Overwatch has a diverse set of characters that players can choose from. From the zippy English mascot Tracer to the monkey scientist Winston, players are bound to connect with at least one of Overwatch's characters that have been introduced over the franchise's six-year lifespan. All the characters come from different parts of the world and varying walks of life; so much so that listing all of their nuances could reach the length of a college thesis.

Roadhog, AKA Mako Rutledge, is one of the original playable Overwatch characters. Armed with his Chain Hook, Scrap Gun, and a seemingly infinite supply of hogdrogen canisters, Roadhog is a Tank that can soak up just as much damage as he deals. Roadhog's imposing presence can scare people off, but lore-wise, the big guy might just be one of the most relaxed Overwatch characters ever.

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Who is Roadhog?


Before he took on the name Roadhog, Mako Rutledge was an enforcer based in Australia. After the Omnic Crisis changed the world, the Australian government presented the Australian omnium (a robotics factory) and the surrounding locales to the omnics in hopes that they could broker peace. With his home forfeited, Mako joined a group of similarly evicted rebels in an attempt to regain their lost land. Rebel operations against the omnics and the Australian government grew more and more violent until one group sabotaged the omnium's fusion core. This caused a gigantic explosion which destroyed the factory and littered the surrounding area with debris and radiation. With his home now permanently gone and the area irradiated, Mako donned a gas mask to adapt to his environment and Roadhog was born.

As Roadhog, Mako worked irregular odd jobs to sustain himself. This involved tasks such as selling scrap and weapons to the nearby Junkertown (which coincidentally was made from the remains of the destroyed Australian omnium) and stealing goods from any unfortunate souls who crossed him. Roadhog's most notable job is serving as Junkrat's bodyguard. While the initial lure of treasure drew the unlikely pair together, Junkrat's schemes and Roadhog's penchant for getting them out of trouble eventually made the duo inseparable.

Roadhog's Past Experiences Mellowed Him Out


It would be hard to see why anyone would view Roadhog as zen considering his troubled past, but this is exactly why Roadhog is so mellow. Losing his home not once but twice has numbed Roadhog to the feeling of losing everything he holds dear to him. Couple this with the loss of his former identity as Mako Rutledge and Roadhog's attachment to things isn't as strong as others think it is.

Roadhog's relaxed nature seems to be most evident in Overwatch's gameplay. Due to his size, Roadhog's movements are slow but measured. He never exerts himself to keep up with the rest of the team but rather moves at his own pace. His attacks are also deft and weighty. Whenever Roadhog shoots his Scrap Gun or throws out his Chain Hook, he does so with precision and never rushes his attacks. Roadhog's voice lines emphasize his reserved nature. Instead of shouting or exclaiming his thoughts, he tries his best to deliver them calmly. As an example, whenever an enemy Widowmaker starts shooting Roadhog, he simply says "Sniper." in a monotone voice despite him being a large target. Compare this to the much smaller Junkrat's exclamation of "Sniper!" and players can feel just how relaxed or uninterested Roadhog is.

But What About Zenyatta?

overwatch zenyatta intro orbs

One cannot talk about zen in Overwatch without mentioning the omnic monk Zenyatta. A former member of the Shambali omnics, Zenyatta left the group to find spiritual enlightenment. He believed that the secret to good human-omnic relations didn't lie with teachings but through connecting with each other. To this end, he departed the group to travel the world and help those who had trouble finding their own inner peace.

Apart from the death of his friend Mondatta, Zenyatta never went through the hardships Roadhog has. His creation as an omnic might very well be the cause of his zen nature, and while his intentions to help others are pure, Zenyatta is still on the search for his own enlightenment - a goal that will allow him to attain true zen. Roadhog doesn't look for enlightenment, mostly because he doesn't care for it or has attained it without even knowing it. With everything he cares about gone, Roadhog can focus on the present moment and not some future goal.

Many see Roadhog as a soulless, selfish criminal, but a lot happened to the character that made him who he is. After losing his home and former identity, Roadhog saw fit to keep to himself and the few who stuck around him. Doing so may have made him into a morally questionable character, but Roadhog himself knows exactly who he is and what he wants out of life.

Overwatch is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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