy’s group, London Calling’s antagonist can be seen pointing in the background. Likely ordering an attack that Tracer will try to prevent, Kace is a leader of Overwatch’s sentient race of robots that despises humans. Claiming that “Omnics fight for the whole” while “humans only fight for themselves,” Kace is likely to be a bigger threat in the final two issues of the comic series.

With the third issue highlighting the reaction to Mondatta’s assassination, an event shown back in 2016’s “Alive” animated short focusing on Widowmaker, Kace has risen to power due to the void left by the peaceful character’s death. As such, it can be expected that Tracer will have to go toe-to-toe with the misguided villain in this book, and judging by the cover art, it seems unlikely that Tracer will find success in her upcoming battle with Kace.

While London Calling will likely end with Tracer stopping Kace, fans have theorized that this newly introduced character could be the mysterious Omnic seen at the end of the PvE mission seen in Overwatch's Storm Rising event. If this proves to be true, Tracer could be encountering an old adversary when Overwatch 2 arrives.

Overwatch is available on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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