Recently, members of the Overwatch team at Blizzard participated in a Reddit AMA, revealing a variety of interesting details about the game. One fan asked which Overwatch character the team would like to see appear in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate if Nintendo ever approached them with the opportunity, and two characters in particular came to mind for the team.

If Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan had his way, Tracer would be the Overwatch character added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This makes sense, as Tracer is one of the most heavily-promoted characters for Blizzard's hero-shooter, with her face featured prominently on the box art. However, lead hero designer Geoff Goodman thinks that Overwatch's Doomfist character would also be a good fit for the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster, as his moveset is already inspired by fighting games.

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The discussion on Reddit then became fans discussing why certain characters would be better fits versus others. In regards to Doomfist, one fan disagreed with Goodman that the character would be a good addition to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster, as they feel he would be too similar to Little Mac. Others chimed in and said that Doomfist and Little Mac aren't really comparable, though all of that would largely depend on how Nintendo would implement the characters into the game.

overwatch super smash bros. ultimate character

This isn't the first time that the Overwatch team has discussed the possibility of their characters appearing in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Previously, Jeff Kaplan has given Nintendo permission to use any Overwatch characters that it desires in Super Smash Bros. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as though Nintendo has made the decision to add any Overwatch characters to the game, so fans shouldn't get their hopes up that any will appear as DLC.

Meanwhile, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate wish lists weren't the only thing discussed in the recent Overwatch Reddit AMA. The team also discussed some upcoming balance changes that are on the way to shake up Overwatch's double shield meta, as well as confirmed that Overwatch 2 will likely have cross-play support whenever it launches.

Previously, rumors indicated that the Overwatch 2 release date was set to be some time later this year, though Blizzard has yet to make any official announcements to that effect. And with BlizzCon 2020 canceled, it's unclear when Blizzard will be talking about its slate of upcoming games. But if Overwatch 2 is still aiming for a 2020 release as rumored, fans should get more details soon.

Overwatch is out now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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Source: Reddit